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  1. Hello guys! Now available to download in the section of Game Media the # 2 pack of videothemes for Windows. I hope you like it, next stop ..... the Super Nes pack # 3 !!
  2. Cinematic Video Theme - WINDOWS PACK #2 View File Cinematic VideoThemes of the games: Battlefield 1 Darksiders II Just Cause 3 Mad Max Rise of the Tomb Raider Submitter sanicsip Submitted 02/25/2017 Category Game Theme Videos  
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Cinematic VideoThemes of the games: Battlefield 1 Darksiders II Just Cause 3 Mad Max Rise of the Tomb Raider
  4. Hi guys! I uloaded the videotheme of Chronno Trigger with logo of Squaresoft ( I kept the previous video anyway ). I present you first sketches of the 2 Windows pack, best regards!
  5. Hello everybody. Sorry for the delay, I'm very busy lately .... The 2 pack of videothemes for Super Nintendo is now available. Also I want to update the videotheme of Chrono Trigger so that the logo of squaresoft is seen but I do not know how to do it, can someone help me? Regards!
  6. Cinematic Video Theme - SNES PACK #2 View File Cinematic videothemes of the games: Contra 3 Donkey Kong Country Super Castlevania IV Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts Super Mario World 4 Submitter sanicsip Submitted 02/15/2017 Category Game Theme Videos  
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Cinematic videothemes of the games: Contra 3 Donkey Kong Country Super Castlevania IV Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts Super Mario World 4
  8. hahahah! And who does not Cisko? Little by little, as I commented before PC and Snes for the moment, count with these games in future packs: Captain Tsubasa III - Koutei no Chousen Captain Tsubasa IV - Pro no Rival Tachi Captain Tsubasa V - Hasha no Shougou Canpione. If there are better ones in super nes let me know, best regards!
  9. Thank you man! I do not have the two games you mention, but my idea is to buy them sooner or later, so count on them in the next packs! As for Captain Tsubasa 3 of Super Famicom take it for granted in the 3 pack of Super Nes (In fact I have 3 of captain tsubasa games in my super nes collection). The Nintendo 8Bits and Sega Genesis games will have to wait for it to start with that system, for now I'm going to focus on PC and Snes ...That's enough work! hahahah! Best regards!
  10. Hi guys! I put some sketches of the content of the second pack of videothemes for super nes. Probably available by the end of next week , best regards!
  11. By the way, I forgot to put the Chrono Trigger developer logo in the Snes Videothemes Pack #1, I will try to update it soon !. I will also update the video of Far Cry Primal following the pattern of the videos I just uploaded (xbox command, etc ...). Best regards!
  12. Hello guys! Now available to download in the section of Game Media the # 1 pack of videothemes for Windows. I hope you like it, next stop ..... the Super Nes pack # 2 !!
  13. Cinematic Video Theme - WINDOWS PACK #1 View File About This File Cinematic videothemes of the games: Assassin's Creed Syndicate Batman Arkham Knight Deus Ex Mankind Divide Doom Evil Within, The Submitter sanicsip Submitted 02/02/2017 Category Game Theme Videos  
  14. Version 1.0.0


    About This File Cinematic videothemes of the games: Assassin's Creed Syndicate Batman Arkham Knight Deus Ex Mankind Divide Doom Evil Within, The
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