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Everything posted by Talantyyr
Start +select is the default for "quit game" almost everywhere (like retroarch), not reset game.
There's also a game missing from the List. The Big Red Adventure - Scummvm game code bra. Think it should look like: ScummVm.games.Add("bra", "The Big Red Adventure"); http://wiki.scummvm.org/index.php/The_Big_Red_Adventure
Hi Jason, That's the issue. ScummVm.games.Add("lostintime", "Lost in Time"); it should be ScummVm.games.Add("gob", "Lost in Time"); When you launch the scummvm.exe with --list-games parameter, it does not contain "lostintime" as gametype. There is a "gob" game type which is used for Lost in Time. You could grab the game and try it, it's abandonware.
The game "Lost in time" is available in the scummvm game menu but it can't be started. In the Launchbox.xml file it's referenced as ScummVMGameType "lostintime", but scummvm.exe --list-games does not contain "lostintime". Any changes in the launchbox.xml are overwritten during start so i can't test this, but the game is based on the "Gob Engine" and there is a gob gametype in the list. Chances are, that this would be the right game type. Can you fix this please? Thx in advance!
Would it be possible to add the delete game option to bigbox (as i continue to discover games i really don't like recently) including the option to delete the file to and not just the launchbox link? In launchbox the delete game option doesn't delete the rom file. (At least not if the "use rom file in their current location option is used)
Oh thx! Didn't know you can combine filters :) Have to take a look at that!
And another feature request from me. Could you add the "Players" field from thegamesdb to the games metainformation? It'd be awesome to see if a game is for 2 players or just for single player directly in launchbox / bigbox. A filter for multiplayer games would also be awesome. I had a friend over yesterday and we played a lot of games on my new living room pc but had a hard time figuring out which games are for 2 players :) Edit2: This is already implemented in bigbox mode, but if i select multiplayer game mode it's for all my systems and i can't filter for a specific system.
Hi Jason! I've just got myself a emumovies subscription and started downloading stuff. They have a lot of manuals! <3 When i click the "View Manual" Button, it's opened with the system pdf viewer. Do you plan adding a pdf viewer to bigbox? it'd be awesome to control it with a joypad :)
Thank you so much, scree. Just found it and disabled it! Sry, i have overlooked that option. It's perfect now! I really like bigbox, great work jason and thx for listening! I do have another feature request though :) Don't want to create another thread so i'm using this one. Would it be possible to "lock" bigbox for a period of time after starting a game? Most, if not all, of my emulators take a few seconds (up to 3) to start and meanwhile there's no feedback that the emulator has been started. When my wife gets enthusiastic about playing that favourite NES titles of her, she presses the button a few times and multiple instances of retroarch are started. It'd be cool if, after clicking "Play" the button wouldn't be pressable for a (maybe configurable?) amount of time. Maybe even change from "Play" to something like "Starting Game" long enough to start the emulator (with a spinning circle or something? :) ) What do you think? Would this be possible?
I'd prefer the gamecube version as dolphin is much more mature than pcsx2, but that's just my opinion.
Hey, I've already ordered a logitech k400r keyboard yesterday, hope it'll arrive tomorrow. :) But that doesn't change the fact that i accidently click those buttons and it's still have to get the keyboard each time i click the wrong button just to close that explorer window i don't need, that's why i'd love to have the options to disable/hide buttons i know i'll never need.
When choosing an emulator, there are a lot of option like "Open Image Folder" and "Open Game Folder" and stuff. It'd be great if these options would be user-configurable (order) and if elements could be hidden. My issue is, on my TV just with the controller attached i always accidently click on on of the openfolder options, explorer pops up and i'm left with my xbox360 controller in my hand :) Have to get up, connect the keyboard and close it regularly... Edit: I should have mentioned that i'm talking about the game selection screen. The "launch emulator" button is also something i'd like to hide on my tv. (Imho everything should be already configured when using bigbox on a tv ^^)
Thx Jason, i found out it's for AHK scripts! :)
Hi Jason, Thx for the 5.3 release. Can't wait to get home from work and try it! But i'd like to ask you to improve your release notes a bit. You're doing an awesome job, and it'd be a pity if the new features you've integrated aren't used because no one knows how (or why). You mentioned "Custom emulator scripting." in the changelog. Sounds nice. Sure it's useful. But where is the documentation? You should have added a few sample WHY anyone would do this. I'm wondering if i need this :) Can you elaborate on this? (Maybe even update the news entry) Maybe it's already somewhere and i'm just missing the link? Sry if that's the case.
