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Everything posted by CaptPeachfuzz

  1. Hi dragon57, Not sure if this is the right place for this question, but how do you handle merged roms in Retroarch? I'm using a merged MAME romset with a separate un-merged FinalBurn Neo romset. They share filenames (as FinalBurn Neo follows the MAME naming convention). Retroarch is having difficulty handling the clones within the merged set. I figure there had got to be a proper setting within the .cfg files to get them to work for all the clones, but I can't find anything. (It would also be great if The Bezel Project Windows app could point to the "primary" clone's bezel instead of the generic arcade bezel for all clones in the set, where there is no variant bezel, but now I'm really off topic.)
  2. I went ahead and reimported my FinalBurn Neo ROM set. Marked improvement in capturing clones, bootlegs and hacks using the forced MAME and combine as a single game options. It appears that only a very few outliers were missed (such as a clone of 3-Count Bout). It would be nice to have the option to import the FinalBurn Neo full arcade set in the same way MAME’s set is handled, but I recognize that’s likely wanted by a small minority.
  3. Just a quick update to report that running the ROMS import wizard in the new version (12.0) found additional ROMs in my FinalBurn Neo set that had been previously ignored. It still missed the non-hacked clones, but added the hacks and bootlegs. I’m going to tinker with this some more over the next few days to see if I can get it to work by changing the selections in the wizard. Also, I find it interesting that the media scan now starts with LaunchBox’s media, and then goes to scan EmuMovies. Previously it would scan and load them together. Looking forward to seeing what else is new!
  4. Hi, I just wanted to report that the slowness I was seeing yesterday has been resolved. I was finally able to download the theme videos. Instead of taking hours, it took less than a minute. I’m going back and downloading game videos now and it’s going much faster with no reported errors. it’s probably been requested already, but it would be great to have the option to show more detailed progress on downloads (download speed, numerical representation of data downloaded, file name and location). That would make it easier to identify problems and make decisions on whether to wait for servers to come back online or gut it out. The metadata/media download is such a huge piece of the system and servers generally are increasingly having problems staying online with power outages, DOS attacks, etc. I’ve also found there are times when it’s better to cancel and restart a download. If you start it when the site is unstable or down, and the site subsequently comes back up, you get better download progress by cancelling and restarting (even if you sacrifice by having to re-download some of the same files again).
  5. Ok…. When I switched to downloading the videos from EmuMovies, I am now getting “An exception occurred during a WebClient request.” errors. Downloading is incredibly slow (10 videos over two hours with two errors). These are downloads though Launchbox. Downloading directly from EmuMovies shows a 600 KB/s rate.
  6. No problem. Happy to help!
  7. Well, using the download platform video wizard, it populates with mostly community developed themes. Downloading those today has been excruciatingly slow from the Forum downloads section. The wizard just reports errors after 20+ minutes of no progress. I opted to switch to downloading game videos from emumovies and I’m stuck on confirming metadata (which comes from Launchbox).
  8. Hello…. I’m trying to download theme videos and it appears to be very slow with lots of (404) and other errors today. Is the server down?
  9. Yeah, after working on this more, I’m still finding problems and inconsistencies with importing FinalBurn Neo ROMs. Occasionally, I’ll successfully import a different ROM from the group/set, but mostly the ROMs are ignored. The import will sometimes report it is importing a ROM, only for it not to show up after going through the process. Most of the times though, the ROMs aren’t added through the wizard.
  10. I’ll give it another try later today. Is there some sort of log file I should gather if I run into a problem and want to report it?
  11. Thanks for your response. They weren't MAME ROMs, they were ROMs for FinalBurn Neo (might be same/similar, but I thought I would point that out). Also, I do have the separate ROMs files on the hard drive, since it isn't a merged set. If I try to import these ROM files, LaunchBox doesn't appear to recognize them. As an alternative, do I use the MAME full-set importer for FinalBurn Neo's Arcade ROMs set? I was led to understand that wouldn't work since the FinalBurn Neo set lacks the same number of ROMs as the MAME full-set. To give you the reason I'm doing this, I wanted to use FinalBurn Neo's version of the 6-player X-Men cabinet, and I can only seem to get the 4-player US ROM recognized.
  12. I will preface this by noting I am not sure if this is the same problem or a different issue. I imported the current FinalBurn Neo rom set (not-merged) and later noticed that it failed to import the clones. It’s possible there are other ROMS missing, but I haven’t done an exhaustive search. Also, I’m fairly sure I selected “Import all clones,” at the time. I tried to go back and add the missing clones using the import wizard, but it doesn’t seem to “see” them, even if I specifically select the clone ROMS. I’ve checked and unchecked various boxes to see if that changes the import results, to no success. Once I get to the “Ready to Import” list, it only shows the “primary” clone or, if I only selected clones that weren’t imported, shows an empty table.
  13. I am having the same issue with 11.17. Everything was loading fine until I went and added some DreamCast roms to an existing queue for the Genesis. Now downloads are extra slow and periodically report the 404 error.
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