Thanks soo much for this plugin, it works perfectly. It took me a little while to get everything set up, so I wanted to share what I've done in case it's helpful for anyone else.
First, I needed to install AutoHotkey (I'm not a regular Windows user and this was unfamiliar to me). Found at
This added a shortcut to the right-click popup menu in Windows ... New-->AutoHotkey Script ...this gives a basic script with some default startup commands that I left as-is
From there I could use the format indicated by adding a new line to the script using the Run command (i.e., prepend the line with "Run").
.I ran LaunchBox to test. The script works when double-clicked and when launched from Stream Deck via a System-Run macro.
I was then going to create scripts for all the games I wanted to launch from Stream Deck. I noticed a couple of things:
NotePad happily strips away the file type identifier if you use "Save As", making the script a plain text file, which can't be launched, so be careful with that.
When the AHK script is launched a terminal window pops up for a second. This behaviour can be changed by passing the "Hide" option to the AHK Run command (see the attached script)
I didn't want to create a separate script file and separate Stream Deck macro for each game.
Instead, I use StreamDeck to pass the name of the game as an argument to a generic AHK script (attached, you'll need to update path details to reflect your setup). I had to install the (very nice) Advanced Launcher Stream Deck plugin to do this because the default System launcher in Stream Deck doesn't like arguments.
Note 1: all of my go-to games are for the "arcade platform", so I don't pass platform as an argument, but this could be done easily enough: AHK uses numbered variables for each argument, so %1% gets the value of the first argument, %2% gets the second, and so on.
Note 2: any game names with spaces or punctuation should be provided in double quotes to be sent to the script as a single argument