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Everything posted by knewlife

  1. I just want to show some love to LaunchBox and BigBox, here is my review and current setup (In spanish cause' my english is really bad).
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  2. Version 1.0.0


    Some Platform Categories Logos I and some other user in the HyperSpin forums put together to go with my Main Menu Changer application that hacks Hyperspin to do exactly what BigBox does in the 7.9 beta: Separate Platform into categories. The app can be check here, anyways enjoy the logos.
  3. Platform Categories Classic Clear Logos View File Some Platform Categories Logos I and some other user in the HyperSpin forums put together to go with my Main Menu Changer application that hacks Hyperspin to do exactly what BigBox does in the 7.9 beta: Separate Platform into categories. The app can be check here, anyways enjoy the logos. Submitter knewlife Submitted 04/07/2017 Category Platform Clear Logos  
  4. Im using official 6.8 for now... I noticed when imported my Game Boy Roms is that some games are not imported because of they having similar names: Spot (USA) and Spot - The Cool Adventure (USA) are two diffrent games, but Launchbox don't let me import Spot (USA) because it thinks that both are the same game, if I disable Metadata when importing both games are imported fine. Just want to let you guys know this, I suppose launchbox try to avoid duplicate games, but if they have diffrent file names, even if both match a single entry in the Launchbox database and end up with the same title, they both have to be imported, maybe the seccond one must be left with no Metadata. I think launchbox must let you import whatever you want... even duplicate games from diffrent regions... you can filter them anyway or at least have to option to import them (I kwon there is a "force import ducplicates" option... but aparently it don't always works based on the filename... but based on the game title that come from the LB games DB). Hope all this makes sence. Bye
  5. The new forums are great... But it needs tapatalk... so we can check the forums at all times... in the work, in the school... is this platform diffrent from the old one? can we have Tapatal now????
  6. I will like to sugest that this app should use zipped extras, as mame use this format in current releases... still waiting to use this to import.
  7. Jason Carr said knewlife said Hello with beta 4 i try to import zinc games using MAME metadata. Uncheck all option to avoid skipping any game. Launchbox import 56 games out of 71. Importing without using name data works but no metadata is imported. Ah, thanks for noting that @knewlife. It sounds like it's just skipping any games that don't exist in the current metadata. I won't be able to fix this for 6.4; can you put in a ticket for it to improve the metadata and/or import them anyway even if they don't have metadata? Will do it, but probably gonna download the last beta, and test with other non mame arcade system (Sega Model 3) to see if the problem is still there, if is not present there I will create the Bitbucket as a Zinc specific problem. thanks
  8. Hello with beta 4 i try to import zinc games using MAME metadata. Uncheck all option to avoid skipping any game. Launchbox import 56 games out of 71. Importing without using name data works but no metadata is imported.
  9. Hi, is this problem happening to everione or just in certain conditions? I'm just ending with the mame extras 174 download I really will like to use this app to import my MAME collection here... Gonna backup and try anyway :P
  10. 6.3 Yeah!!! Testing tonight
  11. knewlife said One thing that will help fixing the rocket launcher focus issues is giving bigbox an option similar to launchbox that completely hide\minimize big box until the launched process is closed (rocketlaubcher.exe) After some more testing with the settings I present before I found that set Suspend frontend to True causes RocketLauncher to frezee in some cases. It works fine whit Suspend frontend to False, the problem with this seeting is with the bezel feature, BigBox covers the backgrounds of the bezels and that looks odd.
