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Everything posted by ChickenGeorge

  1. 3rd Screen/ box art/clip art at coin door plugin or 3rd party app? Is there a 3rd party application or plugin in Bigbox that allows for a 3rd screen to show additional artwork? I've got the dynamic marquee set up. You do have to rename the emu movies imported marquee files to the same name as clip art. Small hurdles considering it works out the box to play games :-).
  2. Update 06/23/2022 So I continued to run the metadata updater it eventually began to install the bezel projec.t I think its a priority issue with you media request. I had to run it a few times to get box art and marquees. Then it eventually got the bezels. I recall previous version i would select that and walk away as it took to infinity to get all the data on one request. Might be a bug with the release. That's exactly why I am here. I have ran the update metadata a few times and no bezels in Mame .239 > IM on a fresh install and wanted mame and majority everything else in retroarch. Did not want to go further until i figure why mame bezels are populating/installing. Update looks like the issue might be with the emumovies sign in plugin. As mentioned fresh install so its grabbing artwork. box, marquee etc. I'm guessing bezel are not a top priority. Keep running the download metadata. But each time or ever other time I have to sign into emumovies repeatedly each attempt. I was on 12.2 or something prior to update and didnt have to sign in emu movies but once.
  3. That's exactly why I am here. I have ran the update metadata a few times and no bezels in Mame .239 > IM on a fresh install and wanted mame and majority everything else in retroarch. Did not want to go further until i figure why mame bezels are populating/installing. Update looks like the issue might be with the emumovies sign in plugin. As mentioned fresh install so its grabbing artwork. box, marquee etc. I'm guessing bezel are not a top priority. Keep running the download metadata. But each time or ever other time I have to sign into emumovies repeatedly each attempt. I was on 12.2 or something prior to update and didnt have to sign in emu movies but once. Update: It shows the bezels are downloaded but when iI Launch MAME games run no bezels.
  4. That's exactly why I am here. I have ran the update metadata a few times and no bezels in Mame .239 > IM on a fresh install and wanted mame and majority everything else in retroarch. Did not want to go further until i figure why mame bezels are populating/installing.
  5. So basically this link it somebody else settings. Either way the modified ini are going in this path? Mame\ini\presets folder.?
  6. here’s other explanation abs ini file. Just trying to get the maximum retro performance. Their mame adjustments make me want to play every game in the romset. Any input or assistance would be greatly appreciated .
  7. trying to make the screen curve and smooth out the pixel shaders. Mame-man & arcade Adam have somehow changed some settings to where it curves the screens added scan lines and shaders and replicates the old crts .. mame out the box the graphics are meh I found this and have been trying to alter before installing the latest bezel project. thanks for the replies.
  8. Not sure I'm completely following. I've attached the Original that's created with the importer. and then a modified mimicked ini from the one I'm trying to achieve. I put my Roms and CHDS all in one mane folder on an external Drive J: This mame INI. is it the one that primarily in the mame folder root. or under presets ini. ini files I found under preset: D:\LaunchBox\Emulators\MAME 0.239 (1)\ini\presets that's the main root folder there's an ini listed there. But there's also some under presets folder. mameMOD.ini mameOG.ini Theone im trying to mimic.ini
  9. Right. Sorry guess I should’ve mentioned that. I tried to rename the OG file. Then copy their 1080p curved modified file with no success. When I open the ini. My OG rom path . Their files is a d drive/mame/ Roms . but I’m trying to pull off a 2 drive set up for response time SSD frontend/ emulators/ external for games. Thanks for the reply and Input
  10. Howdy 🤠. Tried to search prior. But I’m new to this LB front end but would like to know if there’s a way to change my mame ini file? Currently on : 1. LB 12.7 2. imported mame .239 & CHDs 3. found a few mame ini’s that take advantage of a 1080p offers scan lines/ HLSL and curvature like replicating a CRT. 4. I’m running LB/BB on a 1TB Ssd strictly for front end / emulators / marquee files 5. all Games are running on a external WB 14TB black. I found some reputable YouTubers mame man/ arcade Adam that have some files . But I can’t get it to work with my current rom/ game path.
  11. Is there a specific theme wheel art for unified and not a generic pack of art? I saw a video on YouTube where it mentions an emumovies (I have an account) but I've searched there as well with no success.
  12. Soon as I sent this I thought damn xml file. But idk where yo adjust it. 1. The beta is available where? 2. I’m trying to us “unified “theme but I have no wheel art . I looked in forum but im not following something where do I get the wheel art for the themes? 3. How involved in adjust the resolution in the xml file? appreciate the speedy replies and direction. 👌
  13. I’m on 12.6 I believe the latest version Marquee screen is : litemax brand model:SSD2815 1366x256 per their model specs 1050ti 4b 1366x 768 resolution on dvi & dvi input on a disport adapter to same recommended resolution per windows.
  14. Don’t gas ⛽️ me for replying to this old thread. I’m having a problem with marquee display properly. Some of the images are showing off centered on my marquee or not at all. Any assistance or if somebody changed a xml file please assist Marquee screen is : litemax brand model:SSD2815 1366x256 per their model specs 1050ti 4b 1366x 768 resolution on dvi & dvi input on a disport adapter to same recommended resolution per windows.
  15. Don’t gas ⛽️ me for replying to this old thread. I’m having a problem with marquee display properly. Some of the images are showing off centered on my marquee or not at all. Any assistance or if somebody changed a xml file please assist
  16. Any tutorials would be epic & greatly appreciated. After so many failed attempts with HS I sought up LB after I saw they have Servo stick and dynamic marquees & led blinky available with some actual support. Any assistance would be great. Thanks in advance
  17. Is this working? I’m new to LB. 1. Do you turn this on in led blinky? The Servo stick capability or do I have to incorporate rocket launcher into my build somehow? 2. And then install joy2tray.exe 3. Run your script file? again I’m an extreme noob to LB/BB but messed around with HS and got tired of messing around with HS 😉
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