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Everything posted by bpitt
No worries. I appreciate the help. I haven't paid much attention to image groups until I was auditing my systems and the audit was giving me wrong counts. Researching that issue lead me to realize that my count was off because I had screenshots set as boxes because I wanted the game details tab to display screenshots when I was missing box art. Anyways, after more testing it appears that this is occurring when LBDB is missing box art but the box art is available in EmuMovies. This is also happening with screenshots. Perhaps, the limit only applies to LBDB and not to EmuMovies. On second look, the limit image dialog appears on LBDB screen, but not the EmuMovies screen. Thanks again for your efforts. Hopefully one of the developers can chime in.
Thanks for the response, but I do not see an answer. You just stated what I said in my original post. The question is: If I set my limit to 1 per image group, why am I getting 2 from the same group?
When importing or updating metadata, I set the image download limit to 1, but am getting 2 images in the same image group. For example, I have the Amiga Game Banzai. I go to Tools>Download>Update Metadata and Media for selected game and choose all media types from the Boxes image group, then do the same for EmuMovies. This results in 2 boxes being downloaded. 1) Fanart - Box - Front (From LBDB) 2) Box - Front (From EmuMovies) Both media types are in the same image group, so if limit was set to 1 (Per Image Group), why am I getting 2 results? Am I missing something here? Thanks in advance. Launchbox version 13.18 windows
Ah yes, just was checking that I saw your response. The file name within the zip is still named the old way It appears I renamed the zip but did not rename the file within. This may explain some other issues I've been having with metadata. So I guess when using compressed files, Launchbox names the save file same as the file name within the zip, but the game save management section is looking for a save file with the same name as the zip file. I assume this because when I rename the save file to Arkanoid - Doh It Again (USA).state, Launchbox now finds the save. Not sure I like this. Anyways, thanks for your help and quick response @JoeViking245. Happy Holidays!
Before I report this as a bug, can anyone confirm that I am not missing anything? When I save a game or a state, the file created in Retroarch folder is named incorrectly and therefore not visible in the new game save management section when editing metadata. For example, I launch the rom [Arkanoid - Doh It Again (USA).zip] and create a save state. The file being created is Arkanoid - Doh It Again (U) [!].state. I realize that I probably changed the rom file name in the past, but why is Launchbox naming the save file with the old rom file name? Any help would be appreciated.
I found something similar in issue #1632 - Attract Mode enhancement. Take a look at it and chime in if you'd like.
Hey, I know this is old but did you ever request this feature? I would love to be able to run a slideshow of all the awesome fanart-background images I have.
Hey, This doesn't seem to work for me in LB. I hit a letter on my keyboard and I see some filtering is performed but the resulting list shows games that have that letter anywhere in their name. Is there a setting or something else I have to do to only show games that start with the letter typed?
My goal is to have a clear understanding of the rules so that I can make sure that my contributions do not break any rules. Also, once I understand the rules, I can make a final decision on whether or not I will consider the LBDB my bible. My OCD is making this complicated as I have the blessing/curse of being a perfectionist. For my further understanding, why does the db allow multiple developers on a single game if they would then be considered different games? If these are in fact different games (according to rules) then, I'm afraid I may be doing more harm than good (which is definitely not my intention). BTW, thank you for understanding. I have been using LB for under 1 year and this is my first time on the forums.
According to the pinned guidelines (See below), I disagree. Furthermore, that's why the db allows you to add multiple developers to a single game. A game should only have 1 entry per platform. Multiple Disc games don't get entries per disc. Still 1 entry. Special Editions only get a unique entry on the Database if the game is significantly different than the already existing entry. I.e. Fallout 3 and Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition would be two separate entries.
Thank you. I would have never found that. Now, I see the 3rd game (Scuba Diver) is in moderation for deletion. I guess someone has been reading my posts and submitting my finds. I wish I knew if that was done to assist me or if someone is scanning the forums for ideas on contributions. lol. Either way, thank you all who responded.
Ok this is getting complicated. It appears that someone has already submitted the changes kurzih suggested. Meanwhile, I have also found a third game which I believe is also the same game as the 2 listed above. https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/details/41029-scuba-diver. Now this game is also an American title. This gives us: Sea Hunt (1987 USA) https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/details/28818-sea-hunt Skindiver (1983 GER ) Deleted Scuba Diver (1983 USA) https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/details/41029-scuba-diver So my question now becomes, with 2 different American releases, which should be the official title in LBDB. Sea Hunt or Scuba Diver?
Thank you for the info. I did not know that the American title was prioritized as the default title name. That bit of info is not listed in Moderator Guidelines and Contributor Rules pinned at the top of this forum. May I ask where you learned that? I would like to see the source to assure I am not missing any other rules as I contribute.
The 2 games in question are Sea Hunt https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/details/28818-sea-hunt and Skindiver https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/details/83255-skindiver for Atari 2600.
I have a question about submitting changes. Here is my situation: Game A and game B appear to be the same game from screenshots and research. Game A was released in 1983 Game B was released in 1987 Game B has game A as an alternate name as well as other alternate names I was going to suggest deleting game A as it had less info (alternate names and publishers) but game A was released first (1983) and therefore here is my question: Should game A be the official name of the game as it was released first? If this is the case, I will submit deleting game B and add all alternate names and publishers to game A.