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Everything posted by Nixx

  1. Yes, you just have to pass the Userprofile xml file as argument. Yes
  2. The feature list goes way beyond that, no disrespect, but it's like comparing an abacus to a full fledged calculator. I totally get that some extra features are not useful for some user (and that's why the advanced options allow to customize, enable/disable everything), but my app goes way further than a bunch of xml files - Does not replace your TP settings, does not mess with your game files, you can still use teknoparot with your own settings/bindings the app does nothing to them. - More robust than xml files to TP updates, it's not bulletproof, but since it take the default xml as base and replace just some part in it, it's more stable than just an xml overwrite that would quickly be outdated. - Include for all games, all the patches, fix, shaders, resolutions hacks, english translation, crosshairs, reshade, ffb and apply them without leaving extra files on your game folder, allowing you to keep them clean. Allow to export/import those in archive file on game basis so it could be shared within the community. - Auto assign network settings, define APM3ID once in the app configuration and auto assign it. - Every settings can be enabled / Disabled, there is options files where you can define tp options according to custom behavior on game basis (like inverse y axis if a gamepad is used, or change wheel sensitivity according to your device type) - Image with the controls for each game and controller type - Auto assign the controller type according of the device plugged (like if you unplug your wheel, it will use controller) - Differentiate gamepad and arcade stick and use different bindings for those. - Assign keyboard keys for Test/Service in xinput mode - Allow to change monitor resolution/frequency, enable/disable some monitor or make them primary on a game basis - Allow to use shifter, and make them work on some TP games that don't have shifter support - Auto assign ffb device (like if you unplug you wheel and use your xinput gamepad, your gamepad will be auto used as ffb device with rumble on) - Auto launch magpie (kinda like borderless gaming, but much better) when launching a game in windowed mode and auto configure it so it auto catch the game window - Auto launch demulshooter, without uac prompt and internally manage recoil output -from demulshooter, without using mamehooker- for gun4ir, sinden, wiimote (with lichtknare), or controller (other type of gun can fallback to mamehooker) - Crosshair selection with a library of crosshair - Auto apply white border when using sinden lightgun, put the game inside the border - Auto adjust lightgun aim in 4/3 game or if the TP aim need some slight adjustements - Multiple bind on game key, allowing to bind an action to multiple buttons (like reload on both pedal and a button on your gun for exemple) - Install games from scaning directory, install games from archives. And that's just on top of my head, i probably forgot a bunch of features. Now, if none of that is useful for you, sure you should just use xml files and i can even give you a tip, since my project is open source, you can actually generate them for nearly all games using my files here : https://github.com/nixxou/TeknoparrotAutoXinput/tree/main/config
  3. Ah, sorry, i was also trying to fix the issue with 4K 250dpi rewriting the main ui to make it resizable, the quick option that disapear seems to be an unexpected side effect.
  4. Can you try to replace your exe with this one ? Not sure if that would fix. TeknoparrotAutoXinput.exe
  5. From the gui, on the quick option, you have something called Link files, you can set it to "Don't link anything", not really tested though. (Also, if not using the linked files, i recommand to force the display mode to Windowed)
  6. For now, you should set your dpi as normal. The ui is totally broken with hight dpi, and that's something i'm working on. The game option is also a total mess, probably not understandable by anyone outside me, so i need to work on that too. The big difference with the previous version is that before i handled only game binding, now i handle everything, from tp settings to game patches and fix. But i don't want to turn my stuff into a "game drive" and still give the user the ability to change everything as they want so it's kinda hard to find the balance beetween adding tons of options and have something easy to understand and to use. As for your case, the NAS for games will be a problem, my system requiere for games and patches it to be stored on a local NTFS drive. The reason for that is that i extensivly use hardlinks. The patch archive i bundle with all sort of extra files for each game, could be dgvodoo dll for upscale, patched exe (well to avoid copyright issue i bundle patch files that generate the exe), translations or other stuff like that. And there is also conditional folders like [!amd!] [!nvidia!] [!windowed!] [!fullscreen!]. Depending on the options, files within the patch folder will be hardlinked to the game folder and cleaned on exit. But to make an hardlink, that require both files are on the same NTFS drive. If i went to copy instead of hardlink, it would make the harddrive work too much and complicated the cleaning process (i just check if files are hardlinked to the source so i don't need to keep a list of them), maybe i can add a way to softlink, but not sure it would work. As for the settings i set in tp, for each game, i add in the config folder a .info.json files where i set the settings, you can actually view it on the right side when you go to game option. Like for exemple for Persona4U : "global" set some global variable, like how i know the game is windowed (here if in tp option General, DisplayMode is set to WIndowed), i have some settings related to magpie so it auto detect the game window and turn it fullscreen if we launch as windowed. "tpoptions" are the actual change in the tp settings, like if the replace_network options is checked, it will change your network info "gameoptions" overwride your game options, like for exemple force checking the option to run riva tuner to keep the framerate to 60fps.
  7. My bad, the program itself is here : https://mega.nz/file/Mmwj2DIJ#Hh3ZgHqkWmqvMjLzCAYus0mD0bskzbbTUw-i2kzNWP0 The patch file is here : https://mega.nz/file/JyhCTTDR#H-xT6mHfDCOZit9GrW4997mITrzmMXIXM-JFH2GWVRE I'm currently rewriting some part of the program to lock most option behind some sort of expert mode and i was noticed of some compatibility issues with 4K 250dpi. I'm working on it.
