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Everything posted by darrenj1982

  1. Hi again guys. Wanted to query something and get some answers from people maybe more knowledgeable on the subject of this. I currently run my games on my pc with everything residing on the hard drive. I have around 220gb left but dont like pushing my hard drive to low so was thinking of purchasing either a SHDC Card or USB Flash Drive. I have card reader built into PC. Would either be fine for running emulators off directly. My preference would be the SHDC card as there price is cheap around here for massive sizes. Would like someone with knowledge of memory to guide me on this one. Thanks. Darren
  2. DOS76 said if you were to change the resolution in Fusion you can probably find a full screen setting that doesn't crash the emulator when going full screen if you have an issue with it not scaling correctly at higher resolutions go into the properties for the fusion.exe and disable display scaling I run all of my Fusion systems full screen without any issues but only after learning about the display scaling fix. I use 1920x1080 on a few computers and it displays fine with no black bars or anything. Hi Dos. I have tried what you said I am down as low as 1280*720 which is what I want but that doesn't work either. I disabled scaling also but didnt change what was happening. It has always boggled me and by the looks of it i'll have to continue being boggled.
  3. Update - I realised you can change the parameter lines in the emulators so removed the full screen command. Thanks again for the help and keep up the awesome work on the best bit of software there is without question.
  4. Hi Jason yeah I worked out it was emu movies before i see your reply after disabling it. Thanks. Ran into another problem now. Launchbox is trying to launch the game gear games via fusion in full screen which breaks fusion. How can I stop launchbox doing this. Fusion is not set by default to go fullscreen so it's not fusion itself that is doing it. Thanks
  5. Hi guys For the past 5 days I have been setting up various systems within Launchbox and find it fabulous and everything has been going smoothly. Today however I have tried to add master system collection , game gear collection , Nes Collection and it wont add any of them. I am doing everything as normal , all file names are perfect but it simply adds nothing after scanning the folders. The master system and game gear collection it doesnt even attempt , the bar flashes along and nothing adds. I tried deleting the XML and starting on a fresh but that didnt work either so I am absolutely boggled as too what is wrong. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Darren
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