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Posts posted by gStAv

  1. Yeah, Its rather strange as they both should be able to coexist but as you say, only one can hold the candle it seems.
    My rather dirty script where it puts MAMEHooker up in the food chain just before launch works great, just that you need to do this per game
    and that its not that optimal having old killed icons down the right besides the clock for each operation killing and reopening the MAMEhooker app.

    Do you know how to remove a stray icon after you kill its process btw? just to keep things tidy

  2. if anyone find their way here, I actually did get around this whit a somewhat dirty ahk launcher for games that needs MAMEHooker + its LED functions even though having LEDBLinky set up in Launchbox/Big Box
    A sctipt for Virtua Cop / Sega Model 2

    MAMEHooker vcop2.ini


    MameStart=cmo 1 baud=9600_parity=N_data=8_stop=1, cmo 2 baud=9600_parity=N_data=8_stop=1, cmw 1 S6M1x2M3x0x, cmw 2 S6M1x2M3x0x
    MameStop=cmw 1 M1x2M3x0E, cmw 2 M1x1M3x0E, cmc 1, cmc 2
    P1_LmpStart=lws 01 13 %s%
    P2_LmpStart=lws 02 24 %s%
    P1_CtmRecoil=cmw 1 F0x%s%x1x
    P2_CtmRecoil=cmw 2 F0x%s%x1x
    P1_Damaged=cmw 1 F1x2x1x,lws 1 01 %s%,lws 1 13 %s%,lws 1 10 %s%,lws 1 22 %s%,lws 1 04 %s%,lws 1 16 %s%,lws 1 07 %s%,lws 1 19 %s%
    P2_Damaged=cmw 2 F1x2x1x,lws 2 01 %s%,lws 2 13 %s%,lws 2 10 %s%,lws 2 22 %s%,lws 2 04 %s%,lws 2 16 %s%,lws 2 07 %s%,lws 2 19 %s%

    * Player 1 button 4 and Player 2 button 8 lit up when credit
    * Vibration + Red flash on respective player side when damage
    * Recoil as long as you have bullets

    Launch AHK "Virtua Cop2.ahk" with refocus when exit and extre start buttons


    #NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
    ; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
    SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
    SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
    #SingleInstance force

    Run,taskkill /im "mamehook.exe" /F
    Sleep 300
    Run, \LaunchBox\ThirdParty\mamehooker\mamehook.exe
    Sleep 300

    Run, \LaunchBox\ThirdParty\DemulShooter\DemulShooter.exe -target=model2 -rom=vcop2
    Run, emulator_multicpu.exe vcop2

    ;Extra start buttons for easy access on control panel (normally 1 and 2)


        Run,taskkill /im "emulator_multicpu.exe" /F
        Run,taskkill /im "Demulshooter.exe" /F
        Sleep 300

        if WinExist("LaunchBox Big Box")
                WinActivate ; Use the window found by WinExist.
            else if WinExist("LaunchBox")
                WinActivate ; Use the window found by WinExist.    
                Send !{ESC}

    A bit of work per title, but works damn great

  3. I have set LaunchBox to use LEDBlinky as this what I want for most of my games, but for some titles I don't want LaunchBox to activate LEDBlinky as this blocks full hooking by MAMEHooker and the LED functions is locked out.


    Is there any way to do this with a flag or checkbox?


    As if now I have to start a title with dynamic LEDs from MAMEHooker by launching it via ahk and start MAMEHooker just befor the emu exe o for the game, which isn't really is deal.


    Guess this is major overkill for most but it's damn cool having start buttons blink when you have inserted credits or having the control panel act as a police siren when playing Chase HQ and you reach the villain


    Inserted a clip which shows some games with normal LEDBlinky mapping via its xml then virtual cop 1 and 2 which is hooked by MAMEHooker and have dynamic LED on the start buttons and finnaly the ArcadePC title "Elevator Action Death Parade" in the service menu to show the elevator buttons which lists up during in-game action events.

    Understand if this is totally overkill from the normal user but a checkbox in the game menu to block LEDBlinky from hooking or the like would be awesome. 


  4. Ok, I installed LaunchBox on my C-drive and also have my MAME-install in the folder


    Running mame.exe directly works just fine and, I can save and load states, but running from LaunchBox, the saved states can't be "seen" in MAME and I also get an error when I try to save a state. Why is that and how can I get around this?

    Saw some script commands in the preferences of the MAME emulator part in LaunchBox like F7/shift+F7 and F3, why is this needed as it should be stated in the ini's of mame. Or does LaunchBox have its own config file or something? 

    Starting a game by pointing LB to run a an ahk-file works just fine.

    Please help 😭

  5. Thanks both of you! I did the blank dummy files for the three gams lacking rom files "bbh.zip", "bbhsc.zip" and "bbh2sp.zip" and it worked just fine adding them in Launchbox, :D

    Anyone got "Big Buck Hunter: Call of the Wild" working in fullscreen with the guns? Works for all games but without bezel the aim is off even when calibrated using gun4ir. just a side note though. Happy to got iy up running

    • Game On 1
  6.  Hi! I try to setup the Big Buck Hunter series of the 4 MAME (verson 0.244) titles (or is there more??)

    Big Buck Hunter - Shooter's Challange (bbhsc)
    Big Buck Hunter (v1.00.14) (bbh_160.zip)
    Big Buck Hunter - Call of the WIld (bbhcotw.zip)
    Big Buck Hunter II - Sportsmans' Paradise (bbh2sp)

    Problem I'm having is that there is only  bbh_160.zip and bbhcotw.zip
    The rest of the games seems to be CHDs only without a zip-file to point to when importig in Launchbox so I have no file to reffer to in the importer.

    Any pointers on how to proceed with this would be greatly appreciated? 😢

  7. Cool, sounds even easier, thanks. But do you know the differens with the SMS version ot the Genesis GX Plus core? Still thinking the sms is more suitable for SMS due to the naming. Would be neat to know if there's any difference from the standard Plus version 

  8. Old topic but I ran into this problem aswell, was looking at the cores used from the associated cores and found one "Genesis GX Plus" which was assigned to both but dropping down there was also a "Genesis GX Plus SMS" so using this you get two of the same core = separate control mappi g and bezel for the core. Don't know if this is a lunchbox feature or RetroArch, didnt found anything about this SMS version on Google. Works great though

  9. Thanks Joe, problem I have for my MAME games is that I didn't import a full set but only the games I have selected to save space.


    So I have the game ROMs and BIOS/system files  + needed CHDs to make it more clean and save space.


    So I imported all as rom files and not with the full set importer. File names is used from the MAME.xml so all good there but it seems that it all have 8-way joystick after rom import so I'm out of luck.

    If there's another approach I would be happy to try, but otherwise I would really appreciate if somebody could attach all the 4-way and 2-way games (both horizontal/vertical) 😘

  10. Good reading. Whish I've seen this previously. My Demul set didn't have the chds where the mame roms needed to be there was my culprit.

    Träästruggle to get light-guns going and I got Ninja Assault working with Aimtrak so I have hope for other ligjgun titles in Naomi. But I could never got atomiswave games to work. A extreme hunting 1 & 2, sport shooting usa..all have my cross hair locked in the down right part of the screen(!) anyone want to try as some of you state that all Naomi1 games working for you. ? Thanks for the thread hijack

  11. Tested with a simple AHK script and its sure doable this way but even better if Jason kicks it in the code of course :D
    Pastebinned the code in the yt description if anyoun want to have a go!


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