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Everything posted by aageon

  1. I've uploaded it to onedrive and edited the OP. No more warnings in any browser on my end. Hope this will suffice.
  2. Yes I'm sure. I hosted it on my development space before I posted here and shared it here by opening this thread. I tried hosting it here but it created a seperate thread and with spreaded comments it was a huge inconvenience, so I kept it external. That red screen in chrome even shows up on custom made game trainers. It's due how the program is made. My program closes explorer.exe and checks if a proces is running (bigbox), it's only natural to raise flags, as virus scanners cannot always get the innitial intent of the program. As the program is realy for a specific use and fairly simple I have not taken any steps to prevent this. There is no malicious code.
  3. It's a false negative. You can allow it in your anti virus. It's because it closes explorer.exe. nothing to fear
  4. Main program is written, writing the final bits on the installer (no more fiddeling around with files or version). You can choose if you want the explorer edition or the arcade edition at install, no more false virus alerts.
  5. Version 1.1 will be out before or just after christmas.
  6. I am working on it yes. I'm fully rebuilding the code and adding extra's. The release of v1.1 will be close, it will also fix the false negatives. What's new in version 1.1: One main program for both Explorer and Arcade edition (selectable on first run) Your own artwork isn't bound on the resolution of the program, instead it will scale the program to your own artwork resolution No more false negatives and removal by your anti-virus Less crashes and several bug fixes
  7. I will be updating this soon with another version that doesn't need the kill.exe anymore(kills explorer.exe) (some virus scanners see this as a virus...). This results in a program crash (lazy me ;)). So I'll be fixing this.
  8. your anti-virus removed the kill.exe from the folder. make sure you add the folder to your allow exceptions. I'm fixing this in later versions of the software.
  9. No virus in these files, if you get a fals negative, just allow it.
  10. Great ! Well the explorer edition is the correct one for you .
  11. Arcade and Explorer edition added
  12. I'll make an extra version that when you exit BigBox, explorer restarts and BigBox doesn't reboot All my Roms and emulators are set, so I don't need windows much, but will add a version next weekend for the other people.
  13. Done, but it seems like it made another thread aswell?
  14. at the moment only when you manually exit bigbox, just click on the program: hit ALT + F4 If there are some people interested in an alternative version without the restart I can whip one up. The restart is mainly for Arcade cabinets.
  15. Any suggestions or features for the next few updates are welcome. I will clean up more code and enhance some features as I move forward with some updates.
  16. Big Box Launcher v1.0.1 An Easy BigBox Launching Tool What is BigBox Launcher BigBox Launcher is an easy to install tool for Windows 7/8.1/10. It's aimed at Arcade cabinets and HTPC's. It's a tool I made for my own bartop :). What does it do? Arcade Edition: * Kills explorer.exe at startup * Launches BigBox * Scans for BigBox while using almost no extra memory * If BigBox crashes or stops unexpectedly the tool wil auto. restart and relaunch BigBox (No keyboard needed!) * Customizable program background to fit your cab (JPG) Explorer Edition: * Kills explorer.exe at startup * Launches BigBox * Scans for BigBox while using almost no extra memory * If BigBox crashes / stops unexpectedly or you close it manualy the tool wil auto. restart explorer (No keyboard needed!)/ * Customizable program background to fit your cab (JPG) How to install? - this is the only time you'll need a mouse/keyboard: - download and extract all the files in a folder of your choosing. - make a shortcut of Big Box Launcher.exe - place the shortcut in your startup folder (example: C:\Users\dennis\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\) - launch Big Box Launcher.exe with administrator rights! - navigate to your Launchbox Folder and select BigBox.exe -done Background Customization In the above image you can see a file: back.jpg You can edit this file to you liking. (warning: do not delete this file as it would still break the program. /lazy programmer) WARNING: The links below could be blocked or flagged as a virus by web browsers and virus scanners. The author of these has assured us that it is a false positive but use your own judgement and any download and use of the these files are at your own risk. - Lordmonkus Arcade Edition https://1drv.ms/u/s!AhlbtjfHTPY_hXHU8uHGuul89Mnl Explorer Edition https://1drv.ms/u/s!AhlbtjfHTPY_hXDdjFM0u5OjeP5J Demo: Enjoy!
  17. Hi All! First post and well what better then to start with a little project I've had over the summer. (running Launchbox ofcourse). GameCenter: My Selfmade Bartop Arcade I'm a 28 year old programmer/graphic designer and always loved gaming. This summer I wanted to make something: A bartop arcade of my own design with a fully serviceable design and a full blown PC inside. Pretty happy about it. Live test: So what do you guys think? http://i.imgur.com/OVvbZsd.jpg http://i.imgur.com/EvYW5F0.jpg http://i.imgur.com/6yXhHJi.jpg
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