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Everything posted by MaximusLocksmith

  1. im experiencing the same thing, just came across your post. Im looking for answers as well. if i find anything i will reply. I was wondering if it was my u360s
  2. i will look into researching Ledblinky. thank you
  3. what im trying to achieve is for BB/LB to run ultramap and assign the appropriate u360 maps in mame. also someone on here made something like 9000 u360 different maps and shared it on a zip file. I dont really know what im doing. im just doing trial and error so to speak. i thought maybe ledblinky would be a way to incorporate the u360s the first issue i guess is getting ultramap to run in mame by itself. im not sure if im doing it right. i appreciate your time Max
  4. just following up seeing if anyone has any advice, been playing around with ultramap by itself with mame and i cant tell if its actually working or not. also been trying to figure out how to make ultramap load a map for a game. i did find this feature in the metadata section of the game in LB. I wish someone had a video tutorial on how to set this up. I know i cant be the only one. in the meantime im trying to figure this out myself. any advice would be appreciated.
  5. Hello everyone this is my first post. I wanted to make sure that i couldnt find anything on my own before asking. I have a Mame cabinet that i built myself 2 player 6 buttons per player. I bought a lifetime membership to BigBox. Its awesome question is how do i get these u360s to run in mame and Bigbox where they are switching maps for different games? Ive got ultramap recognizing both sticks. but when i play a game such as digdug or mr. do the controls seem to not work right meaning there is some latency when i switch directions. i even bought ledblinky because i read that it will use the 360s and support is intergrated into launchbox any advice would be much appreciated. thank you Max
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