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Everything posted by hsycr1

  1. This is the Xbox 360 error Horizontal 1 Wheel view. The External HDD issue i cant found the discussed for view the solutions, sorry. But the others generic views works fine
  2. I have the same error in Wii, Wii U and 3DS. The others views is OK, Wall, and coverflow, but the principal no, but in ds and Switch works fine. Im use External HDD too, is posible a solution? In Xbox360 have a error and the program change the view to similar colofur theme This theme have a intro video, startup theme and pause theme? And the last question, in the plataforms video can see various consoles, but when open the program i can see the consoles 1 by 1 similar a colorful theme(that i like) but is normal? thanks!!
  3. Hi! I like this theme, modern and stylish but. Can i make it go faster? When I see the names of the games, it takes a few seconds until the screen with the information and the video appears, can it be changed to be instantaneous like in other themes? Also if you accept suggestions, I would like if you can add more options, like seeing everything together without separating(video, details,cover... and add icons next to the genres. Thank you very much and a very good theme! Sorry for my english EDIT: How I can use the new views? I download 2.02, but not working, i can update the theme in bigbox, but is the 2.0
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