  8. Once you launch the app, you will get a wizard that will ask you for the patch file. (the patch files contains all files like shader fix, reshade, dgvodoo dll for upscale or any stuff like that)
  9. I have a pre-alpha version but at this point i don't know the amount of bugs to fix. If you are curious i would very much like some feedback. Please don't extract over current install of TPAutoXinput, use a new one. https://mega.nz/file/Mmwj2DIJ#Hh3ZgHqkWmqvMjLzCAYus0mD0bskzbbTUw-i2kzNWP0 https://mega.nz/file/JyhCTTDR#H-xT6mHfDCOZit9GrW4997mITrzmMXIXM-JFH2GWVRE
  10. Sorry, it was so long, i don't remember if the V0.10 has the design intended to fix your issue. Again, sorry for the delay, i'm still working on it and i hope i will be able to rlz next version soon. Still actively working on it, I added quite a lot of option and the configuration UI is kinda a mess, so to simplify things, so, right now, i'm working on a Wizard.
  11. Yes, see the first and second post. You can just run it in command line, like this : TeknoparrotAutoXinput.exe "C:\teknoparrot\UserProfiles\Daytona3.xml"
  12. Thanks, i'm not giving much news, but the project is still active and in developpement. Doing update regulary on the github, but it's not just in a state where i can push a public release for now.
  13. You can also work with bigboxprofile that have this kind of feature. Exemple when it download a game from my google drive when it's missing on my local drive.
  14. Can you check the debug mode checkbox and copy paste the content of the console (or screenshot before it self-close) ?
  15. I use full joystick mode as Dinput, not rawinput. Demulshooter is auto run on game launch, but it's only used for crosshair removal and recoil outputs, not for managing inputs. Gun4ir, Sinden, Wiimote (with lichtknarre) support this. And i guess the Aimtrak too as i saw the option in their utility tool. For demulshooter, I want to simplify the process to get outputs to the gun and be able to get them directly from the app and not from mamehooker (even if i will leave an option to run mamehooker as well)I don't know the aimtrak gun very well, but from what i saw, it's not possible to trigger recoil outputs for this gun ? So far, i plan to auto-manage outputs for Sinden (with an home made custom driver software) and Gun4ir. Also, with this gun, how do you bind Coin/Start ? Do you bind them to other device (like buttons on an arcade pad or keyboard ?) As of now, this is a quick preview of the configurations menu : And to give a game as an exemple : And depending of the device plugged, it will show the inputs. Here is in xinput if you only have gamepad pluged. But if you set device as lightgun and they are plugged, you will get one of those. I try to fit the game inputs to the selected device in a way i think it's the most fit. I have some custom code that allow me to bind multiple buttons to the same action, so i abuse that on gun that have multiple buttons. (Ah, and the sinden gun have multiple variation depending of the pump configuration)
  16. I'm working on it. Lot lot of work to do, so i'm far from finish. It's just the background image that change for the other gun, but i intend to do dedicated layout in some case
  17. V0.10 -Link support for game directory folder. Until now, the link system was limited to elf files, with content linked to the budgieLoader directory. Now, you can also link data to a Game folder, that way you can keep your games folders with clean dump and load extra files from a patch directory. -Hotas support You can now bind dinput hotas. You may have to tweak the per game option "reverse y axis". Few others minors changes and games added. TeknoparrotAutoXinput_alpha_v0.10.zip
  18. V0.09 -Shifter support You can add to your Dinput wheel a shifter (and a handbrake & clutch pedal). Racing games that are using gears, if your dinput wheel is plugged, will reassign gears to your shifter. Also, on games that don't have gear assignments but only shift up/down, you will find in the options a checkbox to enable gear change and make them work with your shifter. This is kinda hacky, so, it's disabled by default and need to be enabled for each game. Games that have this options are : Outrun, D1GP, Ford Racing, Git Club, R-Tuned, Sega Rally 3, Sega Race TV, Sega World Drivers Championship and FnF SuperCars. -Few games added -Some bug fix (like the resolutions change in the per-game options that was not working as intended) -Configurations files moved to a json file, so you probably need to redo your config TeknoparrotAutoXinput_alpha_v0.09.zip For the next version, i would like to extend the "per-game" extra files folder link to non-elf games to be able to keep a clean game dump folder and have extra files like ffb/reshade/dll wrapper and patch in a separate folder, but i'm not sure yet how to propose that on the gui. If someone use this feature, i would like your opinion.
  19. Dev in progress. I'm adding support for shifter if used alongside dinput wheel. I'm currently working on a way to make it compatible with racing games that don't have native shifter support but only Shift Up/Down. Like for exemple, Outrun, Sega Rally 3, Sega Race TV, SWDC, D1GP, Ford Racing, ... Here a demo with Sega Rally 3 : https://streamable.com/89h77s
  20. Lightgun games don't have preconfigured settings (atm). Maybe i will do that in the future, i'm working on something else atm but i want to update this project to manage some extra devices (hotas, shifter, numpad). That said, if you use the command line to run an unsuported TP game though my program, it will just run it with the settings you set in TP, so it should run fine, and the link system allow you to easly do stuff like add Sinden border on a per game basis for elf games.
  21. Strange, i did try it from a fresh install, seems to work just fine. https://streamable.com/zqgugh sorry if that didn't work in your case Edit : And i noticed a small bug with the release year inside the genre column, probably due of a change of format of the teknoparrot xml, gonna check.
  22. ok, i will update my launchbox and test on the last version, i'm not up to date
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