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Everything posted by GatoSoft

  1. Hi, guys! ^_^ Everything is running smoothly for me in the latest beta. I was about to post some errors I found before but, because of my limited time, some other forum members were doing that in my place. Great job! :D However, I was wondering if you'll gonna add YouTube support for videos anytime soon since LaunchBox and BigBox now uses VLC libraries for video playback and due to VLC Player's ability to play YouTube videos directly. Greetings. :)
  2. GatoSoft


    Hi! ^_^ I've something to share with you. I was trying to add Android games to my LaunchBox using BlueStacks 2 and I've noticed that if you browse the folder "BlueStacks\UserData\Library\My Apps" you'll find Windows' shortcuts to every application you've installed in your BlueStacks so you simply add those .lnk files in LaunchBox as adding .exe files for regular PC games and presto! :D Also, if you need extra resources for your Android games, the folder "BlueStacks\UserData\Library\Icons" have the small icons for every installed app and "BlueStacks\UserData\Gadget" have the big icons in .png format. :3 EDIT: I've attached my personal library of Android games. :)
  3. Back and Next buttons were just an example, but I've found code with things like "Ordenar Título" that was hard to realize (al least to me) what was that talking about. xD Anyway... that was just my humble opinion. Maybe quoting what a button, section or window title says isn't a good idea after all. :P
  4. CliveBarker said GatoSoft said Hi! ^_^ I'm new in this part of the forums. :D I just wanted to know a couple of things: First: I've downloaded the spanish translation files and after a couple of minutes reading, I've found a bunch of errors (typos, speeling errors, etc.) that I can fix easily since Spanish is my native language. Should I modify those files and then upload them here or there's a better way I can use to help here? Second: Can I use quotes inside text values? Example: A mi gato le pusimos "Puchi" de nombre. I'll wait for your answer. :D You can fix whatever errors you find and send them to Jason at his Gmail. About the quotes, I don't think its a good idea but only Jason can clarify that. Why do you feel like you need quotes? It could be used to indicate object's names. For example, we can change... Presiona Siguiente para proceder, o Atrás para hacer cambios. ...by using: Presiona "Siguiente" para proceder, o "Atrás" para hacer cambios. It could make it clear for people to understand that the software is talking about action buttons in the dialog window. Also, it looks neater to the eyes. Just my opinion... ^_^
  5. SentaiBrad said CADScott said GatoSoft said Why am I cruel? I didn't understood... xD Sorry, wrong person, I meant @CliveBarker, your name was at the top of his Rick Roll post! I was so disturbed by the images I saw that I blamed the wrong person! I will have you know Rick Astley is a god among men! No disturbing images! ;) I second @SentaiBrad in this one! xD
  6. Why am I cruel? I didn't understood... xD
  7. Hi! ^_^ I'm new in this part of the forums. :D I just wanted to know a couple of things: First: I've downloaded the spanish translation files and after a couple of minutes reading, I've found a bunch of errors (typos, speeling errors, etc.) that I can fix easily since Spanish is my native language. Should I modify those files and then upload them here or there's a better way I can use to help here? Second: Can I use quotes inside text values? Example: A mi gato le pusimos "Puchi" de nombre. I'll wait for your answer. :D
  8. Ok, if I can help in some way, I'll search for any errors in the spanish translation and report them. Is there some thread where I can use to report or should I send PMs to @CliveBarker? :O Also, there's no need for regional spanish localization. A single neutral spanish language is good enough for every spanish-speaker to understand what's going on in LaunchBox. :)
  9. I know that this could sound like a nitpick but is it normal/intended? ^_^U
  10. scree said Hi GatoSoft. I don't think LaunchBox has this as an auto- adjust feature. You can reduce row gap manually though. See Tools, Options, Spacing. Thanks for asnwering, Scree. I really appreciate it. :) I know about the setting you're talking about, but I was talking about different heights between rows, according to the taller image of every row. Basically, in the screenshot you can see it clearly how Windows manage to adjust every row depending on that and how in LaunchBox, whatever the row height I assign, it's always the same for every row in the grid. Sorry if I can't find the correct way to put it on words, but my english is not as good as my native spanish. ^_^U
  11. Jason, I know you're pretty busy with other major features you're working on but... is there's any possibility to add an option to auto-adjust row's height based on taller icon in the row, just like modern Windows editions does? It would be pretty nice to have this option that could let us have more items listed on screen when using a large library of games. I'll attach screenshots of my actual N64 collection in LaunchBox and a Windows folder with those images, just for comparison purpose. Thanks in advance. :)
  12. That would be really awesome! :D It sounds a little troublesome because of moderation and such but it would be a great feature that would put a flag on LaunchBox that others frontends still doesn't have. ;) EDIT: I almost forgot: what about metadata from GameFAQs? It have a lot of artwork and info of even rare and obscure games. Could be possible to add support for GameFAQs in LaunchBox? o_o?
