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runeblade's Achievements

1-Bit Wonder

1-Bit Wonder (1/7)



  1. Simple PowerShell script to use would be this: $files = gci c:\temp\BIN *.bin foreach ($file in $files) { Write-Host $file.Name -ForegroundColor Green $file2 = $file.Name -replace ".bin",".iso" $folder = "C:\TEMP\PS2ISO\" $null = & 'C:\Program Files\PowerISO\piso.exe' convert $file.FullName -o "$folder$file2" } it's using the 64-bit version of powerISO, change to 32-bit accordingly if that's what you have installed. It will convert BIN files in the c:\temp\BIN to ISO files in the folder c:\temp\ISO
  2. It's a net new installation of Launchbox where I'm trying to import Apple II or Atari 800, or Armstrad CPC, all platforms natively supported by Launchbox. I've tried with and without the checkbox enabled for 'Search for game information in the local metadata database' These have been my defaulting settings for other imported roms: I've select MAME as the emulator since it technically should be able to support it, and nothing shows up, consistently. Instead of using MAME I selected retroarch, and now it shows up to import files (even though retroarch doesn't do Apple II? (supports it via a mame library in retroarch apparently) But so far using MAME for anything that's not Arcade seems to be the evil do-er.
  3. any solution to this? I have the exact same issue.
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