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  1. muppets4


    Today I had time to work on th GX4000 again. And I don't know what happened, but the roms start up. Thanks for your time. @Steffou thanks for your time. I will stick with MESS this time, but if it troubles me I will follow your very clear guide!
  2. muppets4


    Excuse me for capturing an old topic, but I can't get it to work. I just tried MessUI 0.188 and I can get the GX4000 cartridge files to work. But I cannot when using LB. I will have to use a command line and mess gx4000 -cart does not work for me. Any thoughts?
  3. I'm trying to get this system running. Tried RetroArch and MESS, but couldn't get it to work. Then I tried WinAPE. The emulator starts, but only the mainscreen. The rom isn't loading. Is there a command line to use? ps my games are zipped and within there are .cpr (cartridge) files
  4. Thank, I Will look into that. I have a bios ROM pack, 0.201, but a neogeo.zip was not in there. I took an older version.
  5. I can't get no sleep..... Cause something that bothers me keeps me awake. I wanted to upgrade my MAME to the latest version. To be on the safe side I have taken a complete .201 romset and the new version of MAME. I've tested NEO GEO and CPS1 and 2 and can't get them working. In the roms folder I made sure the neogeo.zip, qsound.zip and qsound_hle.zip files are present. The games are found by MAME and put under available. But every game I try has files missing (see image). It's very frustrating. Someone had this and solved it? Other ideas where to look? The strange thing is that in the zip file there are files completely different then what is asked by MAME. Both are .201.
  6. I've had this before and don't know if I have solved it back then (: Is it the years or the booze (; After starting up a table in Future Pinball I do have to click on the right mouse button to get the attention of Future Pinball. But I do not want to use a mouse with my cab. That distracts me from playing. I am using the AHS script found here from Jay. Is there a way that I can add the mouseclick by software/commandline?
  7. muppets4

    Atari 800

    Oke, thanks! Easy to integrate.
  8. muppets4

    Atari 800

    Looking into that now. Games opening, glad for asking (: Could you please share your commandline?
  9. You are asking the exact same thing as I did in the first post. If you read the solution by NJDave71, I think you can solve it. Just like I did.
  10. muppets4

    Atari 800

    I am trying to add the Atari 800. Not much documentation on that. At least, what I can find. No video taking me step by step..... From what I've read there are two options. MESS and Retroarch. Can't get both of them to work. When I configure them and double click on a game, nothing happens. I have two bios files. 800.zip and 800xl.zip. In MESS I' put them in the rom folder. I've also created a bios folder for Retroarch and entered the location of that folder in the config. Both refuse to open games. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Of a tutorial maybe?
  11. Great addon! Saves lots and lots of time! Thanks.
  12. You are a saviour! Thanks, everything back to normal now!
  13. I've been busy setting up Launchbox. I was unhappy with my Future Pinball so I deleted it from the left side of the screen to start over. I don't know what happened, but Future Pinball is not available anymore to choose from in platforms. This results in not scraping any information. What did I do wrong? And more importantly....how do I get it back without starting over...... The strangest thing..... I just went in importing a single rom file for another system. And there it was.... Future Pinball.... Went back quickly, selected the tables in my Future Pinball folder and ......gone again..... Restarted PC, restarted Launchbox.... not coming back a second time.....
  14. Strange. I've upgraded LB manually and now the old license file works. It now states that I have a forever license. I don't know if it was me, cause I have a rather speedy internet connection, but downloading took ages.
  15. That was really fast. Thank you!
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