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So as I've been using Steam more and more (those sales are so addicting!), I've been adding more and more of my Steam-based games to Launchbox. However, my Steam is installed on my C:/ drive's Program Files, while I have Steam install my games in my LaunchBox folder on my D:/ drive with the rest of the games I use. This is mainly because my C:/ is a smaller SSD that I use for CAD/Drafting, my OS, and programs. If I was smart, I would have installed Steam on my D:/ with my games, but I installed it before setting up LaunchBox. That all being said, when I use the "Import from Steam" option, it defaults to the Steam Apps directory on my C:/ and I manually select the Steam Apps directory on my D:/. I was wondering if it would be possible to add a setting that allowed us to change the default directory for the import function. Like, being able to set a path in the settings box, or having the import remember previously used places. Like I said, this is mainly an issue because I haven't moved around my Steam's program files, so it's hardly a priority...it's more me being lazy/dumb. But I figure there may be somebody else who is having to track down multiple steam directories and would like this feature as well. (On a side note, love the recent updates. Sorry I wasn't able to test them out, I've been finding work and dealing with entering "the real world")
Hey guys, This was the best place I could think to post this. I was wondering if anybody would like to swap Steam Usernames. I ask because I have few Steam-using friends and would like more. Feel free not to share if you'd rather not have random people adding you, etc, but I'd be willing to add you guys. My username is: Deathbringer122
What I have done for my Steam games I haven't installed, is added them without an application to launch, then under status I used "On Steam - Not Installed" to remind myself. I love the idea of not having to do this manually, or being prompted to install!
What about IGN's wikis? I've pulled some information from them when needing details that thegamesDB lacked... Not sure about APIs and all that, just throwing it out there.
Hey guys, A discussion in the beta testing topic made me want to take a screenshot of part of my collection.... So what I have done is added all of my emulators, my DOSbox, and related gaming programs (ie Xpadder) to Launchbox in case I need to open them without a ROM/Game. I'm a big fan of a clean desktop, so this also allows me to get rid of more shortcuts. For the front covers, I found a representation of the system they emulate (for console emulators) or an icon for the program (ScummVM/DOSbox). For each, I found a text logo for each program and used them as a PNG with no background layer, and used it as the clear logo. As you can see, I have Kega Fusion selected and SEGA appears on the background. Getting a large sized logo for each program has been a bit of a pain...Also, I did this as a form of procrastination so the photoshopping I did to create my own PNGs is low quality rush work. The SEGA turned out well, others are more jagged and poorly done. Obviously I have yet to give Xpadder a logo and image, it's in the works...
Jason- Just downloaded the v2.17 BETA. I have only played with it a little, but I will go ahead and give you my initial thoughts. I like the ability to select how the info box appears, I think its nice to have that freedom. I know I'm liking the info only appearing when I hit the button, but that's my preference. The rating stars appear fixed, which helps as well, and I'm glad we now have the close button so we don't have to futz with games hidden by the info. I can see the issue you are having with the "i" info button. I'm going to see if I can think up a solution that works better, but I'm not sure if I can. Would it be possible to scale the size of the button along with the size of the box art? Personally, I keep my box art rather small (8 titles per row on a 17.3" 1920x1080 screen). I currently am fine with the size of the info button, but it was more intrusive when dropping the size of the art to it's smallest. What options did you play around with? What didn't work? NMC- I like the idea of having a graphic for the console/logo appear on the box art and the added functionality. I'm not sure if that would be possible, but I like it for sure.
Hey SEK, I'm obviously not the developer of Launchbox, but I wanted to let you know that you are able to manually change the platform of your added titles. All you do is type SNES-ROM into the platform form and save, this will create a new platform for your organization system. Also, when you scrape data from the gamesDB, it should add the platform of the game. (I have noticed that there are MS-DOS titles that gamesDB files as PC, and then you have to manually edit them. I have a platform for DOS and for my current PC games.) I like your other suggestions, especially the Wiki idea. Hopefully Jason will be able to take a look at this soon! Welcome to the community!
Sounds like a good idea Jason. I'm anxious to see how it works! NMC- Haha, yeah, so I'm learning!
