Bedwyr said
It's not a critical use issue for me as I've reverted to XB360 controllers for the time being. The problem has been twofold. First, Kodi 17 implemented initial support for the XBOne controller under xinput, I believe. This was needed as Microsoft mucked around with the input assignments again in March, screwing up 16.x Jarvis use (Kodi reads the controller trigger at rest as "right-input-as-fast-as-possible"). Unfortunately right now the beta incorrectly reads controller input *even while Kodi does not have focus*.
ok my bad, now I see why you need Kodi to close properly on bigbox launch (which would indeed be cleaner anyway...), and also I was considering buying a xbox one controller to replace my x360 one... I might postpone that
Bedwyr said
So I do appreciate the offer of your setup. But the objective really is to correct the launcher. If you're curious enough to dig into it, please have at it. Just report back so that, when I do have a bit more spare time, I don't duplicate your work.
ps- can you clarify what you meant by teedub's repo? I didn't know this launcher was ever part of it; just the Steam Launcher.
I know nothing about AHK either but I'll eventually look into it if I find some time...
teedub is the author of both the steam launcher and bigbox launcher and I'm pretty sure a few days ago I saw the bigbox launcher sitting in his repo along the steam one... maybe he pulled it back to work some more on it I don't know... anyway his work is much appreciated; been using the steam launcher for a while now
edit : ok my bad I've read the thread again and Syariacn did the addon... I could swear I saw the addon on teedub's repo guess I've been hallucinating a big deal about that