My opinion is community. I believe the little child in us all, brings us all together.
I think such efforts like Yuzu should be done in countries like Venezuela, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Brazil, Mexico, Chile, or even Colombia. But mostly Venezuela. Since Japan hasn't recognized their government since 2019, Venezuelan business ventures are free to do what they wish with Japan's digital property and interpret it their own way. Also, I don't believe the Latin American retro gaming community has been marketted to enough. And the US sanctions against Venezuela, no longer have the strengh it used to since most Latin American nations have reopened thier doors to Venezuelan trade and business. Which means, a business like Yuzu in Venezuela can sell to most American nations, except maybe the US, Canada, El Salvador, and now Argentina. A subsidiary in another country would possibly be able to sell to the US.
In such independent countries, ideas like Yuzu can flourish and would be welcomed warmly.
Or Yuzu can fight it. Either way, I believe the community needs a base in the Caribbean beaches of Venezuela for longevity, with an office in Colombia to do business transactions with the world.