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Everything posted by GabiAle97

  1. Well... In first hand, I don't see such a "point" nor "benefits" for not allowing frontends work with AetherSX2. Does not have compatibility issues, or performance impact, so... All we have left to think is that this is about arrogance and selfishness, i'm afraid... Really caught me hard that one, specially when I've been a sort of fan of him
  2. Wow... I've been supporting Tahlreth from the beggining. Even defend him from some scammers showing false gameplays pressuming that was his emu... But this is bad... Selfish in some way. You can want the users use your interface... But you can't make them use it if they don't want to... That's a bad step backwards.
  3. @Jason Carr I've sent you some info about that issues than may come handy. Hope it helps! Check the inbox
  4. @Jason Carr Thanks for the info! Will give it a try. Recently, tried another frontend that allows to edit launch properties with a "metadata.txt" file, and managed to get working PPSSPP, dolphin and AetherSX2. We can talk about that? PPSSPP needs an extra value named "org.ppsspp.ppsspp.Shortcuts" with the path in URI format like "content://com.android.externalstorage.documents", and that's the magic. With Dolphin was the same, but the extra value name was AutoStartFile. Give me a minute and will confirm if Mupen need the same
  5. Hi @JLU51306. The problem is that either LaunchBox or DIG sends the path of the game in an incorrect format, that doesn't coincide with the path waited in Dolphin (same with AetherSX2). So, until this isn't solved by the devs (already talked with @Jason Carr about this, he's pretty kind 😄) we do not have anything to do right now. For Dolphin, at the moment you can create some shortcuts with Shortcut Maker and Solid Explorer (all on Play Store) with the following data, it's not as great as LaunchBox, but works pretty well: 1- On Solid Explorer, search for the game image, long touch to it, three dots, properties, three dots again, and copy path 2- On Shortcut Maker, select Applications and search for Dolphin Emulator 3- Once selected, you can edit name, icon, and intent. 4- On the intent section, just select "Add extra" and fill it this way: On KEY: AutoStartFile On Value: paste the copied path and give the next format: We have, for example, this path: /storage/emulated/0/games/wii/SM.iso The Final Path must be this way: content://com.android.externalstorage.documents/tree/primary%3Agames%2Fwii/document/primary%3Agames%2Fwii%2FSM.iso if you have spaces in the original path, you have to replace them with %20 and you have it. Hope this helps PD: I'm not any kind of dev or worker, just a fan. Just in case
  6. @Jason Carr think that it has someting to do with scoped storage in (the terrible) Android 11. Maybe it's a good solution (don't know if possible) leaving in user side the chance to modify the value that "key path" send, just like shortcut maker does. Or leaving an option to send extra values, where we can define some variables like "bootPath" and it's value for each game. Just saying 😅 Please remember that this problem reachs to more emulators, like Mupen if i'm not wrong, Dolphin, and Citra if i'm not wrong again. Thank you for listening! Wish you a happy ending of year and a very good beggining of the next 😁😁
  7. @Jason CarrI think that it has someting to do with scoped storage in (the terrible) Android 11. Maybe it's a good solution (don't know if possible) leaving in user side the chance to modify the value that "key path" send, just like shortcut maker does. Or leaving an option to send extra values, where we can define some variables like "bootPath" and it's value for each game. Just saying 😅 Please remember that this problem reachs to more emulators, like Mupen if i'm not wrong, Dolphin, and Citra if i'm not wrong again. Thank you for listening! Wish you a happy ending of year and a very good beggining of the next 😁😁
  8. So, I was searching for a way to launch games automatically from a frontend (launchbox in this case) on Android 11 and has no luck... But found that the problem itself comes in the path given on ROM path key (value "bootPath"), that doesn't coincide with the path expected on the emulator. An example: bootPath from LaunchBox: "/storage/emulated/0/Games/PS2/EFMI.chd" bootPath expected on AetherSX2: "content://com.android.externalstorage.documents/tree/primary%3AGames%2FPS2/document/primary%3AGames%2FPS2%2FEFMI.chd" running from a PC this command, launch the game automatically: adb shell am start -n xyz.aethersx2.android/xyz.aethersx2.android.EmulationActivity --es "bootPath" "content://com.android.externalstorage.documents/tree/primary%3AGames%2FPS2/document/primary%3AGames%2FPS2%2FEFMI.chd" So it maybe can be fixed with not so much effort. There's a chance to solve this problem on future updates? Or there's a way for users to define how is this bootPath composing?
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