Thank you for this wonderful theme! It is exactly what I have been looking for. I am having one issue though - with the animations during fast-scrolling (holding up or down in game list) or when the system goes into Attract Mode.
In this video, you can see that once the Attract Mode starts spinning, after a second or two the background image of the previous game will come in and mess up the view until it stops spinning. Is there any easy fix for this issue? The theme is otherwise perfect but this is driving me crazy trying to resolve. Please see this video, the issue occurs at 4s, 14s, and 23s. The first time it loads a blank black gradient background, and the next two times it loads backgrounds from the previous game.
The issue is on the "WheelGamesView" in the community theme creator.
It also loads a bit of the LeftSideRectangle in the bottom left, you can see a blue strip during Attract Mode.
I have tried editing animations (or removing them entirely) but this issue persists. Any solution? Thanks so much again for the great theme!