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Posts posted by SentaiBrad

  1. CadetStimpy said Reply to Brad: In the top-level directory I have 2 xml files - LaunchBox and License (I have Premium). In the Metadata sub-directory, I have one large one. In the Backup sub-directory, I have 25 files with names like this: LaunchBox.xml.backup-635628852809969171 So you're saying I only need the LaunchBox.xml and License.xml files (or I can back-up the entire LaunchBox directory)? Reply to Jason: Well, since I have a semi-insane amount of disc space on my system (14Tb), backing-up the entire LaunchBox directory wouldn't be an issue. Smile Perhaps I'll just Back-Up the whole thing (it's about 330Mb at this point), although just Backing-Up those 2 xml files is a space-saver. What do you recommend between these 2 choices?
    I know the feeling. I have a ton of space too. Regardless of space its which ever you want to keep. I have all my roms and emulators on an external drive and LaunchBox on an internal because of the high read write access, but its a separate drive than my OS drive. So when I reinstall Windows 8, which I had to recently, honestly I didn't need to do anything. I just created a new shortcut on my desktop and ran LB like nothing happened. Nothing important is kept outside of your LaunchBox folder except for the roms and emulators, those are where you want them to be. But more or less, yes you only need to keep the LaunchBox XML files or you can just copy the entire folder so you don't have to run the installer again. The backup folder is supposed to have that many XML files. It is in case there is an error that is in the XML file or caused from the XML file you can just rename one of the backups and it replaces the XML with a previous version. Any information written to it since that backup will be lost, but it beats having to start over.
  2. Jason Carr said Nice Brad. :) Font is just simple Open Sans.
    Thats right. I remember it being simple, I just didn't remember what. Also yea, no problem. I had everything still from the Trailer. Also, here are text versions of the images. I created a white one for Jason, cause I know he likes it white, and there's nothing wrong with that. ;) But I also like a color version I proposed to him before, so I made that also. http://i.imgur.com/5n26Ic0.png http://i.imgur.com/uxgb90t.png
  3. kamyk2000 said Holy crap, I thought I had a lot of games on steam. Some of you have me waaaay beat. http://steamcommunity.com/id/kamyk4000
    I would say I have too many at times. I like all the games I have, but I see a game I want to play or that looks interesting... then it just gets lost. X_X
  4. CadetStimpy said I doubt this is in the correct Forum, but I didn't know which one to pick. Confused Anyway, which directories and/or files should I Back-Up, so I can re-install LaunchBox (e.g., PC rebuild) without having to manually add all my games in again?
    So, its really easy to do. As long as all of the emulators and roms are in the same file structure with the same drive letter (which you can change if you need to, cause a windows reinstall can change around drive letters depending on how many internal and external drives you have... it can get messy). With that, just copy the LaunchBox.xml file that is in the LB directory you installed it to. It is kept with the exe. If you have a premium license too make sure you copy that file that is kept with the exe. Or you can copy the entire folder. Its a portable app. This way DOS settings are also kept. But the roms and emulator paths still need to be the same.
  5. rad4Christ said Thanks. Quick request. Any chance you could make a Steam Banner for Launchbox? I can't find an image of your logo large enough to do it myself. Just need a simple log on background that's 460x215 in size. Then Launchbox can look all cute and perfect in Steam Big Picture mode!
    Sure. Give me a bit.
  6. CadetStimpy said I have a game (Simutrans) that isn't in TheGamesDB. When I try to add it to LaunchBox, it only finds "[TheGamesDB] Smithereens (Magnavox Odyssey 2) (1/1/1981)". Is there a way to add it to TheGamesDB, so if others try to add it to LaunchBox, it'll be there? Websites: Simutrans or Simutrans at SourceForge
    Yes, go to their website, create an account and follow their instructions. Fill in the info boxes, upload the artwork and save the entry. It should take effect automatically when you his scan in LB. I've added many DOS games to the database (lets not get started on no DOS section on their site) while my edit box was open and his search right away.
