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Everything posted by flexzi

  1. That would actually be a good idea. Thx! btw, police quest 2: the vengeance has it as well...
  2. Yeah it's a different word everytime. there's surprisingly only a handful of games. It's just that I'm running through my ScummVM emulator game-base and tried to optimize some of the video and resolutions that made me find some of these.
  3. update: this also goes for laura bow: the colonel's bequest
  4. Hi there, i have a small problem with kings quest 4, the perils of rosella. the game starts up just fine, but since i want a bigbox experience with as few delays and meaningless notifications as possible, one thing came up. When the game is started it asks for a certain word out of the manual for the game. if you don't type this word, the game will shut down and bring you back to launch/big box. is there a way to circumvent this? i could easily look at the manual, find the word and type it in, but that kind of defeats the ideal of playing directly without any delays. i don't want to grab a manual or open it next to my running game to look up a word to type in EVERY time i play the game! any solutions to this?
  5. Just to update the topic to anyone having this problem (is this how using a forum works? I'm not that savy with online things) Turns out the HDFRAMES.DAT file required to run some aspects of bladerunner in better quality resolutions is not that happy about me not loading a disc. Though it's not the ideal solution to the problem, simply keeping the 1st disc loaded in DAEMON TOOLS LITE fixed the problem. It was supposed to load without any CD's though, but at least the game is working in both windows AND launchbox. someday i'll try and fix it, i guess...
  6. Hi There! I figured this would be the place to post this, so here it goes: I have the 20thanniversary version of Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers. Since i'm having trouble getting the right datafiles for ScummVM for this one (if it is even playable on ScummVM..) I'm just running it as a windows game. The only downside (since i want to play in bigbox and want to be interrupted by screens or options as little as possible when i start a game) is that this 20th anniversary version starts up with a resolution box which makes you choose a resolution along with some other options that are not important to me. You can press play on the bottom left immediately, starting up the game. Is there a way to skip this resolution/option box completely? AKA is there a command-line parameter i can add to windows games (either in the path or command-line parameter line of the options in launchbox's editing screen for the game) that will skip this box? it would be really helpfull! thx in advance.
  7. thx for the quick reply.
  8. I'm having a problem with blade runner. Now, obviously blade runner is a tricky game to run on some computers, but this takes the cake. I've been able to determine that blade runner will either work with a german launch and installation executable available from some site (tried it and worked) or you can run (don't know how stable though) it through the newest ScummVM interpreter (mine currently is 2.1.0 git or something like that) The problem occurs when i try to use both of those solutions in launchbox. -First of all, i'm able to run the game in scummvm, pointing at the folder and telling it to add a game, blade runner is recognized and when i click the link in scummvm itself, the game will start up (at least, haven't tested the rest of the game in ScummVM yet). If i do the same, but using the 'game - add' function in launchbox, it won't work. data files not found..... -Another error occurs when i try to just run the game from the launcher (after installing it with the german installwizard which also adds some fixes, an update and other things...) it works, but i want it working in launchbox. Tested this theory quite often: -when i install the game i can run it by clicking blade.exe. no problems. restarting the computer and trying it again works as well, but once i try launching it through launchbox i get a 'blade.exe crashed' notification by windows. strangely enough, when i try the normal executable again after restarting the computer, the game won't start anymore, not in launchbox, nor normally through the executable. at least not untill i reinstall blade runner using the german installwizard. this is the link to the installer: https://www.replaying.de/files/blade-runner-patch-windows-vista-7-8-x64/ also, my exact version of ScummVM: 2.1.0git4-g2ca0235 Any thoughts?
  9. And ofcourse, a few moments later, i fin the answer. -you have to go to tools - manage emulators and check if the one you're pointing to is the right scummvm emulator. the emulator should be in a separate folder in the launchbox folder (at least it was for me). This was the older version i mentioned (1.8.1). My own scummvm emulator was in another folder entirely. Since linking to this folder didn't help (it kept opening the older version for some reason, why though???) I completely deleted the scummvm folder from the launchbox folder (don't forget to copy your games to another place if you have them in there!!). As expected, no scummvm game would launch after this, not finding a scummvm folder was an inconvenience. Copy pasting the original scummvm folder (for the 2.1.0git version) completely to the launchbox folder solved my problem. I haven't checked whether or not the drop down games list was completed now, but at least all the games supported by the latest scummvm version work now (you can use any name, as long as you search metadata for the right game and run it that way). hope this helped
  10. Hi Lory, I've been having this exact problem myself and have been looking for some solutions. So far I've at least been able to answer your question: -the problem you're having is that launchbox uses an older version of ScummVM, namely 1.8.1 or something. Most SCI games (like gabriel knight) and some other games have only been able to run through scummvm 2.0.0 or later. Their database of the 1.8.1 scummvm emulator is therefore correct, but the problem lies in getting the newer scummvm version to run. In my case, using the scummvm 2.1 git emulator (which supports more games) is the default selected emulator when i try editing details from it, however it opens 1.8.1 (which i apparently have installed somewhere on my computer) whenever i start a game. When i add a game in scummvm itself it will work, but when i try to get a game running (in this case still gabriel knight) it will give me an error telling me that no data could be found nor a path to the game, since starting it from launchbox will force the 1.8.1 version to run. A frustrating process to say the least, especially since i don't know how to change their standard scummvm emulator to mine. well, at least you have an answer.
  11. Hi, I've found a little feedback on this (specificaly PS1) and how people do this manualy when the emulator (or game for that matter) asks for another disc. Hope it helps. https://forums.emulator-zone.com/showthread.php?t=18512 This seems logical to me, since many multidisc games have save features right before their respective disc-change-moments. you'll only be playing a small portion of the game again, just like on the original console. is there a way to batch this? I'm guessing the same can be said for other emulators. Especially PS1 and DC have multi disc games where this is an issue, but i guess every disc-based-console has a multidisc game somewhere in their collection, So if their emulators should work kind of the same way.
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