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Everything posted by dasd

  1. Thanks for the reply. Yeah I've dissected the view and can't find anything that is rotating it. Get this, even when I rotate the videos to account for this rotation, it's STILL showing it incorrectly rotated. Really unsure on this one.
  2. @faeran I'm trying to use a view for Visual Pinball and I have videos for all of my tables. I have them showing correctly in a custom WallView but half of them are being rotated. Any idea what would rotate them? If I use a Rotation Transformation to rotate them 90 degrees, it fixes it but all of the others are them messed up.
  3. Thank you all. This is all helpful. A few updates: 1. I dont have a PINMame32.ini. I have a PINMame32ui.ini, but not the former. I think the issue might be a focus issue actually. Sometimes, when a table launches, it doesnt have focus. 2. Also, when I close a table using Visual Pinballs close button, it successfully closes but doesnt return focus back to BigBox.
  4. Gotcha. I’ll use the exit key! a few questions: 1. Do we know of a way to map F3 to an arcade buttton? 2. Do we know if a way to disable bigbox’s pause screen while in visual pinball? Using this screen locks the game up when hitting resume and doesn’t always shift focus to BigBox when hitting exit
  5. Done!
  6. I need help. i have tried roughly 30 variations of AHK scripts for launching, resuming, and exitiNG Visual Pinball from BigBox and nothing seems to work consistently across all tables. As I’m an AHK noob, I would love some help with this scripting. also, sometimes Visual Pinball opens but the ROM doesn’t load and I have to use F3 to reload the rom. The issue is that I can’t map F3 to an arcade button…
  7. Can Attract Mode display a custom image while running? This would let users display an image like "Chad's arcade" while its in demo mode.
  8. Hey that worked! Thanks!
  9. All other screens work just fine. Its just game gear that doesnt work at all.
  10. @faeran any ideas? my game gear platform page just doesnt take the theme correctly...
  11. this doesnt work for me. I am trying to get Sega Game Gear gams to have this view and it just does nothing when i create a 'Sega Game Gear' xaml file. This is the exact name of the platform too EDIT: Even more confusing is that I have a platform named Pinball which has no xaml file but the theme applies perfectly to this platform.
  12. Is it possible to edit this theme in the launchbox community creator?
  13. Trying to get this to build locally and only seeing this: I have pointed the solution at the proper LB folder but it doesnt seem to know what InitizalizeComponent() is. I'm assuming this reference comes from the Unbroken.LaunchBox.Plugins.dll in the Core folder, right?
  14. dasd


    Does BannerBox lag for anyone else? It’s just a generally slow experience.
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