Start retroarch.exe outside of launchbox and make sure you got a core for genesis. i recommend genplus gx. cores for the new retroarch have to be downloaded within the program with the "update cores" option if it's not available. Go to launchbox, klick on "Manage Emulators" select retroarch and click on settings (or similar) a dialog should pop up where you have a list of all platforms supported by retroarch. Look for genesis. There are the command line parameters for genesis, like -V "some_core.dll" You might have to change that to -V genesis_plus_gx_libretro.dll for the genesis core. Then try again and it should work.
Retroarch can only be added once! In the emulator overview, click on retroarch, then on settings. There you can set all core specific (command line parameters per system) option, like the genplusgx core for genesis, mastersystem and so on. You can also specify custom retroarch configs there.
I've added my Mega Drive (Genesis) games today and i've noticed that most of my games aren't in the games db. Or at least not for mega drive but for genesis. Can the scraper somehow also scrape the genesis platform for my mega drive roms? Edit: Ok, nevermind. I've copied the images for megadrive, reimported the roms again for genesis and copied over the mega drive images...
Awesome! Thanks Jason! I really love launchbox (bigbox mode ftw!) and how you're listening to the community! Take your time, i'll wait :) Great news you're integrating emumovies, i'm using the gameplay videos from my arcade cab right now but added a lot of games i don't have on the cab, this'll really save me a lot of time fiddling with the hyperspin tools ^^
It would be great to add game manuals to launchbox (especially big box mode). There are a lot of sources for game manuals, like http://www.digitpress.com/library/manuals/nes/ You could add a scraper for manuals and include a pdf viewer to launchbox.
Hey again. I've set up a raspberry pi with retropie (emulationstation) for a friend and there's also a nice feature that one can quit the emulator with button presses (start+select) and do save/load states (start+Left trigger / right trigger). It's open source https://github.com/Aloshi/EmulationStation Maybe this can shed light on how this feature can brought to launchbox?
Thank you, jason! The feature is called hyperpause. If i'm not wrong it works exactly like i described it above in the "light version" No emulator hooks, just an overlay with save / load state and sending the proper keycodes for the currently running emulator. That'd be a lot less work than a full fledged version with hooks and stuff and would work as well. Could be a nice Feature, bur ir's bot super important.
Thx! :D Woah, sounds like that keeps you busy ;) Awesome, i already thought about using ahk, do you have any link to a tutorial or something? If not that's ok, i've planned to investigate this topic anyway to get the most out of bigbox.
Thx for the thorough explanation on that. I already thought that that's not achievable in the near future. What about a "light version" ? Not interacting with the emulator at all and just sending the right keycodes? Like F1 and F3 for save and load state in pcsx. There are shortcuts for almost every emulator as far as i know. Exit could send the correct keysequence to quit the emulator, like Escape and quitting pcsx2 itself after that. This could be even customizable so the user could change / add commands. That'd be more convenient then mapping the keys to gamepad button combinations, especially for the average user. Anyways, thanks for listening!
Hi there, First i want to thank you for Bigbox. I really love it and it's a great addition to my living room PC. It makes emulation now as accesible as i always wanted it to be. I'd like to request a feature. It'd be awesome, if you could implement some kind of overlay-menu when a special button is pressed (like the Xbox button on the 360 controller, or some combination or whatever...) where one could select several points like "Save State", "load state", "exit emulator" which would be sending simple button presses after selecting one of the menu points. It be enough to have a simple menu, but if you like to make it fancier, you could even take screenshots when saving states, placing them in the save state folder of the emulator and showing them in the load state menu. Speaking of, you could monitor existing save states (or their slots) and show them. Exit emulator leads to another feature wish. Yesterday it happened to me, that i started PCSX2 twice, i was wondering throughout the whole game where the strange sounds came from, thought of a bug in the emulator itself. Was quite funny to find out the game ran in a second windows, lol. If you could monitor the pid of the process you spawn, you could prevent starting the emulator twice and killing the process properly when the user wants to exit. Currently it's kind a PITA to exit the emulator with only the controller attached, still have to figure out a way to do that without turning on the wireless keyboard everytime i want to switch a game. Yeah, i know, AHK and stuff. Bought Pinnacle Game Profiler today and i'll have a look at this stuff :) Hope you find my Feature Requests constructive, the overlay menu is already done in hyperspin, maybe you can take a look.