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Everything posted by poodadoo

  1. On all my other games, I have 1P start + Coin (i.e. start + select) set to exit my games. How do I map these two buttons to "send the esc key" to teknoparrot to exit the teknoparrot game running?
  2. So I'm going to post what I did to fix this... whether it's right or not is subjective.... 1. Unchecked "Remove Quotes" and "Remove file extension and folder path." 2. Used the default command line parameters "arcadia -skip_gameinfo -cart" Those parameters, combined with passing the fully quoted, full path to the rom seemed to fix it for me.
  3. Same issue So frustrating... Wish Launchbox had logs... that would make this easier.
  4. Well, here's an interesting development: I was running RomVault organizing some other directories and noticed this... Apparently it's setting my "ROMS" directory as the default directory for mame because it's creating a arcadia.cfg and default.cfg under \cfg as if ..\launchbox\games\consoles\emerson\arcadia 2001 would be where mame.exe is located so I clearly have some pathing issue not correct.
  5. They were checked initially.
  6. I use the ..\.. notation, but yes, it's the full relative path.
  7. Arcade games work fine... Arcadia 2001 doesn't. Attaching the mame.ini as well... When I run it manually via command prompt, no issues... The only thing I can think of is that my roms directory is empty because I have all my roms under a F:\Launchbox\Games heirarchy while the emulator is F:\Launchbox\Emulators\Mame mame.ini
  8. Follow up question: Does this only work with multi disc games that are stored outside .zip files? My auto m3u creation is creating the m3u with (Disc 1).zip, (Disc 2).zip, etc... It feels like I have to store them uncompressed to get it to work.
  9. Thanks for the advice. That seemed to do the trick. Now I'm just wondering if it's worth it to have them zipped ... Just seems like extra overhead for such small ROM files
  10. Then why do my logs say No content directory overrides found for D:\LaunchBox\ThirdParty\7-Zip\Temp\temp.cfg? It appears to me that retroarch is considering my temp directory as my content directory and therefore not honoring my cfg files for each of the source directories.
  11. Because I want to use content directory overrides. I want a different overlay for gameboy games and gameboy color games. When I have them zipped, they get unzipped to the \temp directory and therefore retroarch is looking for content directory overrides for "temp"
  12. This is half question and half assumption. I'm trying to use gamebatte for Gameboy and Gameboy Color... Both directories have zipped ROMs... it's my experience that unzipping the roms "on the fly" moves them to a temp directory (and therefore, content directory overrides don't work). Am I correct in that assumption? Is there a way to override that behavior and have it look at the directory BEFORE the unzipping occurs or is my best solution to just unzip ROMs that share a common core? How time consuming is it to change launchbox from finding .zip ROMs to finding the actual ROM files?
  13. Dolphin under Retroarch/Launchbox worked fine until I enabled retroachievements. Once I enabled that, retroarch crashes. Anyone else have this problem? Should I just disable retroachievements for the dolphin core?
  14. Is there a way for attract mode to shift in and out of platforms and platform categories? If I sit at the highest level (arcade, consoles, computers, etc) it doesn't "drill down" into individual games... It will only drill down into one category and stay there... So I can see all the different "categories" of arcade games but I can't see specific arcade games. Ideally I'd like to see it go all the way down to the leaf node and show individual arcade games and then go back up to consoles and drill down to specific super nintendo games, etc. Doable?
  15. Perfect. Thanks!
  16. So I'm getting Big Box set up for the first time and I'm encountering some weird graphical glitches... I'm attaching two examples. Sometimes the graphics appear stretched and then when something moves on the left side, they "snap back" to the proper aspect ratio. Also, I don't know what is going on on the right after switching videos (see the staggered graphics bars, top to bottom)... Also, the videos seem to be bigger than the window that holds them. My graphics card is a RTX 3060 Ti and I am running 2 monitors if that helps. Also, here's a link to the video showing my video size issue: Video too big for container
  17. Same issue. Let me know if you find a resolution.
  18. I've been collecting ROMsets for a variety of consoles from a variety of places. I'm fairly sure I have some duplicates spread throughout the variety of sources I've collected from. Is there an easy way (or even a complicated way) to dedupe my collection, rename them to standardize them, compress them to save space and/or identify games I'm missing? In ol' MAME days, I'd use something like clrmame but that doesn't work for all the consoles/emulators launchbox supports. Thoughts?
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