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Everything posted by arkraider34

  1. Ah thank you. guess I looked right over that option!
  2. I'm sure this had probably been answered here before but I have been off launch box for a bit and just updated the program. Before the update big box had a nice menu with scrolling icons for each system which I liked. Now it just has them all in a list form which is less appealing to me. Is there a way to set this back how it was or is this just the new look? I tried to look for a setting but guess if it exists I'm missing it.
  3. Yeah once again no luck, I'm sure I'm doing it wrong though
  4. It just seems to come and go. last two days it hasn't been doing it, so I don't know. didn't update anything recently. wI'll look into an update if it starts up again. thanks.
  5. Just wondering if anyone has experienced this issue on here. my pc is flashing random images. seems to have started since using bigbox. noticed it when switching emulators. now it happens randomly on my pc. wondering if I'm doing something wrong or maybe have set something up wrong that is causing this. the feeling I get is that it seems to be connected to emulators switching resolutions maybe, not sure.
  6. Ok thanks, been searching for things of that nature but I'm thinking at the moment it's out of my wheel house as well. lol
  7. Thanks for the reply and the link. one question though. so am I wrong by thinking a delayed key press can be set up in the autohotkey script tab in edit emulator?
  8. Yeah I'm trying to get the mouse cursor out of the middle of the screen when launching demul. I don't know anything about autohotkey but I think if I can find the right command for getting it to press the p key after launch I may be on to a fix. but then again since I don't jlknow what I'm doing I may not! lol
  9. Ok, don't know how to use auto hotkey really but I'm trying to set a delayed keystroke command up for demul. I'm wanting it to wait a few seconds after the emulator has opened then press the p key. is this possible and if so can I just add a script to the autohotkey script in the edit emulator section?
  10. Well I'm not sure how to do that exactly. But I think I'm gonna give it rest for the night. Thanks for all the help. I'll pick it up again tomorrow and see where I get. I'm definitely making progress and can tell I'm getting close. Everyone here has been great help can't thank this comunity enough. And I will get this acomplished your time won't be for nothing! Lol
  11. No its happening in retroarch and launchbox both. I can find the image in retroarch but when I click to load it it's just a black screen that never does anything. I have two separate games in their own folders which contain both cue and bin files. And I'm trying to load the cue in retroarch.
  12. The cue
  13. Have any idea why when I go to load a game it would come up in just a black screen. Shows a prompt for a controller configuration but just sits in a black screen
  14. Damn I was really hoping to use age as a crutch, oh well now I guess I gotta try! Lol
  15. I'm 35 I have no idea what's going on. Things where easier for me in the 90's
  16. As of now I have a folder with one bin. File and one cue. File in it both are named the same. Not sure what you mean by the term "cue sheet" sorry for being a problem! Lol. I'm sure you are like "Jesus this guy" lol
  17. Ok think I'm getting somewhere I managed to get it to load to a black screen using the cue file? Am I suppose to merge the bin and cue together somehow? Now trying to figure out if I'm doing it right and it's just a bad file or if I'm suppose to combine the two in some way
  18. Wait you said cue+bin?
  19. Well most are in bin and those are not showing either.
  20. When I go to my game folder it just says no items.
  21. But I did notice that it dosent find any of my game files when searching for them through retroarch. Not sure why
  22. No just downloaded the cores and they worked
  23. No luck again, same problem with epsxe 2.0.5. I'd really like to get retroach working and I'm pretty sure it's just a setup issue in retroarch that's holding me back. I have other systems in retroarch that I'm currently running in launchbox so I'm pretty sure it's just something I have wrong on the retroarch end of things
  24. Petes opengl2 2.0 and core 2.0. But I have a bunch of bios and plugins that I copied over from my older instalation
  25. Just did and it did the same crashed and gave me a epsxe has stopped working diolog box
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