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Everything posted by Cabirus

  1. Hi Jason, thanks for the quick integration of Emumovies, makes a huge difference! As I am slowly importing more and more of my collection, here are a few more ideas. When importing, only those games with EXACTLY the same name as in the GamesDB are correctly scraped with info and pictures. Which often means correcting hundreds of games manually. It would be great if Launchbox would in those cases automatically suggest the best matches and let me choose the correct entry. As of now I have to go through the whole list, look for games without metadate, click on "Edit", click on ""Search Metadata", choose the correct game and click on "Download Art". Another suggestion: Many games came out for different platforms. It would be great if LaunchBox would show those different versions in the Game Details and let me switch to those versions if I have them in my collection. I find it fascinating to compare the differences for example between SNES and NES-versions of the same game. I don't know if this feature is possible with the metadata provided by the GamesDB though?
  2. First of all, thanks for this great software! Tried it out for a few hours and immediately went premium. I escpecially love the new BigBox-view! Here are some humble suggestions for further improvement, in order of importance: - support for EmuMovies. This would make scrolling through your rom collection a real pleasure, especially in BigBox. Many emulation fans already have large video collections, it would be really great if Launchbox could show them off :-) - support for personal art collections (BoxArt, screenshots and so on). I have nearly complete collections for many systems (also from EmuMovies) and would like to use them in LaunchBox instead of downloading them all again from GamesDB - different layout options for BigBox view, or even a configurable layout, if that is possible - alphabetic jumping, or whatever this is called. What I mean: If I enter for example "S" on the keyboard, Launchbox would jump to the first game with the letter "S" and so on. Makes scrolling through large lists a lot faster
  3. SentaiBrad said If its a fresh install, changing the XML back or starting with a new one may not fix it. Thanks, that did it! Import seems to be working now.
  4. Hello, is there a solution yet? I'm having the exactly same problem with LaunchBox 4.9. The import worked flawlessly with my Sega 32x collection (only 35 games). But with N64 or NES-Roms the error message above pops up and nothing gets imported. I already tried repairing/reinstalling .NET to no avail. I seem to have .NET 4.5 installed, if that is any help. Thanks for any help!
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