  7. kamyk2000 said What's not to like? :) It does exactly what I need it to do. It shows a nice list of platforms, and then shows box art of each game I have for each platform, and then shows metadata details on top of that. Then I get to doubleclick to start the game. Saves me from having to put up with dozens of desktop or start menu shortcuts and having to jump through those programs file menu hoops to run my games. Some of the other programs like this aren't bad, but all the ones I found gave a great big list of every game owned. I don't want to scroll through hundreds of games to browse them. The only one I found that was very much like Launchbox was outdated, didn't seem to work right, and required you to join a forum by email to even try to get the metadata part working through some sort of passcode. Launchbox is quality software with no crap to go through to use it, and he even made it free with a voluntary purchase for extras. :) Now all my consoles can go to a well deserved retirement, and I can play hassle free. And so far I have to say that the Dev, the support, and the forum user base are all very friendly and helpful. :)
    Yea this software single-handedly makes my new show on YouTube 100x easier. I could have achieved the result without it but its so much easier and I can show off LB, albeit quickly because its more about the specific game, to a wider audience.
  8. IF Jason was one of those dev's, he'd have snapped at me several months ago. xD I probably give him information overload at times, but that's how he fixes bugs and adds new features. I like seeing all that information too because it means someone else other than myself is passionate for this piece of software; Other than Jason of course, I just mean people who aren't a developer on the project.
  9. That's strange that it added RetroArch command line parameters to other emulators. This could be a bug? Command line parameters are added when you start adding Emulators to your internal list. When you add an Emulator LB knows, it fills in the command line parameters. They're not all perfect or the same settings that everyone wants to use. For example, I take off any fullscreen parameters LB add's, but in some cases like ePSXe and RetroArch, some of them are needed for the emulator to run with how LB runs. More specifically with RetroArch, you need to put those proper DLL's in a folder names cores with RetroArch. The fact that it stuck RetroArch command line parameters on EVERY emulator entry says to me its a bug. Jason will have to look in to this for the next beta to get resolved. Can you walk us through how you added an emulator? Did you add RetroArch first by any chance? -Brad C
  10. paladin181 said OS: Windows 7 Ultimate (x64) Version: LaunchBox Version 4.6 Premium Issue: When right clicking a game where the launcher or additional apps are located on my external drive, if the drive has gone into sleep mode and needs time to access, the action crashes LaunchBox. The device is a Seagate Free Agent 1TB USB external HDD. Would it be possible to get a timeout extension on requests to devices like this before crashing the app? It's not a huge deal; once the drive wakes up LaunchBox can read from it normally and can access any title with a file located on the device. It is an inconvenience however should I forget to click on it elsewhere to wake it up.
    There are ways to make the drive not go to sleep, then this should fix the current problem. However, I still think Jason will want to fix this as the crash is still unintended and good to fix. I'll pass along this thread to him.
  11. DOS76 said I am importing the files for Sega CD and when I do it gives multiple files for every game is there anyway to just get it to display the one that will launch the game not all of the wav. files and anything else in the folder.
    That's because it selected everything. When you select the option to add a folder, it will select everything in that folder. Select the files option, choose the folder you wish to import or the folder holding all of the game folders and in the upper right where it says "Search" type in the file extensions you want LB to import. For example ".iso" will find everything with a .iso at the end of it. Include the " " when you use the search box to tell Windows to find files ONLY with that match. It will search that folder and then you can select which items to add. Hit ok then you can search again if you need to for another file extensions. Like mdf, img, bin etc etc. How ever many times you need to. Then continue with the import like normal and select any other options you'd like.
  12. scree said I'm now using LaunchBox 4.5 and I've come across what might be an issue with the game boxart right-click menu. This menu now displays an option to allow you to open a game's emulator if it uses one. This new feature works fine until you right-click games that use Additional Apps. Whenever these games are right-clicked, the menu adds more instances of the Open emulator option and the menu keeps getting bigger and bigger, eventually exceeding the screen height. This is annoying, but fortunately not permanent. When you close LaunchBox and restart it then things are back to normal, at least until you start right-clicking again! Anyone else having this issue? By the way this underpriced piece of software has the potential to eventually be the leader in it's field. Have you given any thought to restoring the Donate button?
