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Everything posted by LukeParry

  1. Really loving Bigbox so far! I was wondering if there is a hotkey option (or plugin) that can be used to toggle the background music option in Bigbox. Right now if I want to enable/disable the background music I need to navigate to the back end menus and toggle it manually - would love if there was a one-key option to make life a bit smoother. Looking for a way to toggle this option with a hotkey in options -> sound: Any help or pointers greatly appreciated!
  2. @skizzosjt You're the GOAT! I had the 'once selected' animation set up for the main video, but after adding the 'during selection' 0% opacity it works perfect. Thank you again for your amazing help. Will get the text sorted now - I will just recreate the elements. I had installed the fonts previously, so must just be something goofy. Have a great rest of your weekend! Here's a video of the difference (sorry for discord noise at 0:04s) Edit: Fixed the text too with your suggestion. None of the text fields were displaying the fonts they were using (were just showing empty cells) but checking font file names in the theme fonts directory I saw it was Gilroy Bold. All fixed! Wahooooo!
  3. @skizzosjt Sorry to be a bother - last lingering issue for me is that the sound from the previous seleceted game is continuing during attract mode/scrolling as you can see in the video. Is there any way to have the audio stop for the previous game once I begin to navigate away? Oh, and one other odd one. In the PlatformWheel1FiltersView there is a weird text glitch that shows up. For some reason the word 'Game' is bolded but the rest of the text is not and for the life of me I can not figure out how to toggle that. Pic attached.
  4. @skizzosjt Thanks again for taking the time to give so much great advice. Please see the video below, I now have it working great! No more animation glitches! Still have some minor tinkering to do, but from the base Colorful theme I have made a few changes: - Fixed video aspect ratios in game view being messed up - Fixed some minor text issues being cut off - Fixed animation glitches in game view during fast scroll/attract mode - Made game selection text box background colors all blue to match Vewlix Diamond cab. Edit: I am not sure if all the grid boxes I added were necessary, but in case anyone else is having same issues these are the ones I added:
  5. @skizzosjt I took a stab at fixing with the grid blocks as you recommended and it appears to be working! I was able to correct the left rectangle box to animate correctly. Thanks so much! I am sure I could resolve the rest of my issue, but I am not sure what the remaining element (the right side background that comes in during Attract Mode) that I need to do the same procedure on. Do you know which element I am looking for? Sorry for the basic question! Edit: I applied the grid box setup to the "Screenshots - Fallback" video element and that got rid of the background image, but now there is plain black animation in the background on the right side. So close! Updated pic attached.
  6. Thanks again for the great info. I will poke away at it using your suggestions and I will read the material you recommended. Thank you again for being so helpful!!!
  7. @skizzosjt Thanks very much for the quick reply! You are correct, I am using CTC v3.1.5 with the Colorful Theme editable version in the original post v2.03. Is there any solution for this issue? Do I just need to do my tinkering in an older version of CTC? Edit: This does seem to effect even the base version of Colorful Light theme from what I can see. Can you recreate this issue?
  8. Thank you for this wonderful theme! It is exactly what I have been looking for. I am having one issue though - with the animations during fast-scrolling (holding up or down in game list) or when the system goes into Attract Mode. In this video, you can see that once the Attract Mode starts spinning, after a second or two the background image of the previous game will come in and mess up the view until it stops spinning. Is there any easy fix for this issue? The theme is otherwise perfect but this is driving me crazy trying to resolve. Please see this video, the issue occurs at 4s, 14s, and 23s. The first time it loads a blank black gradient background, and the next two times it loads backgrounds from the previous game. The issue is on the "WheelGamesView" in the community theme creator. It also loads a bit of the LeftSideRectangle in the bottom left, you can see a blue strip during Attract Mode. I have tried editing animations (or removing them entirely) but this issue persists. Any solution? Thanks so much again for the great theme!
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