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Everything posted by Cleggy6879

  1. Yeah im using m2emulator. Awesome, thanks heaps, will give it a crack today
  2. I looked everywhere but couldn't find anything. I want to add a bezel for the sega model 2. I've looked everywhere and don't know where the bezel media files are stored and also tried downloading through the wizard. Any help would be greatly appreciated
  3. That worked a treat, thanks so much 😀
  4. For the life of me i cant figure out a way to exit vpinball993 with the esc key, tried a few scripts in the autohotkey exit screen but to no avail. The only way out is by pressing alt f4 twice. Any Ideas?? Cheers
  5. ok thanks for the help, ill try this today
  6. Hi all, ive searched in the threads about this issue but cant find anything. Everytime I add a new console and it downloads the media it constantly freezes. Even after cancelling and updating metadata it will do it again. Is anyone else having this issue? TIA
  7. Just basing it off games imported. Is there a cml or a way of seeing if the spelling is incorrect on the files I have?
  8. Hey all. Is there a way of comparing missing ROMs to the launchbox database for that system. I've imported all my SNES ROMs but it didn't import the whole collection and I'm struggling to find which ones were missed. TIA
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