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Everything posted by Jass_167

  1. Hello Everyone, i am trying to animate my platform wheel to move left and disappear when im no longer scrolling through platforms. Does anyone know how i can do this or where i can learn how to do this
  2. I am trying to animate the wheel but I keep losing my wheel and it won’t pop up. Any info on what exact animations do I need
  3. Thank you. Number 4 is the same as 1 lol
  4. Thank you
  5. So basically I have a video of a ps1 game playing, when I go to ps2 it will show a black screen before the video is the ps2 shows. How do I get something else or another color to show so it’s not black?
  6. How to collapse wheel when game is selected How to add system info to platform wheel view How to add game info to game view How to edit the view when game is selected
  7. This is relating to platform view as well as wheel game view. So basically as your scrolling through your platforms there is a moment of black screen I want to avoid
  8. When I transfer from platform to platform, you just see a black screen and I would like it to have a smoother transition. Any ideas
  9. just dont name them startup video
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