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Everything posted by Nulion

  1. Hmm...I just ran PPSSPP on its own and it actually DOES work, even in fullscreen mode, with Windows+Shift+Arrow keys, manually. It even works while a game is running. I tried setting the sleep timer for longer however, and it didn't have any effect. Maybe I have the script wrong? Here's what I've got in there at the moment (Note; I send the emulator off to the right, not left): #NoEnv Sleep, 10000 ;wait 10 seconds Send #+{Right} ;Send Win+Shift+Right Return EDIT 1: I have noticed that when running the emulator standalone, when doing the Windows Key+Shift+Left/Right key combo, I need to perform the keystroke once without it doing anything, and then the second time it does it just fine. Maybe I need to double the keystrokes here? EDIT 2: BLAMMO! That actually fixed it! If anyone needs to move PPSSPP to another monitor, put this into the Running Script for PPSSPP (if you want it moving to the left, change all instances of "Right" to "Left") : #NoEnv Sleep, 1000 ;wait 1 seconds Send #+{Right} ;Send Win+Shift+Right Send #+{Right} ;Send Win+Shift+Right Return Thank you very much yet again, JoeViking
  2. Annnd I'm having one more problem, am hoping you might know what to do. I'm trying to do the same thing now with PPSSPP, and it seems as though this script isn't working here. Any ideas?
  3. So, I FINALLY managed to fix the problem! After speaking with the people on the RetroArch subreddit, they made me realize that me putting (USA) after every title was actually done incorrectly; the .cue files would often not reference a (USA) in the game title even though I'd changed the names, and the .m3u files had the same problem in some instances. I went through every single .bin file's name and removed the (USA) tag, and then went with a text editor into every .cue and .m3u file and removed the (USA) tags I found there too, making the rom names all homogenous throughout. You have to keep the rom names CONSISTENT no matter where in the entire process that they appear. That was causing a LOT of problems. I then deleted all of my PSX roms from within LaunchBox, ran Skraper again to generate a new gameslist.xml file with all the new rom names, and then re-imported them into LaunchBox. That still didn't fix it though; I still had the problem of loading Disc 2 (which worked every time now with the keybind shortcuts I made) and Disc 2 would load without any sound at all. Pressing a button after Disc 2 loaded would instantly send me back to a "Please Insert Disc 2" screen, where the emulator would then lock up. This happened no matter which core I used, no matter if I used LaunchBox or used RetroArch stand-alone. So, I figured it must be a global setting of some sort causing it. After some research, I found something about a setting called Run Ahead that caused people a lot of problems when moving between discs. In the RetroArch folder, in retroarch.cfg, there is an entry called "run_ahead_enabled", with an entry of "true". Changing that to "false", and then saving the cfg file, fixed the problem. However, I still have the issue of the Swap Disc script in the pause menu not working. And for some reason the "Reset Game" option in the pause menu has also stopped working, but those are minor gripes. Whew! That was an ordeal. Thanks again guys
  4. Unfortunately, deleting the ldci file doesn't seem to have any impact. I've tried it multiple times and no dice there. However, I've been tinkering some more and found another wrinkle in this whole odyssey; the multi-disc booting behavior works differently if I use standalone RetroArch to boot the game. When I boot the game directly by just going into RetroArch itself, the keymap shortcuts "j" and "d" for open disc tray/close disc tray and next disc actually work and load the second disc, on command, every time without issue. The game then proceeds to Disc 2, and immediately fails. If I press ANY button, the game will then snap back to the "Please Insert Disc 2" message, and the emulator locks up. When I reboot the game, it will reload on Disc 2. This happens every time, and when I look inside the RA menus, it actually from the get-go will even list a "2" in the Disc Index area, whereas with LaunchBox it will only ever have a "1" in the Disc Index, with no other numbers. Apparently LaunchBox simply isn't recognizing off the bat that there even is a Disc 2. Seems like LaunchBox actually is having some kind of effect here and it isn't just an RA-specific problem...but RA standalone has its own problem. I've reported this over on the RA subreddit and am awaiting an answer from those guys, so we'll see that happens. Ughh, what a headache. Thanks again, though!
