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  1. Excellent, will do! Thanks so much for troubleshooting this with me Dragon, appreciate all the help!
  2. 1.I'm just letting launchbox/retroarch launch the program. I believe the default it's set to is Nestopia. 2. Re Actraiser I took a look at the file names here. And found when I launched the USA version here. Which IS set correctly here. I actually think in the particular case of actraiser its the arcade version that is fooling it. Actraiser 2 launches with the bezel automatically. So I think it's actually fully working on SNES. Apologies there for not testing further. I think that just leaves the NES one still outstanding. Honestly if I just have to set NES manually its not a huge deal. the BP seems to be more or less working for me for other systems so far. Still I'm curious where fault line lies with regards to NES. Thanks again for all your help!
  3. Hey, so I ran it on SNES and it's worked perfectly. I tried the whole process again on NES exactly as I had done on SNES and still no bezels. So it seems like the problem isn't the BP but rather something in my NES settings? If it's only NES without the bezel that's not the worst in the world. Still, curious. editL OK further curious, I ran a few more snes games and not all the SNES games that have a bezel seem to get activated. Actraiser didn't, while Super Mario World did. Is that just par for the course as far as the install goes? My SNES games are all from the No-Intro site so I don't believe it's a matter of naming convention.
  4. 1. It was installed by launchbox. I just did a fresh install from the launchbox exe. 2. 504gb. 3.71tb on the install drive (k). 3. No, I can try doing that now. I only had Nintendo at first but have since got SNES and GBA. 4. Yes the downloads work and all the files are there, as well as BKP files, which I assume are created by the BP exe. I can go in and select a bezel manually, but my impression is the program is meant to enable them itself.
  5. Oh yeah retroarch/launchbox work great. The only thing that doesnt seem to be working is automatically applying the thematic bezels. Here's the file, thanks for taking a look! Retroarch.cfg
  6. I notice this in the help section: I've looked in my retroarch.cfg file and they seem to be relative.
  7. sure thing! I don't believe it's non-standard. I only installed launchbox yesterday.
  8. OK, I gave it admin rights and after selecting the system during the enable prodecure and pressing OK the window seems to blink and return to the main menu of the program. I then load up launchbox/retroarch and still no bezel. The overlay preset in the menu is blank.
  9. That's a smart guess, but no it's local. I will try setting the permissions anyway though, thanks!
  10. I'm getting the following error when installing the Bezel project (it can't seem to complete. most particularly it seems to occur during the enabling process. I get the following error: or some reason it's repeating the folder structure even though the install directory is set here Anyone know what I can do? Ive found the ini file and tried deleting the folder entry and re-entering but still is borked.
  11. red36


    UHG! Sorry, stupid mistake on my part. Thanks so much!
  12. red36


    Sure thing! thanks for the help!
  13. red36


  14. red36


    Hi, I was wondering what settings I needed to enable to get the sidebar/info section to work the way you have it? With the fanart behind at the top and the text centered and tabbed etc? I have the theme enabled properly near as I can tell and it doesn't seem to have those features. Lovely theme! Thanks so much for making it.
  15. I'm getting the following error when installing the Bezel project (it can't seem to complete. most particularly it seems to occur during the enabling process. I get the following error: or some reason it's repeating the folder structure even though the install directory is set here Anyone know what I can do? Edit: Ive found the ini file and tried deleting the folder entry and re-entering but still is borked
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