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  1. I tried using some other virtual drive programs to see how well they worked with SSF: - Virtual Clone Drive can't mount from .cue (tried it myself, confirmed on forums elsewhere) - PowerISO will mount but the drive isn't recognized by SSF. - Alcohol 120% works just fine. In case you want to use Alcohol 120 you can use this SSF.bat as your Saturn emulator: @echo off set game=%1% set daemon="C:\Program Files (x86)\Alcohol 120\AxCmd.exe" set emu="***PATH TO SSF.EXE***" %daemon% H: /M:%1% start /wait "" %emu% %daemon% H: /U If yall know of any other good virtual drive programs let me know - I'd like to find one that's compatible with as many emulators and formats as possible.
  2. Apparently code doesn't display properly in bold. The long code from earlier should've looked like this: @echo off set game=%1% set dest="***SATURN .cue FOLDER***" set unrar="C:\Program Files\WinRAR\UnRAR.exe" set daemon="C:\Program Files (x86)\DAEMON Tools Pro\DTAgent.exe" set emu="***SSF.exe LOCATION***\SSF.exe" set backup=%game:.cue=.rar% ::set backup=%backup:***SATURN .cue FOLDER***=***STORAGE FOLDER***% %unrar% e -o- %backup% * %dest% %daemon% -mount 0, %game% start /wait "" %emu% %daemon% -unmount 0
  3. Hmm... as bare bones as possible would look something like this: @echo off set game=%1% set daemon="C:\Program Files (x86)\DAEMON Tools Pro\DTAgent.exe" set emu="***SSF.exe LOCATION***\SSF.exe" %daemon% -mount 0, %game% start /wait "" %emu% %daemon% -unmount 0 As long as each game's .cue is in the same folder as its .bin/.mp3s/etc then the .cues you imported into LaunchBox as Saturn roms should mount and play just fine; .mdf/.mds should work the same way as .bin/.cue. The other .cues don't have to be in the same folder, it's just the quirky way I do it (makes mass rom import easier).
  4. lordmonkus said In the bat file I have the following @echo off start /wait "" "SSF.exe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTLite.exe" -unmount 0 Then for each game go to the additional apps tab add an application and point it to the BAT file and check "Automatically Run After Main Application". I have a lot of Saturn games in .bin/.cue format compressed as .rar. I wrote a batch to automatically unzip, mount, start emulator, and unmount game. All I have to do is add the .cue files to LaunchBox as Saturn roms, designate SSF.bat (seen below) as the emulator, then click on any Saturn game in LaunchBox to start playing. No need to add additional apps. @echo off set game=%1% set dest=<strong>"***SATURN .cue FOLDER***"</strong> set unrar=<strong>"C:\Program Files\WinRAR\UnRAR.exe"</strong> set daemon=<strong>"C:\Program Files (x86)\DAEMON Tools Pro\DTAgent.exe"</strong> set emu=<strong>"***SSF.exe LOCATION***\SSF.exe"</strong> set backup=%game:.cue=.rar% ::set backup=%backup:<strong>***SATURN .cue FOLDER***=***STORAGE FOLDER***</strong>% %unrar% e -o- %backup% * %dest% %daemon% -mount 0, %game% start /wait "" %emu% %daemon% -unmount 0 For this code to unrar, the .rar has to be the same filename as the .cue. You don't have to zip/rar anything, the game .cue will still mount and play as long it ends up in the same folder as its corresponding .bin, .mp3s, etc. The long line commented out is one I use to store .rars and LaunchBox .cues in different locations, but it isn't required. Hope this is useful.
  5. Hope everyone had a great Christmas! Thanks for the giveaway Jason.
  6. Hey all, I was wondering if anyone has looked at NEC PC-98 emulators? Currently I have Neko Project II running both .hdi and .fdi games, but I have to select them from menus in-emulator - I can't select a game in LaunchBox. I also can't find any commands for NP2, which would be a great help. However, I can auto-load a .hdi game by setting it to the default HDD1FILE in config, but I don't want to reconfigure my settings if I make a mistake doing this. Any suggestions to make this more convenient?
  7. I can mount different .rar game files with DT, but when I try to play them in SSF I get a "disc unsuitable" error. As far as I'm aware, you have to have DT mount games' .cues directly (unzipped) for them to work in SSF. If you find out otherwise then let me know.
