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Everything posted by 80sRkadeGuy

  1. Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately nothing worked so I backed up my Launchbox settings, uninstalled it, reinstalled it, added my settings and now it's working again.
  2. Thanks for the reply. I backed them up, then deleted them but Launchbox said they couldn't be found so it didn't recreate them.
  3. Hello all, I needed to roll my Launchbox back to a previous version and now I'm getting multiple dll errors and now Launchbox won't load. I tried restoring a previous Launchbox backup as well as restoring it to the latest version but no luck. I also right clicked on each dll to unblock it, but they're not blocked and restarting my PC didn't help either. Please help! I don;t want to have to uninstall Launchbox and completely start over as I have almost 3,000 games. Thanks in advance.
  4. No worries. I'm late to the party as well lol. Thank you for the files!
  5. Using this as the exit script as well as setting Never Ask in Yuzu General Options, Yuzu completely exit's in Launchbox.
  6. Using this as the exit script as well as setting Never Ask in Yuzu General Options, Yuzu completely exit's in Launchbox.
  7. I just tied it and unfortunately, my b2s still isn't closing out.
  8. Sorry, I just saw this. I haven't had a chance to log on here in a while. Thank you for your help. I will give it try.
  9. Hello all, I'm using Launchbox to start my Visual Pinball X tables and some of them have a b2s (Back Glass display) and on some of my b2s tables, the b2s won't quit when exiting the table. I tried adding this in my table script, Sub table_Exit Controler.stop End Sub And I have this -minimized -exit -play in command line parameters but no luck. Any fixes for this?
  10. Hello all, new guy here. Is there a way to run Win 3.1 and Win95 iso's in Launchbox? Are there any cores that will emulate Win3.1 and Win95? Or will I need to install them in Dos Box?
  11. Hello all, I have MESS set up in Launchbox to run CD-i games and some games work great except for games like Thunder In Paradise and Top Gun. I keep getting CD-i Digital Video Cartridge missing errors. How can I fix this? Is there any way to bypass the error? Thanks in advance.
  12. You're not kidding about it being a lot of work! I couldn't even begin to count how many hours I have into setting everything up and I'm still not done!
  13. Very cool! Can you post pics on how you made your joystick dial? GRS makes great arcade controls and at great prices. I have his Star Wars yoke, Tron stick, spinner and led trackball. Now I'm just waiting on the Tron switcher to be released.
  14. It's cool to see others using Launchbox as their VPX front end. I'm building a multi-game arcade machine and back in May, I decided to add just a couple of my favorite pinball tables, but I quickly tripped and fell into the virtual pinball rabbit hole lol. And now I have a little over 400 different VPX and Future pinball tables. Here are a couple of screenshots. I have wheel images for VPX and will be doing the same for my Future pinball as well.
  15. Thank you for the reply and the help. 🙂 Turns out the -f command wasn't there and now my Intellivision games are launching full screen.
  16. Hello all, I'm still pretty new to Launchbox and all of my games work great, I installed the Mattel Intellivision core in Retroarch and added my games to Launchbox but my games aren't launching full screen. Is there a command line I can add to make them launch in full screen? Thanks In Advance.
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