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  1. Thanks for the idea. It seems to work. I do not know why Launchbox does not open my Adobe Acrobat but it works fine with pdf files opening in a website. Thanks for your help. Best regards
  2. Thanks for your reply. Yes, Task Manager lets me close Adobe and then restart is not more necessary restarting the pc. Many thanks! Any idea about why Launch Box is not able to open pdf files? Thanks again.
  3. Hi. I have downloaded some game manuals for Launchbox in pdf files, but when I try to open them (selecting the game and then: Media>Show Manual) nothing happens. But the strangest thing is that after this, Adobe Acrobat does not work anymore. I try to open any pdf file with it and it does nothing. In fact I have to restart the computer to make Adobe Acrobat work again. Any help, please? Thanks a lot.
  4. Thanks Lordmonkus. I tried to downlaod pleasuredome romset, but it is more than 70 GB... To get CPS-3 roms it is excesive for me. I downloaded again those roms and their bios from several websites, but none of them seem to work with MAME. It is quite amazing, as Nebula works with CPS-3 many years ago, and it seems that MAME is not able to make it work as easily. I would prefer to run all my arcade games througn MAME using Launhbox, but I think the easiest solution is keep using Nebula, even when it can not be launched with Launchbox. Thanks for your patience. Best regards.
  5. Hi. I've been using Nebula to emulate CPS-3 games. Unfortunatelly, when I use Launchbox this emulator does not load automatically the games. I tried then MAME (0.25b) instead, but I can not make CPS-3 games work. Surely I am doing something wrong but when it keeps loading the rom and nothing happens (I waited 10 or more minutes and it did not finished loading the rom). When I use Nebula the rom is inmediatelly loaded. Is there any way to make CPS-3 games run in MAME? Thanks a lot for your help and kind regads.
  6. Amazing! Thanks a lot for such an incredible compilation!
  7. Thanks, Lordmonkus. I have seen it, and it works perfectly, so "goodbye, Winkawaks"... Thanks a lot for your kind help.
  8. Thanks again for your kind reply. I will look for new NeoGeo, CPS1, CPS2 Mame's roms, which are the ones I run with Winkawaks. Best regards.
  9. Thanks a lot for your reply. Do you know if Roms that runs in Winkawaks will run in Mame as well? If not I should download all again. Thanks again for your kind attention.
  10. Hi. I have read that latest versions of LB run with Winkawaks and you could run games directly from LB. But it does not work for me. Winkawaks runs, but I have to load the rom from it. I have seen previous topics about this issue but no I have found no solution yet... Any help, please? It is the only Emulator I am not able to make it work.
  11. Sorry if this issue has previously been solved, but I didn't find it. I am using Vice Emulator with Launchbox to run Commodore 64 games. I have games in crt format, but when I try to import them with Launchbox import tool it finds nothing. Is there any way to make Launchbox import these files and associate them to my Vice Emulator (when I run them directly in Vice emulator they run perfectly). Thanks for your attention and best regards.
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