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Everything posted by 2ndWind

  1. Thye aren't random files. Theya re full sets on Archive.org and I put them in the rom section. I just completed a San Francisco Rush race with my GC Switch Controller after doing the proper CHD thing. The only problem was I couldn't enter my name due to it being a bit twitchy which is how Cruis n USA used to be before whatever changed it: so it's not my ROM set that's the problem. For the record I got the only publicly accessible set. link removed I did calibrate the wheel and it turns out the gas pedal or my USB connection may have died. I'll try it on my Switch since it's compatible with it and I've played it not too long ago to see if that's the case. Any programs to take a screenshot in a game that comes up full screen so I can show my control settings? As for Cruisn Exotica I'll have to see what's in the zip file that came with the set. Using Snip It here is my Cruis n Exotica zip file: And here's another Cruis n Exotica one I can't remember which one is OG with the set and the downloaded one.
  2. I searched this forum and discovered my question was in the wrong spot so deleted it so the mods won't have to: I wonder if that's why the lack of replies? Anyways here is my issue regarding controls for Cruis n USA between MAME versions and what I tried to do about it: Okay I followed this tutorial which worked for the game (OutRunners) the guy used: I used my Gamecube Switch controller and am able to play it and got past several checkpoints before crashing into an oil truck that kept getting in my way so this game is a success at least with my GC controller: I mapped the P1 thru P4 buttons to my XYA and B buttons according to the GC layout it has and the game runs flawless. I am not sure why it even states there is emulation issues when the game turns on as I didn't see any. It gives a big warning saying something isn't implanted very well. HOWEVER the same control setup isn't registering with Cruis n USA. When I select the start button the menu goes all the way to the left as soon as you start the game and it goes all the way to the right (bottom) if you barely touch it. Before you could sort of control it even with a gamepad which I'd do the top selection which starts you from San Francisco. So therefore something within the Cruis n USA/World internals have changed between MAME versions. It wants a C32 Boot Bin to even start Cruis n Exotica which no such file exists. There IS a C31 boot bin file floating around the web but that's not what the problem is for me so is of no help. I HAVE gotten Cruis n Exotica to start before on my older Windows 10 PC but the graphics were more messed up such as road artwork vanishing and certain elements flickering,etc which I figured was because my older PC was weaker and was hoping to get it to work on my more powerful PC. I can't afford it now but later in the year I could get a regular steering wheel to see if maybe my PXN wheel is the trouble but judging how my controller is responding compared to how it used to respond I am not sure if that's the problem to begin with and it would be a bunch of wasted money for nothing. Though at least I can play ATS properly. I think my gas pedals may have died since steering works regardless on Steam games. I've had the PXN since sometime before Covid that's all I can remember. We've had fires and ice storms since.
  3. Requires a torrent. I don't do that shady stuff Dad warned me about torrents a long time ago and I didn't believe him till I payed the price the hard way and now I'm going a lot better without that crap installed I prefer Jdownloader 2 (third party download tool) which I use on Archive and download direct and gotten a lot of old emulation stuff that way but the latest MAME is funky there but as long as at least most of the games work I'll accept and give it a C (pass) but not a B or A.
  4. Your the one that is no. I did a factory reset and it fixed a lot of issues I had with MAME among other stuff including recognizing controllers. Now my controllers work properly and is recognized when I install them. We can sit and argue all day but I am not going to so you have fun on your Android or whatever. Windows DOES give hell. I think your a paid MS employee since you just want to knock me down everywhere. That's the problem with all forums lately all the good stuff is old/dead and salty people are all that's left trying to say 'YOUR WRONG YOUR WRONG YOUR WRONG!'. They might as well just come out in the open and say that.
  5. Pleasuredome you need to upload files or they ban you without question according to their policy. I think they are invite only too but that part was years ago so maybe not anymore? I'll check to see. EdIT: Okay it appears this isn't the standard Pleasure Dome page which is a good sign so far.
  6. All the games but Cruis n Exotica seems to turn on. Exotica says some kind of boot rom is not there but no references anywhere online to such a file.
  7. This is why I just stick to stand alone emulators. Launchbox is a VERY nice idea but you (and they) are fighting with Microsoft that doesn't and hasn't want us to own anything since they fired all those people during the dev of Windows 8 (which later led to 8.1 that they should've stuck to since it really was a fix for 8 making it a lot more useable). Launchbox is always not working after Windows updates till Launchbox updates and/or intel fixes their drivers,etc it's a hot mess. In other words it's a downhill battle fighting with the big guys whom want us to be 'on the cloud' as much as possible to spy on us and eventually 'rent' things out to us via the phone mentality. Windows 8 at one time was going to be totally smartphones until people found out and complained (mostly businesses) that needed it were all going to dump Microsoft. Some already have. PS. Phone people have pretty much always paid for 'renting' in the long term so it's no big deal for them as it's all they know and computers are too big and confusing to play with.
