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Everything posted by arkraider34

  1. I have many bios files, I used the 1001 that was recommended by the wizard. I have an older version running and everything I've done seems to be the same as I did on the prior version. I'm really not sure why I can't get the new version going. All my games are either bin or iso
  2. Yeah same problem with epsxe 2.0.5 everytime I try and launch a game it crashes back to desktop.
  3. Ok will try it now. I actually have xebra working correctly for some games. If I can just get epsxe to exit out with controller automation I should be able to run most anything. since I continue to struggle with retroarch Id much rather just get epsxe going. Thanks gor the tip! Fingers crossed!
  4. 1.9.0 I believe, I tried updating it to 2.0 but for some reason I couldn't get 2.0 to work, just kept crashing on me. Seems ps1 emulation with launchbox is my only problem. No matter which rout I take its a new problem lol
  5. Ok I'll give it another go! Thanks for the help much appreciated.
  6. I've tried the retroarch thing for ps1 but I can't ever seem to get it to open a game in launchbox. I've got other systems running through retroarch but ps1 seems to be an issue for me.
  7. Searched the fourm for this but was coming up empty. I'm trying to get epsxe to close using the select + start combination on my xbox 360 conroller through big box. I can hit escape on my keyboard and it works fine, but when I use the control combination it exits but the game music continues to play in the background and it makes my desktop screen stay in a cropped 480p resolution. I've read many posts about a conformation box but that doesn't seem to be my issue. Anyone have a solution for this?
  8. Thanks got xebra in full screen! Having trouble with retroarch though. I'll continue to work on it see if I can get it up and running though. Thanks!
  9. Thanks for rhe reply sorry I've been away. I tried to get retroach running bUT for some reason everytime I try I can't get it to open any of the games. Not sure what I've done wrong, I've followed the tutorials as far as I can tell. Just kinda gor frustrated with it after awhile. I got to the point where if I could just get xebra to launch in full screen I'd be happy with it.
  10. Sweet worked just as I wanted. Thank you very much!
  11. Ok is there a way to tell it to use select + start. I've tried and it keeps putting it as select or start.
  12. Have mame set up and everything works great. I have controller automation set up to exit emulators by holding select and pressing start. So far all of my emulators do this except for mame. Any help on getting mame to exit in the same way? Thanks.
  13. Trying to launch ps1 emulator xebra to fullscreen in bigbox if it can be done any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
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