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Everything posted by eacochran

  1. I actually messed with those settings. For some reason, when I was able to get it remotely close to where I wanted it, It's like the main video box needed to be glitched off-screen to the right for it to show up properly in the final product. It made no sense. I even messed with the alignment options. Nothing would work for me. But like I said, the game wheel pages worked just fine with no issue. It was just the Platform Wheel pages.
  2. Cool, so I figured out how to edit the aspect ratio and stuff and I got the Game Wheels to work, but when I would go to adjust the size of the main video for the platform wheels, they would get all deformed and no be placed correctly in the final product.
  3. Hello, I have switched to 49" Ultrawide and this looks a bit wonky on it. I was wondering, is there a DL for this theme that fits the Ultrawide Aspect Ratio? Or do I need to edit it to make it fit properly?
  4. So when the MAME stuff is set up and I have my games imported and metadata is all downloaded- once everything is done, is there a way to go back and allow the import of casino games and tabletop games? Because I left them all checked as I was going through the import/setup process.
  5. What about games like terminator and Mario Kart Arcade GP or some of the Halo Shooter games and AvP Shooter games? Are those doable via emulation? If so, is LaunchBox capable of doing as such? I found an emulator called TeknoParrot but I'm not sure if that's one I should have since I have no idea what to even look for for games like these.
  6. Can LB read Mame ROMs that are zipped? The Mame 240 collection I downloaded had 13k+ ROMs and each zip contains like 7-8 files each. Extracting that many files will take ages, lol. But if that's what I gotta do, then I'll do it. I also tried dragging a zip file into LB and it didn't read it as a ROM, so I extracted one to test if dragging all the files (from one single zip) file onto LB at once would work and it didn't work either.
  7. I found Pleasuredome on my own while I was searching for the complete ROMset and they seem like they're pretty up-to-date. But I'm also new to this part of emulation so what do I know, lol. They have the v240 set uploaded and it's ~70+GB
  8. I'm new to MAME in general. But with this new MAME Set-Up feature, it looks like it downloads the Arcade games for you? I'm sure I misunderstood something somewhere along the line because it went through an "import" process but I don't have any arcade games, but it's downloading all the metadata for games that are supposedly in my "...\Games\Arcade" folder- which is empty AFTER the import process. They won't even launch when I click "Play" (and I'm sure it's because the file(s) is not in said directory). But a .zip file is selected as the launching target when I go into the "Launching" Settings. What did I miss? lol
  9. That's good to know. I did some comparisons between WBFS and RZV formats and the compression is smaller, but idk if I want to download bulk rzv files when I already have them in WBFS format- UNLESS OF COURSE there's some way to convert them al at the same time and not one-by-one. But when it comes to Wii games for launch box, do they have to be in folders? Or can they just be in the "..LaunchBox/Games/Nintendo Wii" folder?
  10. So I'm having a problem with about half of my Wii library. They're in wbfs format and I had them all get imported into Subfolders with the Game's Title and Year. Well, half of them were put into a Subfolder with their TitleID (ex: Gold's Gym: Cardio Workout was put in a subfolder named REKE41) and now when I try to import them, it doesn't put them in the folders with the games title and year. My wbfs files are named [TitleID].wbfs. All of them are, so I'm confused as to why only some of them imported correctly and the rest did not. So my questions are: Do Wii Games NEED to be in subfolders (considering there's files large enough to be split into WBFS/WBF1 formats Like smash bros) with the game title's or can they just be all in one spot at the same time? Is there a way to have launch box read all of these games and rename them based off of some title database that corelates with the Games TitleID without having to manually go through and rename all of them myself, 1-by-1? I have tried changing the subfolder name to the game's title and reimporting and I've also tried renaming the wbfs file to the game's title and reimporting. The renaming game file sorta worked, but no metadata is being downloaded when I try to redownload metadata for selected game. I know there's SOME metadata because I got a lot of it from the EmuMovies Server.
  11. crap, i meant to say bin files. My bad lol. I completely understand bro. Didn't mean to sound repetitive. Tanks for all your help :))
  12. Yeah, I thought about doing the converting thing with CDMage, converting each game into one single cue file, but I'm not about to do that with over 300 games. Not worth my time.
  13. so if I left everything in one single folder, but only imported the cue files (while leaving the bin files where they are), I should be fine?
  14. So in this case, all I need is the due file? Not the bin files? I thought those were all cue files. Got the cue's and bin's mixed up. So would I just delete all of the bin files then? It's confusing.
  15. So if the game has "[Game Name] (Track 1).cue" and "[Game Name] (Track 2).cue", just drag them into LB and it should read it all as 1 game and run properly?
  16. Lol, this worked. I just got around to trying it and it worked no problem. Metadate downloaded just fine, too. But for some reason when I go through the import process, it doesn't detect them. Thanks for your help fellas.
  17. Here's a pic of some of the games. Pretty basic names. Again, Redream boots them with absolutely no problem at all.
  18. Do you mean that the game/rom files have to match the names on that data base? Because they do.
  19. Can't really say since I'm new to Dreamcast emulation. I saw the split up versions and had to compile them and when that happened, they came together as one .cdi file. Is there some sort of cdi to gdi conversion tool? Or is there a way to get launchbox to read cdi files? I just don't see why the emulator can run them with no problem but the front end can't read them. Know what I mean? I'm just using the "import" option from the drop down menu and go through the whole set up by adding the platform the games are for, the emulator I want to use and the directory of the games- I select to have the games moved from their directory to the LB>Games>Sega Dreamcast Folder. But when it shows the list of games that are about to be imported, the list is empty and when I hit next, nothing imports.
  20. I have some Dreamcast games I would like to import to Launchbox and they're in .cdi format. But when I go through the import process, it shows that there are no games in the directory that I have selected. I'm using redream as my default emulator and redream picks them up no problem. Any idea what I'm doing wrong here? or if there's some sort of conversion tool I can use to get them to whatever extension they need to be to become readable?
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