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Everything posted by TehCupcakes

  1. I do it with the Stream Deck software since you can have multi-action buttons and it was easy to add there. You could definitely do that inside the AHK script, though. You do need to restart BB for it to take effect, as I'm sure you guessed.
  2. I have multiple "Data" folders inside my launchbox install which just serve as separate collections of playlists. Renaming the current "Data" folder to something else and the one you want to use back to "Data" performs the swap. (I have an AutoHotkey script which does the change, and a Stream Deck so it's as easy as a push of a button for me.) It's a little less bloat than a fully separate LB install, where you would have to update the app separately for each install and have duplicated media (unless you redirect everything to one central place.)
  3. Thanks for making this theme! This is my favorite LB theme by far. I just have one issue: Managing media can be a pain because it doesn't seem to close open file handles when making changes. For instance, deleting a Clear Logo will frequently give an error: "Could not delete file ... it is being used by another process" (but I know that the process is LaunchBox itself, since other themes don't have this problem.) This can also happen with startup backgrounds if you have launched the game during this session.
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