  8. What was the MAME people thinking having the CHD set be in folders that are HTML? It means I can't have them as a set instead I have to create a folder myself with the same name and download each CHD individually because of this shanghai for the ones I need. Jdownloader WON'T pick this one up because of the folders all being html links. I couldn't for a while figure out why it wasn't being registered until I looked closer and realized what the problem was and it's on the owners end whom uploaded the 2.51CHD set and it actually says 2.225 not 51 on the CHD's even theou the roms are 2.51 the newest version. Something funny is going on here. Did MAME devs screw up or something? I guess all those poker games got to them. 😲😂🪓 JK. I got all the current romset just fine because they were zipped as they should be so Jdownloader picked them up right away doing a deep link analysis.
  9. I finally got Cruis n USA and World to work as Jdownloader didn't pick them up when I downloaded the romset from that certain site so I had to dig thru the list manually to find them and add em in. It shows Cruis n Exotica as crusnexo.zip but it won't play saying it's missing some kind of boot file so at least I don't have a missing rom problem anymore. It was very weird trying to download this to make it work as the owner made it so all the roms had to be copied back to the ROM directory due to the folder within a folder crap. I think that was my problem in the first place at least for the 80s roms. Now I placed Cruis n USA/World manually and those boot up but Exotica doesn't as I said I have crusnexo.zip in there so it should see it.
  10. From that one site I am not sure if I can mention (I'm sure you know what it is) I got the 2.51 roms and placed it in the rom folder. They did it in a weird way where it was a folder within a folder so I corrected that by copying the roms back to the main ROM directory so the 80s roms works but the 90s ones like Cruis n USA or World do not work. Cruis n USA says no rom file found yet Mr Do works. All the Pac games work,etc. Anything from the 90s on do not work regardless or not it requires a CHD. Cruis n USA/World do NOT require a CHD and neither does Exotica.
  11. How come I get a boot not found for Cruis n USA then? I downloaded the merged romset. Could it be I don't have a bios or some other kind of CHD or something? I don't recall Cruis n USA ever EVER needing a CHD. If so where do I put BIOS files? Maybe that's where my problem is? And of course MAME itself works fine it's the games that don't. LOL. MAME always works fine.
  12. As I have said I deleted MAME but when I had it my Switch Pro Controller was causing a game to always come on over and over again and it was a pain in the butt to exit out as I had to repeatedly hit esc which after the 5th time I think it finally quit. Unplug the controller and MAME at least booted to the menu normally despite romsets lying about working even though they matched which is a different issue I made a thread on. Anyways on my other emulators except CEMU when setting inputs it seemed as if all the buttons were being pressed rapidly so I couldn't do anything there except CEMU and STEAM worked (depending on game). I am close to buying a new Switch Pro controller would that fix anything? Dad thinks there is some kind of driver I don't have and I am wasting my time with buying these controllers. Mom helps me and we learned which controllers work and don't for different emulators.
  13. I have or had all the roms in perfect order in the ROMS directory of MAME 2.5X family that's recent and they don't work at all. I for example when to turn on Cruis n USA and it gave an error even though I have the missing file. In fact I went to download Cruis n USA Rev 4.1 just to be on the safe side manually and left it zipped which it still read errors. Should I have unzipped it? I don't want to download MAME over again only to find that wouldn't fix anything as I have deleted my MAME stuff as they just don't work anymore..
  14. I think you are getting it from the same source I am and that site isn't really known for testing things before they upload. They also deleted older romsets sadly. You can't get em anymore at least on my end. Maybe I'm on some government crap list so I'm externally blocked.
  15. Sadly the only site that hosts MAME romsets have merged only files.
  16. I am sorry to say but since an update sumtime in the summer MAME doesn't work anymore AT ALL. I honestly don't think it's you at all NOR do I think it's MAME's fault that MS f'ks up with stuff. They don't want us doing things offline and haven't really since Windows 8. They'd be all too happy for us to be forced to have a cloud subscription once enough of the 'dumb' cloud gaming generation grows up and doesn't know any better they WILL enforce it most likely with Windows 12 or whatever their next big Windows is. Already when you factory restore 10 they by default have you store things on the 'One Cloud' unless you always manually change each download you do to other location. For me its one of my 2 Elements Drives. I unfortunately have to give up on MAME it's LAME. It's like giving up your favorite pet that you know has some disease or problem where it's likely to die soon so you can choose to put it to sleep or let it live (it may survive 5 more years) but be in agony during so. There's no way for you as a human to know and nothing you or I can do to fix it. I factory restored Windows 10 which now my steering wheel works and is recognized on most things now that didn't work before so I'm going to assume an update broke MAME.