    Whoa, this one slipped past me because I never have anything use additional apps. Good find, I'll pass this on to Jason. Edit: I can't reproduce this. I set something in the Additional Apps menu and nothing out of the ordinary is happening. What do you have set in additional applications and what is checked?
  13. allan_rex92 said I have set VBA Emulator to launch Zelda - Link's Awakening which is a GBC rom, however when i try to launch it its doesn't launch the game and gives me an error saying unsupported file type, I have tried different commandline but nothing seems to work, I've attached image od the erroe
    When I see that error, my first thought to ask is, is the file format set correctly? That is, is Links Awakening DX end in .gbc? This is, as far as I know, the only accepted GBC file format. The next thing I would say is, are you using just VBA or VBA-M? VBA-M is a more up-to-date and feature rich emulator. http://vba-m.com/index.php?ind=downloads&op=section_view&idev=3 I would suggest using this. Links Awakening and all other GBC games launch just fine with no command line parameters needed for myself. -Brad
  14. odeonx said Hello Launchbox community! First of all I would like to thank and congratulate the development of this application. It's something I was looking for a while and it was very comforting to find it. Taking into account the spirit of the forum, I took the liberty of adding to my proposals, those made by other users that I find interesting. I saw that many of these things have already been taken into consideration for a future release. It would be interesting to have a list of points in development. Surely the testers may have access to something like this, but for the rest of users would also be interesting to have this information. Proposals: 1. Language pack for the application. If you require someone to translate it to Spanish count with me! 2. Support for other sources of metadata. It's a shame that you can not include MobyGames, which seems to me the best source of information. Archive.org may be an alternative? I also propose that the community of LaunchBox devote an effort to complete the source is determined to be the best. It would be thegamesdb? 3. Alternatives to display the games on the main screen in addition to the covers (the different views proposed by Etock library). These alternatives could be banners (proposed by Xananax and Param), text only (proposed by p.bizzy and scree), the cover without the text, screenshots, etc. Basically have the option to display any type of image you have. 4. Add additional types of images such titlescreen, console image, media (proposed by bd000 and p.bizzy). Add the possibility of multi value selection on "add image" (proposed by haniobaid). 5. Support for videos on the details section (and perhaps on the main screen instead of the covers?) (Proposed by p.bizzy, Etock and bd000) Support for Emumovies (proposed by Etock). 6. Add the fields of "language", "players" (2 players, multiplayers, proposed by Rufus, AnUnusedMoniker and AndromedaToast) and "region" (USA, JAPAN, EUROPE). 7. Importing libraries from Origin, Gog, Desura, uPlay, etc. 8. Custom playlists and custom fields (proposed by bd000, Oussama, tazrex and KyaeroSaber). 9. Using Fullscreen options and Autohotkey properly configured, you can claim a steam's big picture mode similar interface. It would be excellent to further refine these having to steam as an example, especially if you develop an integration with raspberry pi.... wow !!!Laugh I think they might have an opportunity here to increase your income! 10. On left sidebar, suffix each entry with the number of items (proposed by haniobaid and ps4isthefuture). That's all for now, thanks again, and please forgive my english !! Greetings !!!
