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Posts posted by MiamiLamiW

  1. So locally on my machine when using a Screen directly attached BigBox works flawlessly and at full speed in Bigbox with all video themes

    However I often use my HTPC over RDP and can play full blown 3D PC Games and all emulators over it with no speed or slowdown issues whatsover however when browsing Bigbox over an RDP session it slows to a crawl and skips frames majorily which doesn't make much sense versus playing the latest 3D PC Games on the same session with no issues

    Seems there's a bug or something with BigBox video and logos scrolling and playing interface over RDP and major lag and interface slowdowns


    Can this be looked into?

  2. So I've been using Moonlight Game streaming with Sunshine as the host (on my BigBox build which is a Core i7 8700K with 32GB Ram and RTX 4070 Super) and it was streaming BigBox perfeclty up until last month,

    Now everything I stream including all my emus and PC games and even videos outside of BigBox play perfectly and are smooth but BigBox animations and videos crawls to like 3fps (though the sound is still fine and not lagging) but as soon as I laucnh a PC game or Rom whatever I launch including Retroarch runs fine at full FPS

    Its weird why everything but BigBox would run buttery smooth as they even require more GPU or CPU than BigBox I would think

    All my PC games and Roms are on the same RAID drive as BigBox so they all sit on the same drive array and when running BigBox natively (not streaming) it runs smooth as hell as well it's only when gamestreaming with Moonlight

  3. Before earlier versions of Launchbox my platform categories only had 4 categories 





    However recently extra playlists categories keep on popping up it’s over 20 and I deleted them alL manually once and they came back. 

    how do I bulk delete and just keep them to the 4 above I’m not interested in these extra playlists in my platform categories and making sure they don’t pop up again 



  4. I used to be able to hit back or escape on my keyboard / controller when in Bigbox and go all the way back to the main options menu since I purchased big box years ago 

    However last year I updated to the latest version and saw an option to hold back/escape for 2 seconds (I can’t remember the exact wording) to go to the Bigbox options menu and since then I have been unable to get to the options menu after launching Bigbox please help lol

  5. 4 hours ago, cleverest said:


    My 8TB drive only has about 75GB free on it, if I install this and run the compression is it not going to be able to do anything on this drive due to the lack of available free space?

    Should be enough in either case the program will tell you how much it needs and you can temporarily move the files to a temporary USB flash or something, dedupe then move the files back and dedupe the remaining files 

  6. This forum goes into it it'.s called DiskZip Max




    It basically leverages the data disk deduplication Microsoft uses for Windows Server 2012 R2 and up. The guys in that forum ported over the dll's and libraries into Windows 10/8 (since all Windows versions, server and client share the same core OS)


    Currently Disk Deduplication saved 4TB versus NTFS file compression of my 15TB array (so my 15TB collection currently takes up 13TB with 2TB remaining. Only Images I'm missing are the Xbox 360/PS3/Nintendo Wii U stuff everything down I have currently

    Since it works at the disk level as long as the Windows OS has the DiskZip Max driver and application then any application can read your disk so no worries about recompressing etc it runs as a service in the background and dedudupes on an interval in the background while you are reading/writing new files. It works great and because of it I simply uncompressed all my Roms so they are in native format and let the dedupe save me the space

    • Thanks 1
  7. 10 hours ago, dragon57 said:

    They are on my todo list. Having said that, I will be taking some time away from the Internet very soon because of medical reasons. I'm not too sure when I'll be able to get to them.

    Great and God Speed on resolving those issues good luck!

  8. I’ve got 3 8TB drives in a 15TB Raid 5 and about 12TB deduped using DiskZip Max (to save on space) in Console, Computer and Arcade Rome  from the 1st generation consoles up until the PS2 generation. Still gathering the PS3 and Xbox360 and Wii stuff but as they are DVD and Blu-ray size I decided to get every game for the PlayStation consoles and for other consoles only the exclusives so I don’t have duplicate titles. 

    My profile has the link to my collection 


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