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Everything posted by JOHN30011887

  1. Your welcome :)
  2. Would it be possible to make an option for "text lines to show" to be applied to all boxes so that way some arnt longer than others ? Or maybe some other kind of option so boxes could be all same length For example the game "Mickey Mania: The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse" has a longer box than others, iv same issue for few pc games
  3. @Jason Carr thanks for latest update with text centered and to hide subline options oh and the scrollbar now has color, very nice, i always love color options
  4. Awesome, thanks, really loving this new version
  5. Will there be option to get rid of the developer name of each game from under the title? Also will we be able to align the text to the middle instead its over to the left atm
  6. Love the new sidebar, looks very clean Hope we can adjust box art size, im not a fan of the current different lengths of black boxes and it be nice to have option to just have the name of the game under box art, like the old version has Old launchbox with my icons current launchbox next
  7. i cant wait for box art resize, some of the black boxes currently show different lengths and thats whats stopping me from fully using it, once thats added in ill be using the new version Great work so far though
  8. Just wanted to say holy s**t launchbox starts up so much quicker with 8.0 beta 4, great job @Jason Carr, green loading bar is like just less than a quarter full then boom its all loaded up, so happy with this Hope this can be looked into at some point please, sorry if i should attach this here -
  9. Yeah or a simple box to tick/toggle where you choose if you want to ignore or not ignore words like A or The I recently got the game "A Hat in Time" it should be under "A" but instead it was under "H" Hope this can get looked at for version 8, been so long with this (since version 6.9)
  10. Nope thats not what i mean, i know about that option, i was saying it be good to save them, you can make a custom setup but it doesnt have save option For example i might want to edit purple colors and have a nice setup, but then one day i might want to edit reds, that would result in loosing my purple setup and id have to make it from scratch again
  11. As well as my request at the top of the page, it be nice to have option to save a custom color theme in launchbox
  12. Iv mentioned this on a few live streams since launchbox version 6.9 but thought id make topic here id love for an option so games like The witcher 3 or The sims 4 can be in alphabetical order under The and not under w or s As you can see the games that start with THE arnt in the correct order Sort title is the only way to get the games to go under THE, but if i put in sort title THE SIMS 4, it will then move to S and ignore THE. its the same for the other games starting with THE So if possible an update to sort title menu would be greatly appreciated Please can this be looked into
  13. Iv mentioned this on a few live streams since launchbox version 6.9 but thought id make topic here id love for an option to come back so games like "The witcher 3" or "The sims 4" can be in alphabetical order under "THE" and not under W or S etc. As you can see the games that start with "THE" arnt in the correct order Sort title is the only way to get the games to go under "THE", but if i put in sort title "THE SIMS 4", it will then move to S and ignore THE. Its the same for the other games starting with "THE" Please can this be looked into
  14. @barra51, Sorry but im not sure as i dont use JoyToKey with emulators (In JoytoKey there is an option to Associate profiles with applications depending on the game your playing, thats how iv setup all my Pc tomb raider games). That might work with emulators but i dont know, sorry. For me with emulators i just use the emulators built in controller options (never had issues with them). Also when i add emulated games to Launchbox i only add a custom exe (was batch file converted to exe) of the Emulator/game, i dont bother with Launchboxes built in Emulator support. Folder of games Inside Super Mario 3d world folder (shortcut is now a custom exe, read below for info) I use a custom exe now so game folders are universal, use "batch to exe" (was just a shortcut before but that needs direct path) that are in each folder and add them to Launchbox. Inside each batch file the target is directed to the Emulator, in this case its Cemu.exe, also you direct to the games iso/exe/rom or whatever it is, in this case its an Rpx file inside each game (i added -f to launch fullscreen for this emulator). This way the batch file/custom exe just runs the emulator and loads the game and it goes fullscreen by itself, also using batch/custom exe i have all emulators universal meaning i can place the game folder anywhere on my pc and i will run, also cause each game is in its own folder different settings can be applied to each game if needed (Same applies to any other emulator) Example of the Batch/custom exe "Cemu.exe" -g "Super Mario 3D World\code\RedCarpet.rpx" -f I do batch files converted to exe with Dolphin for Wii and Gamecube games Kega fusion for Sega games Epsxe for Ps1 games Pcsx2 for Ps2 games Cemu for Wii U games It should work with any emulator etc
  15. Hi, thanks for reply I dont actually see the black box of command prompt like batch files usually do, i think its happening very fast while the game is exiting so i dont see it. JoyToKey process is called JoyToKey.exe so taskkill should work but it wont, well not for me (maybe im being daft or JoyToKey is just a stubborn app lol). With all my games and application paths i give complete path not the "../" using the complete path for JoytoKey still leaves it open for me, only thing that has worked is the batch file, or the exe that i made, JoyToKey Force Exit.exe
  16. I found what to do Make a batch file next to the joytokey.exe, Inside put "taskkill /F /im JoyToKey.exe" without the quotes, or simpler way is to use the exe i made in later post. Then under the Additional Apps in launchbox for the game you want to use it with direct the application path to the batch file or the exe i made in post below, and only tick run after main app that made the joytokey completely close when i exited a game
  17. I found how to close/proper shutdown JoyToKey when i exit a game so it doesnt stay in taskbar Iv got it setup in Additional Apps so i can start JoytoKey when i launch a game and found a way to close it when i exit a game, I made an JoytoKey Force Exit exe, its runs hidden/invisible so you wont see command prompt, iv also added the JoytoKey icon so it looks nicer. The only line inside the exe is the "taskkill /f /im JoyToKey.exe" so it can be placed anywhere you want but i think its best to have next to Joytokey.exe Steps to add to Launchbox DOWNLOAD JoyToKey Force Exit.exe
  18. First id like to say i love this software, i used to use Winstep Nexus but my png icons looks blurry and small with there software but this Launchbox makes my icons look like they should and with the many added feature in Premium which i recently bought, i love this even more now hense why i switched to this Anyhoo i make random icons for PC, PS1/2, SEGA, NGC, WII & WIIU,Iv also got templates so you can make your own for the games you want (always good to have options for others) GAME ICONS MADE BY ME - http://30011887.deviantart.com/gallery/ Examples with PC SEGA PS2
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