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  1. Is there a way to map the shortcut to a controller for LB and BB? I would like to be playing a PS3 from either LB or BB and use my controller to close the emulator and pick another game without using my keyboard. I use the short cut R3+L3 for PCSX2. I would like to keep that shortcut if I could.
  2. So if I start up BigBox, pick a PS2 game, play for an hour, decide to play something else, this is how I exit the PS2 game back to BigBox?
  3. I understand that. I did that. I don't know how to configure Launchbox to allow me exit PCSX2 mid-game. Don't know how to set it up and don't know the button shortcut on my controller.
  4. Can someone walk me through how to do this and then what to push on my controller. I can't seem to get it to work. When i put the -batch line in, the emulator stops loading. I would like to control everything from a controller instead of a keyboard.
  5. Can i change the size of the Game Details panel. Older versions I could, but the latest version seems to have lost that option.
  6. I am building an arcade cabinet with four joystick stations and two guns. I will be having NES, SNES, PSX, GB, GBA, GBC, Coin-Op, Sega Genesis, and Neo-Geo all on it. I will install all 6 controllers and never unplug them. Is it possible to have a config file for each emulator core on one controller. For example, configure port 1 for NES buttons, exit out, and configure the same port for SNES buttons, then exit out, configure port 1 for PSX and so on. Will each config stay on port 1 and just switch over based on the emulator?
  7. I am building an arcade cabinet that will run off a PC. I am installing buttons and joysticks that will be recognized as usb controllers. They will not be bluetooth, they will be wired controllers. I will not be unplugging them after everything is build and set up. Is there a way to make sure that the usb controllers are always assigned to certain controller ports in retroarch? I also will be using a couple buttons on a controller for volume control. I just don't want to have to configure all four controllers every time the machine gets powered up. I want to set it all up once and never have to worry about it again.
  8. Any way to do this without getting a full set. I have the full set of .240, but not the CHD files. I hear its an enormous download.
  9. I did. I had to go to the "Images" folder in the Launchbox folders and erase the pictures in each folder that were corrupted. Took some searching, but it worked. Just went through each of these folders looking for corrupted pics. Pretty easy, just time consuming. Look for images with a white box instead of a pic. Mine was for a PS2 game, therefore I went to that folder.
  10. I am trying to get my MAME machine up and running, but I can't seem to find a CHD file for The Lost World Jurassic Park by Sega in 1997. Does anyone know where I can find this. I am using version .240, but that doesn't seem to matter too much in Launchbox. I can always change the core to match the version. So if anyone knows where I can find the info to get to this game up and running would be much appreciated. It is a light gun game if that matters. Thanks.
  11. Any idea how to dump the images and re-download them?
  12. Older picture. I have since downloaded the most current version, 13.1, and the problem persists. I have copied these ISOs from the actual discs and it has worked for 99 percent of my old games. I call it downloading my games to my pc. But for two games, I get this error message. I currently have 37 PS2 games successfully installed in Launchbox, so I know the process works. However, when I try these 2 games, Ratchet and Clank and Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando, I get these error messages. I am using PCSX2 as my emulator. But even just single clicking on these titles pops up an error message and closes my Launchbox. It doesn't even get into loading them.
  13. Did that. Didn't seem to help.
  14. I have tried to install a couple PS2 games, but every time I click on it, after it has installed, this error pops up and I have to shut down Launchbox. What do I need to do to get past this? I have erased the game and tried again. I have tried a different wifi network. I have redownloaded them before re-installing them. I can't figure out how to get rid of it. Please help. I have included the error.
  15. MaxxFawver

    3DS DLC

    I have legitimately purchased a bunch of DLC content for stuff on my 3DS. Now I am moving all my stuff to an android device with Launchbox on it. Anyone know how to move the DLC from my 3DS to my Android (Odin)? My 3DS has CFW if that helps.
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