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Everything posted by Mateloaf

  1. i have fixed it now. i went back a few days with the backups, i was using ones from earlier in the same day from before it went wrong, but going back a day or so fixed it, thanks for offering to look into it
  2. Crash log attached for further information from windows event viewer Log Name Application.txt
  3. Hi,i wonder if anyone can help. I have a large library of retro games all ported into launch-box fine, i had ZX spectrum in the platform category by itself, so i tried to update this to go under the 'computers' platform on the left hand menu but launchbox then crashed. Now when i load it it has no games showing at all and crashes to desktop after about a minute, no error messages, i tried restoring a back up and new install but no joy? Any help would be appreciated This is what i see when it loads for a minute.
  4. Hi Thank you for the info, i've tried it and it works once. When i exit a game, launchbox has now filled my screen(to where i cant see my windows bar) and my desktop resolution changes to 1920x1080 and the next game i run sounds awful again, so then i have to change my desktop resolution back to 3840x2160 for the game to run with proper sound again at the retroarch 1920x1080 setting, so its moved the problem from launchbox to my display settings so I'm stumped! Sorry to be a pest any suggestions that might help?
  5. Hi, first off can i just say thank you this is an amazing collection. Being a bit of a noob though have one odd problem. When i load any game the sound is horribly distorted, if i set the output resolution in retro-arch to 1920x1080 60hz, this fixes this issue, however every time i leave a game it resets everything and i have to change it every time. i changed my resolution in Windows to 1920x1080 and this doesn't help, any ideas what i could be doing wrong (if i try to save configuration it says its failed to save, i have tried changing it by just loading retroarch in the C64 Dreams folder and this hasn't saved the setting when loading launchbox) my resolution at present on my monitor is 3840x2160 if that helps. Any advice is much appreciated!
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