I may do just that, when I've finished all the work of importing my ROMsets and finding all the images, which so far has been going on for 9-10 months, a few hours at a time. For some of that time I was submitting to gamesdb, but we see where that effort went. As I'm duplicating effort with every search, image replacement, and Photoshop tweak, I'll be at this for a while. Hence my suggestion.
My suggestion was to hook into gamefaqs as an alternative image source for users to choose, which would cut that time down significantly and make it a lot easier for me to contribute in that way at the same time that I'm doing my setup. Maximizing effort and time spent, in other words.
Part of the problem also stems from having to id the game manually because if I use the automatic import, it renames things arbitrarily against the entire database instead of only by platform specified, so for example some Gameboy titles are being renamed as Super Nintendo games because it finds no entry in the GB section but it finds a pattern match in SNES... And some games are renamed as something totally not related because they happened to have a word in common. Which is why it would be a good idea to incorporate at least a copy of a more complete external database into your own if using external db's is too unstable, or adding more than Wikipedia to scrape (which is really out there on a lot of matches, btw).
I'm trying to explain my user experience, to be helpful in the way I can be at the moment... if that's not useful then I registered for nothing. Sorry for wasting your time.
Edit: I wasn't trying to be rude, I obviously came off as such (and probably continue to do so) but I'm blunt. No offense meant.