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doubleoseven's Achievements

4-Bit Adder

4-Bit Adder (2/7)



  1. this is my code. Could you check for me if its anything wrong with it please?
  2. Sorry, but i already changed the port to 8 and 3 like yours. Either they works. I don´t know what i am doing wrong. Python code doesn´t work at all, even changing ports compiling and converting to exe file. No idea what to do anymore.
  3. could you help me to create the python file exe please?
  4. your tip worked. now the words are fully visible. But i am still just get the bat file to work. The py file, doesnt work at all. I already changed the com port on the file to 8. Still nothing on the panel.
  5. Could you do me a favor please? Its possible for you change the python code to use serial port COM8 and make an executable file ?
  6. my computer serial port is COM8. I had changed the baud rate to 115200. I don´t know well how to compile in python and make a exe file. I not a programmer too. My best case scenario was when i used the bat file on big box. But unfortunately cutoff the first 2 letters of the senteces.
  7. @mobarton hi. First of all, thank you for your great effort to do such awesome project. I am trying to build mine to, just like yours. But i do running some problems with the python code, it doesn´t work out for me. No characters showing on my panel at all. The bat file works better, but there is some characters not showing, for exemple "big box" just shows "g box" , all words has cut off the first 2 caracters. I dont know why this is happening . Could you give me some help please?
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