  8. :: @echo off set game=%1% set dest="C:\Users\***FILE PATH TO EXTRACTION DESTINATION***" set unrar="C:\Program Files\WinRAR\UnRAR.exe" set daemon="C:\Program Files (x86)\DAEMON Tools Pro\DTAgent.exe" set emu="C:\Users\***FILE PATH TO SSF***\SSF.exe" :: set backup=%game:.cue=.rar% set backup=%backup:C:\Users\***DESTINATION***=***ZIP/RAR/7Z FOLDER***% %unrar% e -o- %backup% * %dest% ::"Backup" is the path to the zipped game. If you don't zip your games, skip this. ::I have a folder of placeholder .cue or .txt "game" files that LaunchBox refers to. ::This saves space and allows LaunchBox to recognize games when they are still zipped. ::LaunchBox opens "game.cue" in SSF.bat; it replaces "C:\game.cue" with "G:\game.rar". ::As is, this only finds *.rar* games from *.cue* placeholders. ::You need to add extra lines of "set backup=" to get it to work with other file types. :: %daemon% -mount 0, %game% start /wait "" %emu% %daemon% -unmount 0 :: cd %dest% del /s /p *.bin *.iso ::I delete the extra unzipped copies of games I'm not playing to save space. ::*This asks to delete the .bin, .iso files in the folder where game.cue is.* ::*You can add file types as *.derp, but BE CAREFUL what you delete!* I'm definitely not an expert on writing .bat code, so any constructive comments or changes are appreciated.
  9. Here's my SSF.bat: :: @echo off set game=%1% set dest="C:\Users\***FILE PATH TO EXTRACTION DESTINATION***" set unrar="C:\Program Files\WinRAR\UnRAR.exe" set daemon="C:\Program Files (x86)\DAEMON Tools Pro\DTAgent.exe" set emu="C:\Users\***FILE PATH TO SSF***\SSF.exe" set backup=%game:.cue=.rar% set backup=%backup:C:\Users\***DESTINATION***=***ZIP/RAR/7Z FOLDER***% %unrar% e -o- %backup% * %dest% %daemon% -mount 0, %game% start /wait "" %emu% %daemon% -unmount 0 cd %dest% del /s /p *.bin *.iso Give me a couple minutes and I'll comment more on how it works. As it is now, its compatibility is limited because all my Saturn games are .bin/.cue zipped as .rar.
  10. I've got .bat files for basically all of the disc system emulators I use. These emulators are: The underlined emulators use the .bat to mount a virtual drive. I also use the .bat to unzip large (disc) games only for when I want to play them. If you keep your games unzipped, this extra step is unnecessary. In addition, I use the .bat to determine startup by game format for emulators of multiple systems/addons like Fusion. If you guys are interested in these .bat's let me know where I should post them.
  11. Can you mount games and run them in SSF without LaunchBox? This will tell us if it's a problem with SSF or the .bat shortcut. Also, SSF seems to know that mount is a command, it's saying that the syntax is wrong. I was thinking you might check DTLite's Virtual Device Manager settings to see if "0" corresponds with the virtual drive you're using. I'm having problems with SSF at the moment as well.
  12. I'm subscribed to this thread, so I get messaged about replies. Are the command line parameters for DTLite different in... Portuguese? It would be weird if "mount" was the same but "unmount" wasn't. Anyway, try taking out the last line of code. Each disc you click in LaunchBox will still mount and start SSF. It will switch games automatically, the only difference is that the last game you play won't automatically unmount. Hopefully that will work for the meantime.
  13. I realize this might not be the easiest to set up the first time, so how far have you gotten? I assume you have SSF up and running, you just want to automate mounting to Daemon Tools? Copy bd000's code below into Notepad and save it as "SSF.bat". @echo off set daemon="C:\Program Files (x86)\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTLite.exe" start "" %daemon% -mount 0, %1% start /wait "" "SSF.exe" %daemon% -unmount 0 Put this SSF.bat file in the folder where SSF is. Then when you run LaunchBox, the emulator link for SSF should be to SSF.bat, NOT SSF.exe, because the .bat runs DTLite and then SSF. This works for .cue, .bin, .iso but I haven't tried with some other formats like .nrg if that's what you're using. Also, a word of warning, I haven't yet worked out how to automate unzipping games before play, so I leave unzipped copies of games I'm playing. I'll post if I work this out, but LaunchBox gets upset if it can't find the (unzipped) file it wants to play.
  14. I figured out what I was doing wrong! The folder pathway was fine, but I was linking to the wrong .exe... instead of opening DT, I needed to use DTAgent.exe to mount and unmount files. Games now mount before the emulator starts and unmount on close. There's an empty command prompt that still pops up, but that's not much of an issue. My code ended up looking like this: @echo off set daemon="C:\Program Files (x86)\DAEMON Tools Pro\DTAgent.exe" %daemon% -mount 0, %1% start /wait "" "SSF.exe" %daemon% -unmount 0 Thanks for your help bd000!
  15. I've been trying to get this to work with no success. The way I had it set up before, Daemon Tools would mount the image file when I clicked on it or a link to it; now the batch file takes every incidence of %daemon% to open DT without mounting the image. I think the path to DT.exe is right but the mount/unmount commands aren't working. An empty command prompt also pops up when I run SSF.bat, and I had to replace "SSF.exe" with the exact file location to get SSF to start. I'm not too familiar with writing batch files, so I had some questions: Was there a purpose for the empty quotes after start /wait? What is var=%1% supposed to do?
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