  5. Ahhh, I see. Yeah, the whole dealio with save architecture and the like has been extremely confusing to say the least. Was just doing some research on that and apparently the way save files are handled differs even between what emulator core RA is using. Still, I do wonder if that's somehow the root cause of all the weird disc loading problems happening here.
  6. Wait, save files need to be renamed to m3u as well? I have been tinkering with save files lately and trying to get them to work, and my saves folder is a *mess* as a result. I haven't been sure whether to name my saves (in Xenogears' instance) Xenogears (USA).sav, .mcr, or .srm. I'm also not sure what the .ldci file is in there either. I have been trying to get previous save games from Xenogears to work, and haven't had too much success with it (apart from renaming my old Xenogears (USA) save file to .srm. That did seem to allow me to load the save file...but swapping discs is completely borked, so I haven't been able to do much with that).
  7. Thank you! I just tried an experiment (not sure what I expected) where I removed the script from RetroArch's pause menu AHK window, just to see if it had any effect. The one below: Send {j down} Sleep 50 Send {j up} Sleep 50 Send {d down} Sleep 50 Send {d down} Sleep 50 Send {j down} Sleep 50 Send {j up} And...nothing changed. Also noteworthy, and I cannot for the life of me get this to duplicate (it seems to happen at random) but on the RARE occasions where I get Disc 2 to actually load, it will boot into the Disc 2 sequence on Xenogears (which is a long text-scrolling section), and when I press ANY BUTTONS AT ALL, the emulator will instantly snap back to the "Please Insert Disc 2" screen. The emulator will freeze at that point, and nothing I do will affect anything unless I close out of RetroArch. Generally, it seems like when this happens, attempts to re-load the Xenogears rom will start on Disc 2 after this happens. Also, it seems to do this same kind of thing for other games as well, though I don't have the save file exactly at the swap disc point for Chrono Cross for instance, it still has the same weird difficulty trying to change discs.
  8. Got it. Cleared 'em all out. That fixes the .m3u issue, but I still do have the problem of multi-disc games simply not working, in the way I'd described earlier. I'm not sure what would be causing such weird behavior there, but it's likely a RetroArch issue...and I'm still trying to figure out how to even make posts on their forums. *laughs* Thank you very much for all your help!
  9. Yup! What I tend to do when I import roms is that I use Skraper first (since it nabs the video files along with everything else I need, plus I'm a donor with them) and then import the actual roms into LaunchBox afterwards. I went and deleted the backup file, loaded LaunchBox, and it is showing the m3u as how it loads now, the way it should. Should I be getting rid of the rest of the backup files too? I'm guessing they could cause other conflicts.
  10. I can't recall ever having messed with the data folder for LaunchBox, but looking there (LaunchBox/Data/Platforms) now I do see a Sony Playstation.xml and a Sony PlayStation.backup.xml file, the same as it is for any of the other consoles. Looking at the actual file in Notepad++, I see that it is actually listing the .m3u file as the one it loads...but the backup file is listing the .cue file as the one it loads. LaunchBox seems to only be loading the backup xml file instead of the normal one.
  11. I did find a strange thing that LaunchBox itself is doing that may be related to this; whenever I reboot LaunchBox, all of my PlayStation games that have more than one disc have their launch path changed from the m3u file I created back to the cue file. Even when I change them all back to the m3u file, it only lasts until I reboot LaunchBox...and then it'll have all my PSX games back to loading from the .cue instead of the .m3u. I am using the Beetle PSX/Mednafen emulator (not the HW one) for this, and I made sure to go into Tools/Manage/Emulators/RetroArch/Edit/Associated Platforms and I disabled the "Use M3U Playlists for Multiple Discs" option, since I'm aware that auto-generates a temporary m3u file somewhere else, and I don't want that. How it works when I load the game up itself, regardless if it's a m3u or a cue that it's loading (and I do have a save file where the disc transfer occurs) is the following; 1. I load the game up, load my save file, I see "Please Insert Disc 2" (Of note: for some reason it takes two tries for the game to recognize that I have save data. It shouldn't do this, and I'm not sure why this is) 2. I go into RA's menu, go to Disc Control, hit Eject Disc, and then I back out of the menu, resuming the game. (I read that Beetle PSX/Mednafen is sensitive to this, and it needs done for some reason) 3. I go back into RA's menu again, and what's SUPPOSED to happen is that I change the Disc value from 1 to 2...then close the disc tray, and resume. What instead happens is that there is no Disc 2 listed there. I need to instead load Disc 2 as though I had to remind RA that Disc 2 even existed (isn't that what the m3u is supposed to be for?) and THEN switch the value to 2, and close the disc tray. If for whatever reason I try doing this a third time, then it will allow me to choose "3" on the disc value, somehow. There aren't 3 discs on this game. 4. What ends up happening no matter what I do is that Disc 2 is not loaded. It stays stuck on Disc 1....until occasionally, when I'm rebooting the game to try again, it reboots somehow with Disc 2 loaded up instead of Disc 1. I'm at a total loss for what's happening here.
