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Everything posted by xHELLAFLUSHx

  1. Hi, i added a Browser Game To my launcherbox list, follow this steps: 1.- In your desktop: Right Click, New, Shortcut, a new window will apear 2.- In "Location Of The Item" write the game link, Example, "www.game.com" (Whitout the " ") 3.- Write the name of the shortcut 4.- In launchBox, add a new game, add name, description. etc, and you can make an image for it, i do the images in 640x903, you can use phtoshop 5.- Edit the game path, click browsee and change "Files of type" from "exe, bat" to "Any Files (*.*)" and select the shortcut you have created. 6.- Now you can open the game via LaunchBox (It will open the Browser Based Game, whit your default web browser, mine is firefox) 7.- Enjoy, and i will show you how it can look, i added and created the image for the game DarkOrbit, a MMO Space game, Look at my picture, the game is correctly added and it works
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