  17. So after I delete those nvram files it will be running the game for the 1st time and I go thru the 'set your steering wheel' setup screen in which before I calibrate I set my inputs again? As for -Window I don't use command line I use Mame X64.exe which is it's basic UI. Not sure about command line I only know a bit of MS Dos commands. Edit: Found the 2NVRAM files in that Cruis n World folder. It says nvram and serial_pic2. I am going to delete that Cruis n World folder with those 2 weird files. Also I have Bandicam should I show a quick intro clip of how weird the controls on MAME is when trying to start a race? That is once I can get it windowed?
  18. Oh and the latest MAME 2.049 Cruis n USA controls don't work at all so I reverted back to this one at least it works but not World.
  19. Those look like mouse settings to me. I'm using PXNV900 wheel. I did a soft Windows 10 restore so now Windows finds it as wired wheel. I set both games with Paddle Analog as Joy LSX and P1 Pedal 1 as - and 2 as +. Cruis n USA works just fine with that though a tad bit sensitive but I think the arcade was always sensitive crap on the actual machine. Cruis n World however same settings the menu goes either all the way left or right and starting the car pulls to the right into a circle. Here are the config files for World. Anything I can do different? Snip Tool won't work in-game so I can't screenshot the input setup. I have to shut the game down. Any ideas how to do a screen shot on 10? I've never had print screen work on any Windohs Computer I've ever had. crusnwld.cfg
  20. If the big S can't do it then I'm not sure how a small site like this could though I'd love both too! I'd love for the big S to do it then I don't have to shift thru the garbage games so much to get to the better graphic/gameplay ones.
  21. Not sure where to ask for help on MAME issues because their forums require the admins to approve your account which probably means it's not going to happen until they get off their butts and I've seen only a few threads in the past here mention steering issues with these two game but not quite what I'm having. The earlier MAME version one USA worked but World wouldn't work no matter what I set my controls too but now in 2.049 the USA one doesn't work either. Host: Windows 10 64 bits. Expected Behavior: The same inputs for USA should work on World and vica versa. I will reupload the USA Config file to show I'm not stupid despite being new. Remember you were once new too. 🪓 New lives matter! Anything wrong with the config here? Steps to produce this bug: Install MAME 2.049 and get your romsets by Jdownloader2 into your ROM from wherever you get your romsets at and then once your sure your roms match then turn on MAME then turn on Cruis nUSA and World. Note: Neither game requires CHD files to boot. Also on the menu the pictures glitch out now and on the race it makes the car go to the right if you pull on the stick even slightly where as in previous versions of MAME it doesn't not sure if this is just MAME being buggy or something else internal going on. crusnusa.cfg
  22. Ministry of Truth. 🪓
  23. (Sigh) This to be expected when one fires their PC people and replaces them with Nokia phone people. Yes during Win 8 development cycle MS fired a bunch of their tech people and replaced them with Nokia after buying them out during the MS 'shakeup' as the articles stated. A FAILED phone company. Insert connections here.
  24. Edit: Here are my two config files for both Cruis n USA and World set for my Numbskull Racing Wheel. I have Bandicam should I include a video of both games? I haven't touched MAME in a year and a month ago I found out after updating to 2.046 and getting the appropriate rom set the games turn on. I map the Cruis n USA to have the steering wheel Analog Paddle to be LSX and have P1 be - and P2 be + which works great on this game. But Cruis n World the same input the menu goes from one end to the other and on in game it makes the car just spin to the left and crash. This is NumbSKULL racing wheel. I also have a PX9 that no longer is recognized on my PC it doesn't detect it and shows as an Xbox one controller when testing/caliberating which I know I played this wheel on these games along time ago. Something funny is going on. There's a thread I saw from April 2021other people having wheels not work after a Windows update including someone whom bought a 700$ sim racing wheel it suddenly would no longer connect: This is where I got the Numbskull a year later for my birthday in April 2022. It was a hot summer so I didn't have much chance to play it as I don't do well in heat here in Oregon. Our summers are hotter and longer so I get sweaty when dealing with MAME so I did other emulation stuff instead for a while. The newest MAME 2.049 breaks Cruis n USA where as in 2.046 Cruis n USA controls works but World controls don't work. crusnusa.cfg crusnwld.cfg
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