  12. Thank you so much for even offering to look into it I'll keep poking around myself at the RA forums and see if I can find anything, and checking back here in case you find something. Thanks again!
  13. I have, yes. I put each of the multi-disc roms into a folder (for example, I put Xenogears (USA) (Disc 1).img/cue and Xenogears (USA) (Disc 2).img/cue into a folder, made a .txt file, put "Xenogears (Disc 1).cue and Xenogears (Disc 2).cue) in there, renamed the file extension to m3u, and then changed the launch path within Launchbox to boot up the m3u file. The games start like normal, but when I go into the pause menu and press Swap Disc, nothing happens. Even if I go and do it manually (start the game, go into RetroArch's menu for the mednafen_psx_libretro core I'm using, and Eject Disc, then put in Disc 2), it STILL only somewhat works; the disc just doesn't seem to change when I want it to change, and only seems to do so *sometimes*. It's hard to explain, but it just doesn't work on command like I'd want it to.
  14. Apologies for bumping this thread, but...I tried out this script, and then went into RetroArch to change the hotkey binds for swapping discs, and it did nothing. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get this script working so I can swap discs in the pause menu.
  15. Hello! So, I have been trying to set up Launchbox to work with multi-disc PlayStation 1 games (or any console that has multi-disc games, really) and I've been focusing on PSX first. I have all of my multi-disc games in their own folders (for instance, a folder called Xenogears (USA) with Xenogears (USA) (Disc 1).cue and .bin, also a (Disc 2).cue and bin, and along with that is a .m3u file that has nothing but this inside of it; Xenogears (USA) (Disc 1).cue Xenogears (USA) (Disc 2).cue I went into Tools>Manage Emulators>Retroarch>Edit>Swap Discs Script and placed into it the following script: Send {j down} Sleep 50 Send {j up} Sleep 50 Send {d down} Sleep 50 Send {d down} Sleep 50 Send {j down} Sleep 50 Send {j up} I found it from another thread in these very forums. I then went into RetroArch itself (in the hotkey binds menu) and made it so that the open disc tray/eject game shortcut is "j" and the "next disc" hotkey is "d". As a result of all of this, back in LaunchBox, I now see the "Swap Discs" option in the Pause Menu...but it does absolutely nothing when I select it. I'm guessing it has something to do with the fact that I only made j and d act as HOTKEYS for swapping the discs, when my controller (an XBox One controller) is set to have hotkeys activate only when I'm holding down the "select" button (Or whatever that button is on an XBO controller), but I'm not sure how else to do this. Is there a way to make it so that j and d act as actual key binds for these actions, rather than hotkeys? ALSO, I am trying (in keeping with the Xenogears example) to get PSX save files working as well, and I have a Xenogears save file named Xenogears (USA) (Disc 1).srm, which was previously made by RetroArch some time ago. I changed it to Xenogears (USA).sav and plopped it into the same folder as the other Xenogears discs, but it still will not recognize the save file. I'm not sure what to do here either. Any help would be most appreciated! Thanks guys PS: I had this posted elsewhere on the forums...twice...and it occurred to me that I might've put it in the wrong place. I really hope this is the place for this kind of thing, heh!
  16. You beautiful, beautiful person You've seriously made my day with this script of yours; it's solving all my problems! Thank you!
  17. My apologies for bumping this, but...Is there a way to do this, but with the redream emulator? It worked flawlessly for pcsx2 I simply cannot find a good answer anywhere else!
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