  12. Jason Carr said A new beta is out; still have more bugs to fix but this gets us farther. There have also been some important changes/additions: - Video backgrounds are now supported for the games views. Rather than add new views, I enabled them for all the existing views. You can turn them on under Options > Game Images > Use Background Videos. - I removed the new Platforms Wheel with Video Backgrounds view. Instead, I've added an option similar to the games views above. You can now turn on video backgrounds under Options > Filters Images > Use Background Videos. This should now work for all the platforms views sans for the boring text list view. Thanks all. Actually RocketLauncher.exe keeps running, or waiting in background all the time the game / emulator is runnig... when the target closes, RocketLauncher does the same. And yes take your time to fix all the bugs... The RL-guys like me will be waiting :D
  13. One thing that will help fixing the rocket launcher focus issues is giving bigbox an option similar to launchbox that completely hide\minimize big box until the launched process is closed (rocketlaubcher.exe)
  14. I don't know if it was already mentioned but for those with problems with Rocketlauncher + BigBox I did this and works fine (I don't use Game Videos, just screenshots): Update RL to the last version. In RocketlauncherUI create a new Front end in RLUI settings: Name Launchbox, path Your bigbox.exe path (no launchbox.exe), Plugins Launchbox In RocketlauncherUI, Main Settings: Set Hidefrontend an SUspend frontend options to True. Restorefront end False. In Launchbox, all your emulator CMD lines for RL have to look like this: -f "..\..\LaunchBox\BigBox.exe" -p "LaunchBox" -s "American Laser Games" -r Rocektlauncher takes a long time to load (compared when using with Hyperspin) because of the many checks needed to find all LB media. During this time BigBox will operate normally (until the RL fade screen appears) because I suppose BigBox expects that the launched application take the focus and return it to Bigbox just once tha game/app as been closed. RL don't do this right away... hope there is some mode to make BIgBox "Know" when ROcketlauncher is running and act acordingly.
  15. Antropus said knewlife said 1) Can this app produce a HyperSpin compatible database with the same settings I use to import the games to Launchbox (so bot Front-Ends have the same games)? Yes. You can filter things with Lightspeed until you are happy with your list, then you can export the exact same list to multiple front-ends, including Launchbox and Hyperspin, so both will have the exact same games. If you already have a hyperspin database though, as it seems to be the case, there's a trick you can use to create a filter from that, but you will need to create a text file containing a simple list of the rom names. Once you have that file, you can temporarily removed the contents of the "All killer" folder and drop in this new file you just created and then activate the All Killer filter. That way, a custom filter matching your custom list will be created and only the games in that list will be imported. It's a cheat, but it works. knewlife said 2) Can this app use the zipped MAME extras that is used in the lastest mame version to populate Launchbox? It can use any local artwork you might have, but they have to be unzipped first. After unzipping them to their respective folders, simply point Lightspeed to those folders and all images should be imported into Launchbox. If the app can do both of this actions and also do his own job (import the games I want to Launchbox) that will be perfect :) If I understood correctly, it should do it. You will also get some very complete, selective metadata and all games should be ready to be played once in Launchbox, with no additional setup needed. A point to note: I'm currently revamping the whole app. One of the biggest new features will be the "List Mixer". Imagine that you use a front-end like Atomic in one machine, for example, but you also use hyperspin running on a second machine and you want to merge both lists and then create matching lists for both front-ends. The detail is, Hyperspin carries a lot more information, like manufacturer, year etc, while Atomic only carries the name of the ROM. With this new version, no matter what front-end you are using, you will be able to import a list from it and instead of simply importing the info available in the list, Lightspeed will populate all the missing fields, using the information from all possible sources and will create a complete list, including all kinds of information about the game. This way, you will be able to merge Atomic with Hyperspin with Attract-mode, with Launchbox for example and export this mixed list back to all of them or to different front-ends if you wish. I'm excited about this feature myself and I think this will do EXACTLY what you are looking for and more. It will take me some time to conclude all the new code though, but it's happening. Cheers, -Kris Thanks for the anwser, And yes a great feature you have planed for future releases. RocketlauncherUI can produce the text file with all games so I will probably use the cheat you mentiones, will report back. Thanks Again, Knewlife
  16. BETA REPORT: Try to create a new platform named NEC TurboGrafx-16 scraped as TurboGrafx-16, the platform was created but when I try to edit it I get this error: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: La clave proporcionada no se encontró en el diccionario. en System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key) en (AddEditPlatformForm ) en LaunchBox.Forms.AddEditPlatformForm.LoadValues() en LaunchBox.Forms.AddEditPlatformForm..ctor(Platform platform) en (ManagePlatformsForm , Object , EventArgs ) en LaunchBox.Forms.ManagePlatformsForm.editButton_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) en System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent) en LaunchBox.Controls.CustomButton.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent) en System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks) en System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m) en System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m) en System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m) en System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
  17. There is some news in the LaunchBox-Rocketlauncher plugin? The guys at RL at bussy with a new update right now but you may know something Jason. I can do some work on the rocketlauncher plugin, don't know how the RocketLauncherUI plugin works, have to check that.
