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Everything posted by gerrymarsh87

  1. Hello, my start up video, scrolling through games, or preview videos no longer play any sounds. I have verified the videos play outside of Bigbox, and I checked that they play under the Metadata in Launchbox. The games play fine, all sounds work outside of Bigbox, I verified all sound settings were not set to O, and I tried to switch between VLC and WIndows Media player with no change. I have updated from 13.5 to the Bata with no change. Updated all drivers on my PC. I downloaded a second instance of Launchbox and Bigbox, and the sound works. Does anyone have any other ideas for me to try, or files to replace? Thank You.
  2. The script is the issue on model 2. It launches fine without the script, and if I open x360ce before, it works with no issues.
  3. I have set the script up in all my emulators needed, the only one that gives me a problem is Sega Model 2. The game launches in the background, starts playing music, but its stuck on the test screen. I had this issue trying the older script too. I have attached a video of it. Run, C:\Users\Gerry\Desktop\X360CE\X360CE.exe WinWait, ahk_exe X360CE.exe WinMinimize Esc:: { WinClose, ahk_exe X360CE.exe WinClose, ahk_exe emulator.exe } unknown_2022_02.11-10_34.mp4
  4. This worked, other than on esc, it would close X360CE every other time. I removed the $ and its working great! Thank You AI Overlord and JoeViking for your help with this!
  5. Ok so we have some progress.. This script, starts up fine, but it doesnt minimize X360CE, I need to still click off of it, onto my game. Then on exit, X360CE closes with no issues... I did verify that ",,min " is whats causing X360CE to not respond. Thank You guys for your help so far, this has been occupying my last few nights. Currently this is the script I have in there... Run, "C:\Users\Gerry\Desktop\X360CE\X360CE.exe" WinMinimize, ahk_exe x360ce.exe Esc:: { WinClose, ahk_exe X360CE.exe WinClose, ahk_exe Yuzu.exe }
  6. Yes this is my running script. Run, "C:\Users\Gerry\Desktop\X360CE\X360CE.exe",,Min Yes it does No issues with the emulator closing. Its just X360CE, it says not responding, and I have to end the task. I have tried another Yuzu game, and tried the script with another emulator and I am having issues.
  7. Same issue. I also removed the closing part of the script, and its still freezing up on ESC. So the opening part seems to be causing the issue on close. I did try to run X360CE as admin and without admin and it didnt make a difference.
  8. same issue this way too.
  9. It is opening x360ce in the background, but on esc, its causing x360ce to not respond. Any ideas on that?
  10. Thank you Joeviking! Yes this is my running script, and I don’t believe x360ce needs to be loaded first, I will try this tonight. Thanks again!
  11. Hello, I have tried some scripts I found on here but I am still trying to tweak them. I am using X360CE for my G29 wheel. For certain emulators that I need X360, I would like it to load in the background while my emulator loads or minimized. Its currently windowed on top of my emulator so I need to click off it with my mouse to play. Also I would like it to close when I close the emulator. Example of my script for Yuzu. Run, "C:\Users\Gerry\Desktop\X360CE\X360CE.exe" Process, Wait, Yuzu.exe while winExist("ahk_exe Yuzu.exe") sleep 700
  12. Hello, did you end up working on this? I am in the same boat for PS3 and Switch. I will check out the FPT I haven’t used it before. Hopefully it has more media.
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