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  1. Well I think I have managed to solve it in another way. I’ve downloaded a seperate FB Neo romset, which contained CPS1, CPS2, CPS3, Cave, Neo Geo etc. All in all +500 roms. Imported the FBN Roms in LB. So now I have all the +500 games working in Retroarch as a seperate Final Burn Neo platform in LB. This means I now have double roms - versions working in FBN platform and same games in the Arcade platform, which is not working. What is the easiest way deleting these roms which are not working ? These roms are also figuring under the Capcom Classics playlists..
  2. Not helping. Clicking "play". Screens turns black for 1 sec and back to LB again. The methode I´ve used to import the MAME romset directly into the Arcade folder in LB, using the "import roms" feature in LB. Same for many other CPS games.
  3. I just want the CPS games to run, regardless of it it MAME og RA, but since all other roms in Arcade folder is working fine, except CPS, it would be nice having CPS roms working in Mame as well. I have selected MAME as Emulator when importing the roms in the beginning. And selected "Arcade" as folder where all the roms are located.
  4. Already checked that. Mame version 0.251. LB should do the work concerning making CPS1 and other platforms compatible with the emulators. All other games in Arcade are working. It is only CPS games which are not fully running .
  5. I am getting crazy here. Some CPS games are not running at all. And some other are running fine. Any suggestions where to look/how to fix this ?
  6. Cool. Do you have your CPS1/2/3 roms located in the Arcade roms folder in LB ? Or do you have them in seperate CPS1/2/3 rom folders ?
  7. Hi all. Hope someone can share their setup in Retroarch, Mame or whatever emulator used to get this game working from your side. I have already digged in to several youtube tutorials instructing how to add the correct CPS1/CPS2/CPS2 emulator to get these games working. I have installed all cores in Retroarch and tried it in Retroarch, without any luck, since the game did not work om Mame. I have all my Arcade games in my Arcade platform. When trying to start the game nothing happens. Thx in advance
  8. Yes
  9. Thanks - I have managed to solve it. My own mistake. It was the destination which was wrong into the roms folder in LB. It was R:\Launchbox\Launchbox\Games\Arcade.. 🙂 Changed it to R:\Launchbox\Games\Arcade and now working., Thanks for reaching out.
  10. I have the exact same issue. Cant run Mame games in LB. Taken all steps which was suggested in here. Anyone found a fix for it ?
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