  13. Thanks for this great update, Jason! ^_^ It's good news to know that LaunchBox don't have to rely on TheGamesDB anymore. :D Pretty unstable website in my humble opinion. :$ By the way: if you're going to make a fork from TheGamesDB, count with me for adding items to the database. I've a lot of info and artwork that TheGamesDB doesn't have. :3 By the way, and as side note, I were uploading content to TheGamesDB a couple of months ago and, I don't know why, someday my account seemed to be banned because I couldn't login anymore even when the site were running OK. I was never in middle of troubles in there, but my account was deactivated for some reason and the admins never answered my messages. :( I want to contribute to the community with everything I can so, here I am if you need me. :P Keep up the good work! :)
  14. Oops... I think I misunderstood about all the YouTube thing. Anyway, I was only suggesting but I've expressed myself terribly. Sorry... ^_^U
  15. Wow! We'll have videos in the sidebar! YAY! :D It's a feature I've been waiting for a long time. ^_^ I hope you soon can add YouTube support, so I could free up lots of gigabytes in videos and add even more videos to my games. :D
  16. Hi! ^_^ I'm here for some bug report. :) I was going to give it a try to the new EmuMovies feature, but I found a problem with LaunchBox configured in Spanish. As you can see in the screenshots I've attached, in English there's no problem but in Spanish the window's geometry and the buttons are messed up. ^_^U Greetings. :)
  17. Thanks for considering my suggestion, Jason. ^_^
  18. Yeah, I know all of that. I use to download videos from YouTube and also shinra358 is right about video's availability. But since I've a very huge library of games and my PCs are always connected to the Internet, it would be a great storage save if I can just paste the link into every game's configuration. :) For example: my 314 NES selection weighs around 32 MB. while all the videos for those games weighs around 4.85 GB. You can apply similar equation to a great percentage of my other 2300+ games. ^_^U I wonder if I'm the only one who's having this amount of games? o_o?
  19. Thanks for the new update Jason! :D By the way, since you were talking about the videos, I was wondering if you are planning to add YouTube support when adding video previews to games. I don't know if it's possible so I had to ask this question that was running around my head for months. xD Thanks again. :)
  20. Sorry for answering too late, but my video drivers are up-to-date and Windows is working fine with everything, except BigBox. ^_^U Anyway, now I've updated LaunchBox and all the problems solved. :)
  21. Hi! ^_^ I'm back with new feedback. :) I love the new animations in BigBox but I found a pretty serious bug that I never saw before. It's a constant crash when I navigate the game list of ANY platform on BigBox. I receive a random error and then the software crashes or image of the whole window freezes until I kill the process through task manager. I've attached a good couple of screenshots here.
  22. The new installer works nice and smoothly for me. Thank you so much! ^_^
  23. Sorry... I forgot to attach the screenshots I mentioned in my previous post. @_@ I have my LaunchBox folder in "D:\Frontends". I never got any problems installing or uninstalling things in that path before. I'm using Windows 10 x64 build 10240. I tried under Windows 8.1 x64 too but nothing changed. Help, please! :3
  24. Hi! ^_^ I'm here to report an issue related to the new setup based on Windows Installer. As you can see in the attached images it throws an error writing files. Even if LaunchBox is TOTALLY closed (I've checked on my Windows' Task Manager) it still shows the error writing LaunchBox.exe. If I delete or rename the LaunchBox.exe, it shows the writing error in other files (see the attached files again). By the way, I want to take the next thing I'm going to say as a suggestion: could you go back to the original "WinRAR" setup? The one based on Windows Installer forces me to have Windows Installer runtimes installed on the computer and I frequently use LaunchBox in super-lite editions of Windows XP in very low-end computers with low harddisk space. Adding Windows Installer runtimes to those computers delivers a couple of extra requirements that I would like to skip. Also, the portability of LaunchBox vanishes if Windows knows where it's installed and give you the option to uninstall it on "Programs & features" / "Add/remove programs". Sorry for so long text. Thanks in advance and keep up the good work! :D Greetings from Argentina. :)
  25. Thank you so much, CliveBarker! Now I can install LaunchBox to my non-english-speaking friends and clients. :3 Greetings from Argentina! ^_^
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