  18. Hi, I have a few questions about this app, I use HyperSpin for a long time and have all my games setup in RocketLauncher (www.rlauncher.com). Rocketlauncher can work with various frontends, using his information and media. Sadly there is no plugin for Launchbox yet. The solution for now is have all games setup in Hyperspin and import exactly the same games in launchbox. No problem, just drag all the roms I have already sorted for every Platform into Launchbox. The problem is with MAME: I use a Hyperspin filtered database that contains the kind of games I want. (They can be downloaded in HyperSpin-fe.com site) I think I can't just import this database in launchbox... looking for a solution I found this app. 1) Can this app produce a HyperSpin compatible database with the same settings I use to import the games to Launchbox (so bot Front-Ends have the same games)? 2) Can this app use the zipped MAME extras that is used in the lastest mame version to populate Launchbox? If the app can do both of this actions and also do his own job (import the games I want to Launchbox) that will be perfect :)
  19. scooter1974 said Styphelus said It's the one above called "Familly Computer". Those logos look really familiar. Any former Hyperspin users here? Former Hyperspinner, checking in :) Here :P
  20. I'm in the process of add all plataform media to systems that are not automatically downloaded. Casio PV-1000 Bally Astrocade and other old systems. I should upload the here to the images to be included in LB games database?
  21. Yep, now I have to complete all of my plataform images for bigbox.... i miss most of them :P (I have some strange platforms)
  22. SentaiBrad said Yep that's the same error, thank you for checking that first. Before you make any changes to your LaunchBox XML make the back up first, I don't know whats going to happen. If this fails, there are exe's from previous LaunchBox updates in the update folder. Sort them by date and try them until you get back to LB 6.3 (they're also not named right). You can install this right on top of your current LaunchBox install and all your settings and games will remain intact. Your images may be screwed up since you made the transition to the Beta, but if you have a backup of your image folder just replace the updated one with the backup and restart LB. I installed calibri from here http://www.myfontfree.com/calibri-myfontfreecom126f34021.htm and it works... I seems I have the wrong calibri ??? :( I check fonts on control pannel and calibri bold was there but aparently don't work. Now with the recent installed font all is working ;)
  23. Changed lenguage to English. Same error I think: System.ArgumentException: La fuente 'Calibri' no es compatible con el estilo 'Bold'. en System.Drawing.Font.CreateNativeFont() en System.Drawing.Font.Initialize(FontFamily family, Single emSize, FontStyle style, GraphicsUnit unit, Byte gdiCharSet, Boolean gdiVerticalFont) en System.Drawing.Font..ctor(FontFamily family, Single emSize, FontStyle style) en (String , String , Int32 , Int32 , String ) en BigBox.App.CreateThumbnail(String sourcePath, String thumbnailPath, Int32 maxHeight, Int32 maxWidth, String caption) en () en BigBox.Controls.CoverFlow.ThumbnailManager.ThumbnailGeneration() en System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) en System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) en System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state) en System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()
  24. Ok launchbox works ok, it just bigbox that errors. Calibri Bold is installed. I have not changed themes or any font setting yet. Gonna try to edit Launchbox.xml and find calibri. EDIT: No calibri found in Launchbox.xml... I found calibri bold in the Default theme of BigBox... should I have to reinstal Calibri :/ What else can I try?
  25. I just buy Premium and try to test BigBox, got this error: System.ArgumentException: La fuente 'Calibri' no es compatible con el estilo 'Bold'. en System.Drawing.Font.CreateNativeFont() en System.Drawing.Font.Initialize(FontFamily family, Single emSize, FontStyle style, GraphicsUnit unit, Byte gdiCharSet, Boolean gdiVerticalFont) en System.Drawing.Font..ctor(FontFamily family, Single emSize, FontStyle style) en (String , String , Int32 , Int32 , String ) en BigBox.App.CreateThumbnail(String sourcePath, String thumbnailPath, Int32 maxHeight, Int32 maxWidth, String caption) en () en BigBox.Controls.CoverFlow.ThumbnailManager.ThumbnailGeneration() en System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) en System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) en System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state) en System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart() I'm using beta.. should I get back to Ofiicial Launchbox? I have all my imagens arranged in the new folders :(
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