EDIT: Nevermind, it was an issue with my Avast.
bd00 said As for the hover vs. panel, how about 2 buttons that appear over the poster when hovering, "Play" and "Info". Play will take you directly to the game and info will bring up the info panel (using the same type of panel you have now only bigger). Would this be easier to implement with with what you have now? Maybe in the future an option to "pin" it as a permanent panel? If you catch my drift? Did anyone else have problems when scraping? Or the random mouse cursor? I like this idea. It gives a good range of options. I haven't had a chance to import from steam, but I haven't noticed any issues scraping otherwise. Also, the cursor you describe sounds like the one used for gamepad control of the program...not sure what happened to make it show up. Do you use a controller? _______________ I noticed a few other things while testing the app. I've found out that the entire hover panel is "live" so to speak when it comes to the star rating. As in, if I click anywhere on the panel, the ratings change. Is that intentional, or a glitch? Also, in regards to the auto-backup. I like this functionality, but I'm noticing a ton of backups starting to pile up in my "My Launchbox" folder. They are relatively small, but there are many of them. Does the backup get split into multiple files, I have many with the same time-stamp. First off, would it be possible to create a "Backups" folder to keep them all in once space, or do they need to be with the LaunchBox .xml? Also, would it be possible to have an option to select how many backups to keep? Like, only save the last 5, or last 2, or etc. Sorry again if my notes aren't of use. I've never helped out with something like this, and I'm not sure what to point out and what not to!
Finally made some time to check out the beta. First off, loving the emulation support for the additional applications. (When you mentioned adding that functionality, I went and redid my entire library in anticipation and have been overly excited, to be honest). I've tested a few games, and everything seems to work. I've tried out Dolphin and ePSXE and both work wonderfully. It also works with SNES9X (I have some titles with alternate ROMs on the SNES). Let me preface this with a note. I'm not somebody who knows a thing about coding or what it takes to build something like this. Honestly, I'm completely awed by your dedication and the product you have created. So the things I pick up on are more visual/aesthetic than functionality. And I have no idea how possible/impossible my notes may be, so feel free to ignore them. I'm liking the hovering data box a lot. It's a nice view of the scrapped information and has a lot of potential. Aesthetically, would it be possible for it to fade in? I'm not sure about the perfect time, but it's a tad fast at the moment. Also, I personally feel like it lags a hair too long from when I hover over a title. However, I get the feeling this sort of thing would change from person to person. Would it be possible to add in some sort of user control over how long before it appears and etc? I'm just thinking in terms of customization. The idea of another tab, like the iTunes browser, is something I'd like to see in tandem with the popup preview. Obviously in a later release, but I think the pop-up works better as an "at a glance" overview. It's very clean at the moment and I'd hate to see it become cluttered. I kinda like the idea of having an image show up as the background of the preview box...like a fan art image per game, or something similar. Not sure how, what, when...what are your thoughts on that? I'll keep playing around with it, and let you know if I think of anything else.
Ahhhh, alright... I gotcha. Thank you, that clears up my confusion
I should wait until the actual sticky is created, but I'm going to ask anyway... I understand the command lines help set up the emulator program as it starts, but I'm confused about them... For instance, the games I have that use Kega Fusion, they functioned fine without the use of the command line. I understand the "-fullscreen" function does what it says...but what about "-auto"? I take it the "-gen" and "-32x" specify the system...but I am able to boot them fine without these modifiers. And I noticed adding -fullscreen made the program quit when I tried to drop out of fullscreen. I have that issue with ePSXe as well... I'll look into the help files when I have a moment, but I figured I'd ask the gurus...I'm rather new to emulation and my skills with computers branch into the artistic, not programming. Thanks!
Ahhh alright, I gotcha. Yeah, being able to link whole soundtracks would be awesome, especially with the GOG games. I totally understand it's a low priority, it's more of a cosmetic thing and I was just wondering if I was doing things correctly. I'm happy to help and I've noticed the growing community as well. It's pretty awesome!
So, not sure if this is a user error or not...but, it seems LaunchBox defaults to using Windows Media Player for it's game music? I was trying to use a codec not supported by WMP for some of my game music, and of course, WMP cannot handle it (namely, FLAC). My default media player for FLAC is foobar2000, and I figured it would open it with the default. Is this an error on my end? If not, and WMP is the designated player... Is it possible to change the media player the program uses? Or have it use the default player? Is that a feature that could be added? If not, that's perfectly fine, I don't have much in the way of VGM and I can see how this could effect portability. Thank you so much!!!!