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Files posted by DemmyTree

  1. Cardagram V2

    Cardagram Theme - Card/Fanart themed UI trying to give a clean interface to show off fanart for games, I reccomend if able not to use fanart that contains the games logo as the clear logo is included in the view.
    Horizonatal views & Vertical Views (For any view where fanart is missing a cover box will be shown)
    1. Fanart Only
    2. Wheel With Details
    3. Fanart with Rotatable Box
    Platform Views
    1 & 3 Fanart Only (Horizontal/Vertical)
    2 & 4 Wheel view (Horizon tal/Vertical )
    Wall Game View (Only 1 view a s did not feel format was comfortable for theme)
    This also includes a Startup Theme and a Pause theme where you can provide Arcade/Controler controller overlay to aid show what controls are required in clean format. Manual icon appears when a game manual is held as the wheel shows one button only to make sure that it is visible for the specific game.
    CTC Project Files
    Project files for the Community Theme Creator by y2guru Please note: This version requires CTC v3.2 as it uses the 'selection bar', Dave (y2guru) is doing an amazing job with supporting in helping themes be created please support him here https://www.patreon.com/COMMUNITYThemeCreator


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  2. Custom PS1 PAL Spines

    Just made some custom spines for PS1 PAL as did not fit well with the default setting, i find that these work better with the box model set instead of jewel case, provided a screenshot of my setting for the option. the pack contains 1395 items
    The serial version has 1220 items


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  3. Cardagram

    Not really much to say just tried to make a theme though may not be preferred, i have given it an option on each view i've used to hide the wheel option for the fanart, if no fanart is found it will have a blue background for the text. the CTC files are included alongside should you wish to modify and make a better version for yourself this may not be good but i was happy with the attempt.
    Platform view 1: Horizontal with wheel
    Platform View 2: Horizonal without wheel
    Platform View 3: Vertical with Wheel
    Platform View 4, Vertical Without Wheel
    V Wheel 1, With Wheel
    V Wheel 2, Without Wheel
    H Wheel 1. With Wheel
    H Wheel 2. Without Wheel


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  4. Cocktail Table Example view

    I know this isnt very good as such but showing a potential style for the cocktail view that could be done, if anyone wants to use it for template please feel free, this may be useful for style.
    My hope with the glass segment was the idea that if it transitioned between menus it would open and close like a door opening to selected platform/view that could occur, this is a single view for Vertical Wheel 1


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