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I'm actually surprised someone hasn't taken your mock-up pics and completed it themselves by now. Who knows, maybe it will be me (I currently know nothing about creating themes).
This thread is the biggest tease since Coyote Ugly.
Update: The intended use case for this was Crash Bandicoot 2. Unfortunately, I later found that loading a save state in ePSXe also loads a cached read of the PSX memory cards. This causes memory card saves on disk to be ignored; you only see mem card saves at the time the save state was written. Thus, for now, I've stopped using the save state shortcut in ePSXe. If ePSXe could be configured to not cache mem cards, this would work again.
Looks nice. I vote for removing the arcade; doesn't fit the theme in my mind.
I successfully used the below code as an AHK script (the above code didn't have proper line breaks). DetectHiddenWindows, On DetectHiddenText, On Run, Dolphin.exe "%1%" "%2%", , Hide Sleep 3000 WinShow, Dolphin WinActivate, Dolphin $Esc:: { WinActivate, LaunchBox Big Box Sleep, 100 Process, Close, Dolphin.exe ExitApp }
Jason, you were correct. Somehow, my batch file was 0 bytes. Thanks! For anyone curious, here's what I ended up with for my ePSXe definition. I used AntiMicro to map the Xbox 360 Guide button (I'm actually using a DS3 controller with Xinput driver) to the ESC key. AM can be used just as easily to map to Alt-F4. NoTrayOrphans is an AutoHotkey compiled EXE used to clean up dead system tray icons from here: https://autohotkey.com/board/topic/80624-notrayorphans My batch script: start "AHK" c:\emulators\utilities\ahk\autohotkey.exe c:\emulators\utilities\ahk\epsxe.ahk start "AM" "c:\Program Files\antimicro\antimicro.exe" --hidden --profile "c:\users\living\documents\AM - Guide button is ESC.amgp" cd \emulators\psx\epsxe start "ePSXe-from-script" /WAIT c:\emulators\psx\epsxe\epsxe -nogui -loadbin %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 start "kill AM" /WAIT c:\Windows\System32\taskkill.exe /F /im antimicro.exe start "kill NTO" /MIN /B c:\emulators\Utilities\NoTrayOrphans.exe My external AutoHotkey script (epsxe.ahk): ================= SetTitleMatchMode, 2 ; Relax title matching a bit #Persistent ; Start loop SetTimer, ePSXeLoadState, 75 ; Wait 75 milliseconds before checking again return ePSXeLoadState: IfWinExist, ePSXe - Enhanced PSX emulator { WinActivate ; Use the window found from 'IfWinExist' ; SetTimer, ePSXeLoadState, Off ; Turn the timer off (not needed in this script) Sleep, 450 ; May have to lengthen this delay if ePSXe isn't ready to receive input ; Send {F3} ; Normal 'Send' operation isn't recognized in ePSXe SendInput {F3 down} ; so we use the 'SendInput' Method Sleep, 50 ; to load state from slot 1 SendInput {F3 up} Sleep, 500 SendInput {F2 down} ; Switch to a save slot besides 1 Sleep, 50 SendInput {F2 up} Sleep, 500 SendInput {F5 down} ; Enable Analogue control Sleep, 50 SendInput {F5 up} Sleep, 100 ExitApp ; Quit AutoHotKey } else return ==================
After working on this more, it seem AHK scripts will only run upon custom LB events: https://www.launchbox-app.com/forum/features/using-autohotkey Now, I'm trying to run an Auto Hotkey script externally with the AHK standalone executable but am running into another problem. - I created a Windows batch script to run my AHK script and ePSXe. - I changed the ePSXe emulator definition to point to my .bat (instead of epsxe.exe). When I try to run a PSX game, I get an LB error. An error occurred while trying to launch the game. The specified executable is not a valid application for this OS platform. Here's my batch script: c:\emulators\utilities\ahk\autohotkey.exe c:\emulators\utilities\epsxe.ahk epsxe %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 Does Launchbox not support batch files?
I combined my and kmoney's request and created an enhancement request. https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/366/jump-to-letter EDIT: Oops, looks like it's a duplicate... https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/361/being-able-to-jump-game-title-letters-in
Without a grid view in big box mode, I often find myself in desktop mode. Even when there are only a few pages to scroll through, I find myself instinctively pressing the first letter of the game to jump down (I still do it thinking it will just magically start working). For instance, I want to Press the S key and auto-select the first title beginning with S. If I press S again, it cycles to the next S title.
+1 The other big benefit for grid view in big box is ease of use for those who only use it but won't be configuring it. We would be able to limit the features and keep it simple.
For running the Daum version of dosbox which supported nglide, I used a batch file after seeing in this thread that dosbox is currently built into Launchbox. @echo off cd "\emulators\dos\dosbox daum" dosbox -conf c:\emulators\dos\games\gta-dosbox-daum.conf -noconsole -exit For my custom dosbox.conf, I added the mount, run and exit command (since -exit doesn't seem to work in this version). mount c c:\emulators\dos\games c: cd \gta\gtados gtafx.exe exit
Thanks for the suggestion. I started with retroarch (I use it for most of my roms) but PSX games were painfully slow for some reason. I'll revisit why that might be. ePSXe works pretty great for Crash Bandicoot with HiRes 3D but the 2d textures don't look as good as retroarch probably could with the right filters.
The problem: Loading some PSX ISOs takes away valuable game-playing time for us with low attention spans and patience. One solution: Load a save state via command line to get to a game menu more quickly. Unfortunately, this doesn't appear to be an option in ePSXe. Another potential solution: Load the first save state right at the menu by pressing 'F3'. This seems like something an AutoHotkey script could do but having never used them before, I don't know the ins and outs. Looking at the AutoHotKey docs, I thought the below might work (I added the sleep for 6 seconds after 'Send {F3} didn't work) but no go. Sleep 6000 Send {F3} I added the above to the autohotkey portion of the epsxe emulator definition but it doesn't do anything. I'm not sure how to troubleshoot it. It seems autohotkey is mainly meant to convert one keypress into running a script but in my case, I want it to run regardless. Are there AHK headers which are necessary to make a script run? Can I just start running commands without a detected keypress to start the script? I'm open to other thoughts ideas also.