    Thank you very much for joining the forums and taking your time to write all this out. So yea, you said it yourself, a lot of what you want is already planned. But its still nice to see which ideas should go higher up on the list. The more people that want a specific feature I would assume the higher on the list it goes. Adding more info and media for each game has been discussed and were still trying to figure out the best way to do all of that. My suggestion was for it to stream data in. This way its not taking up a ton of HDD space. Multiple Language Support I am sure is on Jason's list. Its just that He and I primarily speak English, and so far so has the community. I'll talk to him about what it will take to translate the program. As for scrapers. Jason originally chose TheGamesDB because it was easy to implement with their APIl and They had a license that allowed us to essentially take the information their website has. We added Wikipedia next after he realized that TDGD just isn't comprehensive. That took a lot to get implemented even with its API and its severely broken. And of course, most Wiki sites run with the license of free information so there was no problem there. MobyGames is a tricky site to mine data from, and by design. When ever they make changes to the site the D-Fend Reloaded developer has to change code in the program a lot. Regardless of if they don't mind sharing their information, they make it hard to mine for. We would actually love to have GameFaq's be our go-to site. They have a ton of information all of the time about every game I throw at it. Similar issue with MobyGames however, how do we mine that data effectively. There are several more open websites we are looking at, and it seems that we are going to have to just use multiple sites in conjunction with each other to most likely get the data we want properly. Or, create our own comprehensive database that serves only LB. Both of which are very hard. We plan to do a Steam Big Picture type mode... I think? Jason and I talked about creating one, but he questioned if it would be useful. If you or anyone else thinks it would be, please let us know. We do also have plans to replace the default LB image, the one that shows up when you have no image. Probably with one of the console. Then to create new, smaller images icons to signify different things with an opacity setting on top of the images so that you know the console, possibly favorite, amount of players and other things you choose to show on top of the images, so you know things at a glance. If we did go down this route, it would be an option that we have the user choose to turn on or off however. At least this is what I pitched to Jason. We do want to have a system in place to help import from other services like GOG and Origin. Getting the new DOS importer to get going was hard though, so we ask that everyone give us time in this regard. As for custom lists, technically we have a method of doing that now, you just need to be a premium user. People keep asking for a more robust version of this, and I think that's what were going to turn the custom filter in to more or less, but I still see it as being a premium feature. Along with some other stuff in this post that I've mentioned. Thank you again for showing interest in LaunchBox. It means a lot to the both of us.
  15. donarumo said Thank you, Jason. I'm taking a look at the main xml file and LaunchBox's folder structure now. I see no reason why I couldn't add an export to MEAGRE to create LaunchBox compatible xml entries. I'll let the board know if I come up with something that works and release an update.
    Also, I am sorry if I was rude. I for some reason didn't see that you were a developer. Even though it was right in front of me. So I apologize if I made you mad or upset you. That said, and Jason can vouch for this, I'm willing to help test anything if you need it. I can find odd bugs in software for some reason.
  16. donarumo said I would love it if LaunchBox imported the information from the ExoDOS collection in MEAGRE. It would actually be a fairly simple process initially of scanning each folder for the .ini file or for the meagre folder itself (each game has a meagre folder). This parent folder can then be used as the application location, the game can be set to use DOSBox of course, and the custom .conf file is always going to be called dosbox.conf and reside in the parent folder.
    So, one major thing I learned from working with Jason on everything is that things are never as simple as you would presume. I assumed certain things would be easy functions to implement and were in fact hard as hell. Wikipedia scraping is a perfect example. It took a lot of work to get it in there, and its flawed as hell. He could spend another 40 hours working on it and edge out better performance but... holy crap. So I still say, say never count anything out regardless of its size. Anything and everything is at least on the table for discussion, but it really is a question of is this worth it. Will a majority of our users like or even use this feature and how long will it take to implement it. We have an importer for D-Fend, although broken because it hasnt been updated in a long time, hardly anyone uses it. Which is probably why its broken. Hardly anyone uses it so there is no reason to update it. Especially when Jason is developing new and better import features.
  17. EviLEd said
    Maddog said Just downloaded it today, so I should have the latest version. I did tinker with adding it manually but could not get it to work when I came to the DosBox prompt. It tells me when i run setup, which is the installer, "illegal command win" and it automatically puts "win" before setup when I press enter.
    illegal command win means that you cannot run this in DOS. You must run it in windows. I remember running this game in Win95 or Win98se. Check out what i did here with another game from that era https://www.launchbox-app.com/forum/games/the-simpsons-cartoon-studio-1996-no-dos-install
    This is what I was trying to discern, I just didn't want to get there without knowing the game.
  18. Maddog said Just downloaded it today, so I should have the latest version. I did tinker with adding it manually but could not get it to work when I came to the DosBox prompt. It tells me when i run setup, which is the installer, "illegal command win" and it automatically puts "win" before setup when I press enter.
    What game are you trying to install? And is it a CD you are using, an ISO or the files.
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