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Posts posted by paulmichel21

  1. Hi everyone, I have 2 problems and I need your help.

    1- In the applications of the games I add Xpadder to start before the game, and a bat to close it when it closes. With the new versions of LB now it opens to me and I close without being able to use it.

    2- How can I do to load an xpadder profile directly with a script in applications?

    When I use nomousy I have the same problem mentioned in number 1. It opens nomousy and closes instantly without being able to function.

    I hope you can help me.
    From already a thousand thanks

  2. 17 hours ago, fromlostdays said:

    Por experiencia, si esto está sucediendo con SNES, comprobar la extensión ROM. Si no es bin, o SFC, obtener otros set.As a no hacer suposiciones, se comprimen ROMs? Están tosec? Algunos conjuntos vienen con cremallera y tienen como 5 versiones de la misma rom en el zip, y eso es un problema. 

    if my roms are zipped. what I did is to enable the box that asks rom decompress before starting on platform configuration. and it works perfect.......

  3. On 26/10/2016 at 2:48 PM, SentaiBrad said:

    SNES no requiere BIOS, por lo que es generalmente mucho más sencilla. Mientras que descargó el bsnes núcleo equilibrado (el núcleo sugerido para SNES), se establece el nombre del núcleo en la pestaña plataformas asociado, el nombre de la plataforma SNES allí en el menú plataformas asociado coincide con el nombre de su sistema en LaunchBox, y su SNES juegos están utilizando para lanzar RetroArch usted debe ser bueno para ir. Si desea ayuda adicional, puede seguir a cabo tutoriales si lo desea. Es más de un tutorial para principiantes, por lo que podría mostrar un montón de cosas que ya conoce, pero es el único tutorial de SNES que tenemos. Hice el tutorial de arranque con SNES a propósito.


    It was a type error. in the first column configuration platform, he had incorrect title. Thanks for the help.-

  4. if it's a typo error. I'm telling memory since I'm not in front of the machine now. It is so as you say. if it called like Super Nintendo Entertainment System. I thought the same insurance due to a typo error but can not find which can be. even download the latest version of retroarch update everything and nothing yet.

  5. I would like to choose that roms are shown in big box. I have many that have clear logo, but there are other roms that have no clear logo and do not want to be displayed until complete. you can do this? You can add this option? Thank you

  6. I have a big problem with retroarch, use it for nintendo entertainment (Nestopia) and works perfect. but when I want to use to run games Super Nintendo Entertainment does not work ... do not load. I try again to load games Nestopia and if it works perfect ... so I could see not libretro.dll loading the SNES. I put the core indicated and emulator configuration also put well the core libretro. They have any idea what I'm doing wrong?

  7. 1 hour ago, Jason Carr said:


    @ paulmichel21  Suena como del no sea un problema de compatibilidad con un controlador en particular en su ordenador o un problema con xinput de DirectX (podría ser un archivo DLL que falta aún). Lo que los controladores no se haya adjuntado? Los estás usando actualmente en la caja grande o tratando de permitirles? Pruebe a ejecutar el programa de instalación LaunchBox por lo que puede instalar todas las bibliotecas de DirectX si no lo ha hecho recientemente en ese equipo en particular.

    I use a control interface to usb pc named rof 4 players http://articulo.mercadolibre.com.ar/MLA-616811563-usb-maximum-interfaz-usb-para-simuladores-de-vuelo-y-mame-_JM Launchbox recognizes and lets me switch between player 1 and p2 and p3 or p4. but BigBox not allowed to change only uses the assigned player in LB. Moreover, LB and BB use buttons only let one player. example: play with player 1 but the "escape" button is on the player 4.

    another query, you can change the id of controls in windows 7? joyid does not change does not work ...
    Thank you


  8. hi all, 

    BigBox start when this is shown on screen, but loses focus. move the joysticks and does nothing, but when I make a click on the screen, the focus BigBox recovers normal function. I searched in internet some solution but without success. I have found this in ahk " ^SPACE::  Winset, Alwaysontop, , A "to regain focus but does not serve me because it keeps ahead BigBox but not leave it active, and on top you have to press a combination of keys.
    I would like to work BigBox default  foreground and active ... any idea?
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